require 'spec_helper' describe Spree::StoreCredit do let(:currency) { "TEST" } let(:store_credit) { build(:store_credit, store_credit_attrs) } let(:store_credit_attrs) { {} } describe "callbacks" do subject { } context "amount used is greater than zero" do let(:store_credit) { create(:store_credit, amount: 100, amount_used: 1) } subject { store_credit.destroy } it 'can not delete the store credit' do subject expect(store_credit.reload).to eq store_credit expect(store_credit.errors[:amount_used]).to include("is greater than zero. Can not delete store credit") end end context "category is a non-expiring type" do let!(:secondary_credit_type) { create(:secondary_credit_type) } let(:store_credit) { build(:store_credit, credit_type: nil)} before do allow(store_credit.category).to receive(:non_expiring?).and_return(true) end it "sets the credit type to non-expiring" do subject expect( eq end end context "category is an expiring type" do before do allow(store_credit.category).to receive(:non_expiring?).and_return(false) end it "sets the credit type to non-expiring" do subject expect( eq "Expiring" end end context "the type is set" do let!(:secondary_credit_type) { create(:secondary_credit_type)} let(:store_credit) { build(:store_credit, credit_type: secondary_credit_type)} before do allow(store_credit.category).to receive(:non_expiring?).and_return(false) end it "doesn't overwrite the type" do expect{ subject }.to_not change{ store_credit.credit_type } end end end describe "validations" do describe "used amount should not be greater than the credited amount" do context "the used amount is defined" do let(:invalid_store_credit) { build(:store_credit, amount: 100, amount_used: 150) } it "should not be valid" do expect(invalid_store_credit).not_to be_valid end it "should set the correct error message" do invalid_store_credit.valid? expect(invalid_store_credit.errors.full_messages).to include("Amount used cannot be greater than the credited amount") end end context "the used amount is not defined yet" do let(:store_credit) { build(:store_credit, amount: 100) } it "should be valid" do expect(store_credit).to be_valid end end end describe "amount used less than or equal to amount" do subject { build(:store_credit, amount_used: 101.0, amount: 100.0) } it "is not valid" do expect(subject).not_to be_valid end it "adds an error message about the invalid amount used" do subject.valid? expect(subject.errors[:amount_used]).to include("cannot be greater than the credited amount") end end describe "amount authorized less than or equal to amount" do subject { build(:store_credit, amount_authorized: 101.0, amount: 100.0) } it "is not valid" do expect(subject).not_to be_valid end it "adds an error message about the invalid authorized amount" do subject.valid? expect(subject.errors[:amount_authorized]).to include(" exceeds the available credit") end end describe "editing category" do let!(:store_credit) { create(:store_credit) } let!(:test_category) { create(:store_credit_category, name: "Testing") } subject { store_credit.update_attributes(category: test_category) } it "returns false" do expect(subject).to eq false end it "category doesn't change" do expect { subject }.not_to change { store_credit.reload.category } end it "adds an error message about not being able to edit the category" do subject expect(store_credit.errors[:category]).to include("cannot be modified") end end end describe "#display_amount" do it "returns a Spree::Money instance" do expect(store_credit.display_amount).to be_instance_of(Spree::Money) end end describe "#display_amount_used" do it "returns a Spree::Money instance" do expect(store_credit.display_amount_used).to be_instance_of(Spree::Money) end end describe "#display_amount_authorized" do it "returns a Spree::Money instance" do expect(store_credit.display_amount_authorized).to be_instance_of(Spree::Money) end end describe "#amount_remaining" do context "invalidated" do before { allow(store_credit).to receive(:invalidated?) { true } } it { expect(store_credit.amount_remaining).to eq 0.0 } end context "the amount_used is not defined" do context "the authorized amount is not defined" do it "returns the credited amount" do expect(store_credit.amount_remaining).to eq store_credit.amount end end context "the authorized amount is defined" do let(:authorized_amount) { 15.00 } before { store_credit.update_attributes(amount_authorized: authorized_amount) } it "subtracts the authorized amount from the credited amount" do expect(store_credit.amount_remaining).to eq (store_credit.amount - authorized_amount) end end end context "the amount_used is defined" do let(:amount_used) { 10.0 } before { store_credit.update_attributes(amount_used: amount_used) } context "the authorized amount is not defined" do it "subtracts the amount used from the credited amount" do expect(store_credit.amount_remaining).to eq (store_credit.amount - amount_used) end end context "the authorized amount is defined" do let(:authorized_amount) { 15.00 } before { store_credit.update_attributes(amount_authorized: authorized_amount) } it "subtracts the amount used and the authorized amount from the credited amount" do expect(store_credit.amount_remaining).to eq (store_credit.amount - amount_used - authorized_amount) end end end end describe "#authorize" do context "amount is valid" do let(:authorization_amount) { 1.0 } let(:added_authorization_amount) { 3.0 } let(:originator) { nil } context "amount has not been authorized yet" do before { store_credit.update_attributes(amount_authorized: authorization_amount) } it "returns true" do expect(store_credit.authorize(store_credit.amount - authorization_amount, store_credit.currency)).to be_truthy end it "adds the new amount to authorized amount" do store_credit.authorize(added_authorization_amount, store_credit.currency) expect(store_credit.reload.amount_authorized).to eq (authorization_amount + added_authorization_amount) end context "originator is present" do let(:originator) { create(:user) } # won't actually be a user. just giving it a valid model here subject { store_credit.authorize(added_authorization_amount, store_credit.currency, action_originator: originator) } it "records the originator" do expect { subject }.to change { Spree::StoreCreditEvent.count }.by(1) expect(Spree::StoreCreditEvent.last.originator).to eq originator end end end context "authorization has already happened" do let!(:auth_event) { create(:store_credit_auth_event, store_credit: store_credit) } before { store_credit.update_attributes(amount_authorized: store_credit.amount) } it "returns true" do expect(store_credit.authorize(store_credit.amount, store_credit.currency, action_authorization_code: auth_event.authorization_code)).to be true end end end context "amount is invalid" do it "returns false" do expect(store_credit.authorize(store_credit.amount * 2, store_credit.currency)).to be false end end end describe "#validate_authorization" do context "insufficient funds" do subject { store_credit.validate_authorization(store_credit.amount * 2, store_credit.currency) } it "returns false" do expect(subject).to be false end it "adds an error to the model" do subject expect(store_credit.errors.full_messages).to include("Store credit amount remaining is not sufficient") end end context "currency mismatch" do subject { store_credit.validate_authorization(store_credit.amount, "EUR") } it "returns false" do expect(subject).to be false end it "adds an error to the model" do subject expect(store_credit.errors.full_messages).to include("Store credit currency does not match order currency") end end context "valid authorization" do subject { store_credit.validate_authorization(store_credit.amount, store_credit.currency) } it "returns true" do expect(subject).to be true end end context 'troublesome floats' do # 8.21.to_d < 8.21 => true let(:store_credit_attrs) { {amount: 8.21} } subject { store_credit.validate_authorization(store_credit_attrs[:amount], store_credit.currency) } it { be_truthy } end end describe "#capture" do let(:authorized_amount) { 10.00 } let(:auth_code) { "23-SC-20140602164814476128" } before do @original_authed_amount = store_credit.amount_authorized @auth_code = store_credit.authorize(authorized_amount, store_credit.currency) end context "insufficient funds" do subject { store_credit.capture(authorized_amount * 2, @auth_code, store_credit.currency) } it "returns false" do expect(subject).to be false end it "adds an error to the model" do subject expect(store_credit.errors.full_messages).to include("Unable to capture more than authorized amount") end it "does not update the store credit model" do expect { subject }.to_not change { store_credit } end end context "currency mismatch" do subject { store_credit.capture(authorized_amount, @auth_code, "EUR") } it "returns false" do expect(subject).to be false end it "adds an error to the model" do subject expect(store_credit.errors.full_messages).to include("Store credit currency does not match order currency") end it "does not update the store credit model" do expect { subject }.to_not change { store_credit } end end context "valid capture" do let(:remaining_authorized_amount) { 1 } let(:originator) { nil } subject { store_credit.capture(authorized_amount - remaining_authorized_amount, @auth_code, store_credit.currency, action_originator: originator) } it "returns true" do expect(subject).to be_truthy end it "updates the authorized amount to the difference between the store credits total authed amount and the authorized amount for this event" do subject expect(store_credit.reload.amount_authorized).to eq(@original_authed_amount) end it "updates the used amount to the current used amount plus the captured amount" do subject expect(store_credit.reload.amount_used).to eq authorized_amount - remaining_authorized_amount end context "originator is present" do let(:originator) { create(:user) } # won't actually be a user. just giving it a valid model here it "records the originator" do expect { subject }.to change { Spree::StoreCreditEvent.count }.by(1) expect(Spree::StoreCreditEvent.last.originator).to eq originator end end end end describe "#void" do let(:auth_code) { "1-SC-20141111111111" } let(:store_credit) { create(:store_credit, amount_used: 150.0) } let(:originator) { nil } subject do store_credit.void(auth_code, action_originator: originator) end context "no event found for auth_code" do it "returns false" do expect(subject).to be false end it "adds an error to the model" do subject expect(store_credit.errors.full_messages).to include("Unable to void code: #{auth_code}") end end context "capture event found for auth_code" do let(:captured_amount) { 10.0 } let!(:capture_event) { create(:store_credit_auth_event, action: Spree::StoreCredit::CAPTURE_ACTION, authorization_code: auth_code, amount: captured_amount, store_credit: store_credit) } it "returns false" do expect(subject).to be false end it "does not change the amount used on the store credit" do expect { subject }.to_not change{ store_credit.amount_used.to_f } end end context "auth event found for auth_code" do let(:auth_event) { create(:store_credit_auth_event) } let(:authorized_amount) { 10.0 } let!(:auth_event) { create(:store_credit_auth_event, authorization_code: auth_code, amount: authorized_amount, store_credit: store_credit) } it "returns true" do expect(subject).to be true end it "returns the capture amount to the store credit" do expect { subject }.to change{ store_credit.amount_authorized.to_f }.by(-authorized_amount) end context "originator is present" do let(:originator) { create(:user) } # won't actually be a user. just giving it a valid model here it "records the originator" do expect { subject }.to change { Spree::StoreCreditEvent.count }.by(1) expect(Spree::StoreCreditEvent.last.originator).to eq originator end end end end describe "#credit" do let(:event_auth_code) { "1-SC-20141111111111" } let(:amount_used) { 10.0 } let(:store_credit) { create(:store_credit, amount_used: amount_used) } let!(:capture_event) { create(:store_credit_auth_event, action: Spree::StoreCredit::CAPTURE_ACTION, authorization_code: event_auth_code, amount: captured_amount, store_credit: store_credit) } let(:originator) { nil } subject {, auth_code, currency, action_originator: originator) } context "currency does not match" do let(:currency) { "AUD" } let(:credit_amount) { 5.0 } let(:captured_amount) { 100.0 } let(:auth_code) { event_auth_code } it "returns false" do expect(subject).to be false end it "adds an error message about the currency mismatch" do subject expect(store_credit.errors.full_messages).to include("Store credit currency does not match order currency") end end context "unable to find capture event" do let(:currency) { "USD" } let(:credit_amount) { 5.0 } let(:captured_amount) { 100.0 } let(:auth_code) { "UNKNOWN_CODE" } it "returns false" do expect(subject).to be false end it "adds an error message about the currency mismatch" do subject expect(store_credit.errors.full_messages).to include("Unable to credit code: #{auth_code}") end end context "amount is more than what is captured" do let(:currency) { "USD" } let(:credit_amount) { 100.0 } let(:captured_amount) { 5.0 } let(:auth_code) { event_auth_code } it "returns false" do expect(subject).to be false end it "adds an error message about the currency mismatch" do subject expect(store_credit.errors.full_messages).to include("Unable to credit code: #{auth_code}") end end context "amount is successfully credited" do let(:currency) { "USD" } let(:credit_amount) { 5.0 } let(:captured_amount) { 100.0 } let(:auth_code) { event_auth_code } context "credit_to_new_allocation is set" do before { Spree::Config[:credit_to_new_allocation] = true } it "returns true" do expect(subject).to be true end it "creates a new store credit record" do expect { subject }.to change { Spree::StoreCredit.count }.by(1) end it "does not create a new store credit event on the parent store credit" do expect { subject }.to_not change { store_credit.store_credit_events.count } end context "credits the passed amount to a new store credit record" do before do subject @new_store_credit = Spree::StoreCredit.last end it "does not set the amount used on hte originating store credit" do expect(store_credit.reload.amount_used).to eq amount_used end it "sets the correct amount on the new store credit" do expect(@new_store_credit.amount).to eq credit_amount end [:user_id, :category_id, :created_by_id, :currency, :type_id].each do |attr| it "sets attribute #{attr} inherited from the originating store credit" do expect(@new_store_credit.send(attr)).to eq store_credit.send(attr) end end it "sets a memo" do expect(@new_store_credit.memo).to eq "This is a credit from store credit ID #{}" end end context "originator is present" do let(:originator) { create(:user) } # won't actually be a user. just giving it a valid model here it "records the originator" do expect { subject }.to change { Spree::StoreCreditEvent.count }.by(1) expect(Spree::StoreCreditEvent.last.originator).to eq originator end end end context "credit_to_new_allocation is not set" do it "returns true" do expect(subject).to be true end it "credits the passed amount to the store credit amount used" do subject expect(store_credit.reload.amount_used).to eq (amount_used - credit_amount) end it "creates a new store credit event" do expect { subject }.to change { store_credit.store_credit_events.count }.by(1) end end end end describe "#amount_used" do context "amount used is not defined" do subject { } it "returns zero" do expect(subject.amount_used).to be_zero end end context "amount used is defined" do let(:amount_used) { 100.0 } subject { create(:store_credit, amount_used: amount_used) } it "returns the attribute value" do expect(subject.amount_used).to eq amount_used end end end describe "#amount_authorized" do context "amount authorized is not defined" do subject { } it "returns zero" do expect(subject.amount_authorized).to be_zero end end context "amount authorized is defined" do let(:amount_authorized) { 100.0 } subject { create(:store_credit, amount_authorized: amount_authorized) } it "returns the attribute value" do expect(subject.amount_authorized).to eq amount_authorized end end end describe "#can_capture?" do let(:store_credit) { create(:store_credit) } let(:payment) { create(:payment, state: payment_state) } subject { store_credit.can_capture?(payment) } context "pending payment" do let(:payment_state) { 'pending' } it "returns true" do expect(subject).to be true end end context "checkout payment" do let(:payment_state) { 'checkout' } it "returns true" do expect(subject).to be true end end context "void payment" do let(:payment_state) { Spree::StoreCredit::VOID_ACTION } it "returns false" do expect(subject).to be false end end context "invalid payment" do let(:payment_state) { 'invalid' } it "returns false" do expect(subject).to be false end end context "complete payment" do let(:payment_state) { 'completed' } it "returns false" do expect(subject).to be false end end end describe "#can_void?" do let(:store_credit) { create(:store_credit) } let(:payment) { create(:payment, state: payment_state) } subject { store_credit.can_void?(payment) } context "pending payment" do let(:payment_state) { 'pending' } it "returns true" do expect(subject).to be true end end context "checkout payment" do let(:payment_state) { 'checkout' } it "returns false" do expect(subject).to be false end end context "void payment" do let(:payment_state) { Spree::StoreCredit::VOID_ACTION } it "returns false" do expect(subject).to be false end end context "invalid payment" do let(:payment_state) { 'invalid' } it "returns false" do expect(subject).to be false end end context "complete payment" do let(:payment_state) { 'completed' } it "returns false" do expect(subject).to be false end end end describe "#can_credit?" do let(:store_credit) { create(:store_credit) } let(:payment) { create(:payment, state: payment_state) } subject { store_credit.can_credit?(payment) } context "payment is not completed" do let(:payment_state) { "pending" } it "returns false" do expect(subject).to be false end end context "payment is completed" do let(:payment_state) { "completed" } context "credit is owed on the order" do before { allow(payment.order).to receive_messages(payment_state: 'credit_owed') } context "payment doesn't have allowed credit" do before { allow(payment).to receive_messages(credit_allowed: 0.0) } it "returns false" do expect(subject).to be false end end context "payment has allowed credit" do before { allow(payment).to receive_messages(credit_allowed: 5.0) } it "returns true" do expect(subject).to be true end end end end describe "#store_events" do context "create" do context "user has one store credit" do let(:store_credit_amount) { 100.0 } subject { create(:store_credit, amount: store_credit_amount) } it "creates a store credit event" do expect { subject }.to change { Spree::StoreCreditEvent.count }.by(1) end it "makes the store credit event an allocation event" do expect(subject.store_credit_events.first.action).to eq Spree::StoreCredit::ALLOCATION_ACTION end it "saves the user's total store credit in the event" do expect(subject.store_credit_events.first.user_total_amount).to eq store_credit_amount end end context "user has multiple store credits" do let(:store_credit_amount) { 100.0 } let(:additional_store_credit_amount) { 200.0 } let(:user) { create(:user) } let!(:store_credit) { create(:store_credit, user: user, amount: store_credit_amount) } subject { create(:store_credit, user: user, amount: additional_store_credit_amount) } it "saves the user's total store credit in the event" do expect(subject.store_credit_events.first.user_total_amount).to eq (store_credit_amount + additional_store_credit_amount) end end context "an action is specified" do it "creates an event with the set action" do store_credit = build(:store_credit) store_credit.action = Spree::StoreCredit::VOID_ACTION store_credit.action_authorization_code = "1-SC-TEST" expect {! }.to change { Spree::StoreCreditEvent.where(action: Spree::StoreCredit::VOID_ACTION).count }.by(1) end end end end end describe "#update_amount" do let(:invalidation_user) { create(:user) } let(:invalidation_reason) { create(:store_credit_update_reason) } subject { store_credit.update_amount(amount, invalidation_reason, invalidation_user) } context "amount is valid" do let(:amount) { 10.0 } before { store_credit.update_attributes!(amount: 30.0) } it "returns true" do expect(subject).to eq true end it "creates an adjustment store credit event" do expect { subject }.to change { store_credit.store_credit_events.where(action: Spree::StoreCredit::ADJUSTMENT_ACTION).count }.from(0).to(1) end it "sets the adjustment amount on the store credit event correctly" do subject expect(store_credit.store_credit_events.find_by(action: Spree::StoreCredit::ADJUSTMENT_ACTION).amount).to eq -20 end it "sets the originator on the store credit event correctly" do subject expect(store_credit.store_credit_events.find_by(action: Spree::StoreCredit::ADJUSTMENT_ACTION).originator).to eq invalidation_user end end context "amount is invalid" do let(:amount) { -10.0 } it "returns false" do expect(subject).to eq false end it "doesn't create an adjustment store credit event" do expect { subject }.to_not change { store_credit.store_credit_events.where(action: Spree::StoreCredit::ADJUSTMENT_ACTION).count } end end end describe "#invalidate" do let(:invalidation_user) { create(:user) } let(:invalidation_reason) { create(:store_credit_update_reason) } before do! end subject { store_credit.invalidate(invalidation_reason, invalidation_user) } it "sets the invalidated_at field to the current time" do invalidated_at = Time.current Timecop.freeze(invalidated_at) do subject expect(store_credit.invalidated_at).to eq invalidated_at end end context "there is an uncaptured authorization" do before { store_credit.authorize(5.0, "USD") } it "prevents invalidation" do expect { subject }.to_not change { store_credit.reload.invalidated_at } expect(store_credit.errors[:invalidated_at].join).to match /uncaptured authorization/ end end context "there is a captured authorization" do before do auth_code = store_credit.authorize(5.0, "USD") store_credit.capture(5.0, auth_code, "USD") end it "can invalidate the rest of the store credit" do expect { subject }.to change { store_credit.reload.invalidated_at } expect(store_credit.errors).to be_blank end it "creates a store credit event for the invalidation" do expect { subject }.to change { store_credit.store_credit_events.where(action: Spree::StoreCredit::INVALIDATE_ACTION).count }.from(0).to(1) end it "assigns the originator as the user that is performing the invalidation" do subject expect(store_credit.store_credit_events.find_by(action: Spree::StoreCredit::INVALIDATE_ACTION).originator).to eq invalidation_user end end end end