# Coverage reporting, needs to be loaded first to capture all code coverage stats require 'simplecov' # Setup a sample rails app for testing rails modules sample_root = File.expand_path(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), '..', 'tmp', 'sampleapp')) FileUtils.rm_rf(sample_root) if File.exists?(sample_root) `rails new #{sample_root} --skip-bundle --skip-sprockets` # Setup environment variables for the Rails instance ENV['RAILS_ENV'] = 'test' ENV['BUNDLE_GEMFILE'] ||= File.join(sample_root, 'Gemfile') # Load the newly created rails instance environment require "#{sample_root}/config/environment" # Some other dependencies for testing w/ shoulda and factory girl require 'shoulda' require 'mocha' require 'factory_girl' require 'factories' require 'rails/test_help' # Load the challah libraries require 'challah' require 'challah/test' # Setup the challah app, including running migrations within the rails app # TODO - this causes some annoying output in 1.9.3, still works, but would like to suppress `rake --rakefile #{File.join(sample_root, 'Rakefile')} challah:setup:migrations` # Run migrations for the sample app, hiding output ActiveRecord::Migration.verbose = false ActiveRecord::Migrator.migrate("#{Rails.root}/db/migrate") # Use ActiveSupport::TestCase for any tests using factories and database saving, # so we can have a transactional rollback after each test. class ActiveSupport::TestCase include FactoryGirl::Syntax::Methods self.use_transactional_fixtures = true end class MockController include Challah::Controller attr_accessor :request, :session, :params def initialize() @request = MockRequest.new @session ||= {} @params ||= {} end def redirect_to(*args) # do nothing end def login_path "/login" end def logout_path "/logout" end end class MockRequest attr_accessor :cookie_jar, :session_options, :url class MockCookieJar < Hash def delete(key, options = {}) super(key) end end def initialize @cookie_jar = MockCookieJar.new @session_options = { :domain => 'test.dev' } @url = "http://example.com/" end def cookies @cookie_jar end def cookies=(value) @cookie_jar = value end def remote_ip "" end def user_agent "Some Cool Browser" end end # Monkey patch fix for shoulda and Rails 3.1+. module Shoulda module ActiveRecord module Matchers class AssociationMatcher protected def foreign_key reflection.foreign_key end end end end end