There are two scenarios that have to be covered.
a. the current month that loads when the page opens:
- for this purpose we have hooked into the basic constructor of the calendario object
- there was an option inside calendario.js, in the _init function, inside which is called a _generateTemplate function. INside that function there is an option to call a callback function at the end of the _generateTemplate.
- so I have defined a custom function here in this file, and passed it in the options of the calendario instance, labelled as "callback".
- this is then passed to the _generateTemplate function and called at the end of that function.
- the callback defined in this file is "load_current_month".
b. the months that load when we click , prev/next
- here we have hooked into the function called updateMonthYear.
- here we just get the current_month and year, from calendario itself and use that to calculate the start moment and end moment.
Common pathway for both functions in the end is as follows:
call get_activities(callback, start_moment, end_moment)
this makes the ajax calls to the server, and returns the data to the callback function mentioned in the get_activities function call.
the callback defined in this file is "update_calendar_images_and_popups", which basically uses the data got back to update the individual date cells, based on the data-attribute, which we added in the calendario.js file.
@param done_function[fn] : the function to be called after the data is done loading.
@param start_moment[Moment] : a Moment.js object reflecting the start_point from when to get the activities
@param end_moment[Moment] : a Moment.js object reflecting the end_point upto which to get the activities.
@returns : the result of the $.get call.
var get_activities = function(done_function,start_moment,end_moment){
//if these are null then we will get inbuilt defaults from the server.
$.get( "/get_activities",
{ user_id: $("#user_data").data("resource").id, range: {from: start_moment.unix(), to: end_moment.unix()} , only:["image_url"]},
This should be called in the following style, wherever get_activities is called
@param done_function[fn] :
@param start_moment[Moment] :
@returns : dateStrings of most active months, as an array
var get_most_active_months = function(done_function,start_moment){
The callback function for get_activities
@param data[Object] : object returned from server, from the get_activities call
@return: nil
var update_calendar_images_and_popups = function(data){
for(epoch in data){
var dateStr = moment.utc(parseInt(epoch)*1000).format('MM-DD-YYYY');
//get that particular datestr data-attribute
var dateDiv = $("[data-strdate='" + dateStr +"']")[0];
var activity = data[epoch];
//now update the dateDiv as needed.
The callback function for the get_most_active_months
var update_most_active_months_dots = function(data){
//get the calendar div.
//then add the dots.
//text-lighten or darken.
pads the given number to the required number of digits.
@used_in : #updateMonthYear, to get the month number , correctly padded.
@param number[Integer] : the number we have
@param digits[Integer] : required number of digits to pad it to.
@return[Integer] : the @number padded with zero's to get the number of @digits
var padDigits = function(number, digits) {
return Array(Math.max(digits - String(number).length + 1, 0)).join(0) + number;
called inside the jquery.calendario.js file.
calendar instance is passed into it, so that you can successfully determine the start date and end date.
whenever we do something.call , the current global object is passed in as "this" as the default argument.
so current_month_load is registered as "callback" property in the calendario instance, that was initialized above, and in the generate_template function inside calendario.js, it is passed in as the callback, and "called", so by default the calendario instance is passed to it(current_month_load function), and we use it to determine the start_momeht and end_moment.
@used_in : $calendario.calendario , below in this file, the basic constructor for the calendar object. This is used to populate the data for the month that loads by default on the page.
@param Calendario[Object] : the calendario instance
@return nil.
var current_month_load = function(){
var base_moment = moment(this.today);
var start_moment = base_moment.startOf("month");
var end_moment = base_moment.endOf("month");
var transEndEventNames = {
'WebkitTransition' : 'webkitTransitionEnd',
'MozTransition' : 'transitionend',
'OTransition' : 'oTransitionEnd',
'msTransition' : 'MSTransitionEnd',
'transition' : 'transitionend'
transEndEventName = transEndEventNames[ Modernizr.prefixed( 'transition' ) ],
$wrapper = $( '#custom-inner' ),
$calendar = $( '#calendar' ),
cal = $calendar.calendario( {
onDayClick : function( $el, $contentEl, dateProperties ){
if( $contentEl.length > 0 ) {
showEvents( $contentEl, dateProperties );
caldata : codropsEvents,
displayWeekAbbr : true,
callback: current_month_load
} ),
$month = $( '#custom-month' ).html( cal.getMonthName() ),
$year = $( '#custom-year' ).html( cal.getYear() );
$( '#custom-next' ).on( 'click', function() {
cal.gotoNextMonth( updateMonthYear );
} );
$( '#custom-prev' ).on( 'click', function() {
cal.gotoPreviousMonth( updateMonthYear );
} );
function updateMonthYear() {
$month.html( cal.getMonthName() );
$year.html( cal.getYear() );
from this point it is custom , for Wordjelly purpose.
var month = cal.getMonth(),
year = cal.getYear(),
day = "01";
var start_moment = moment(year.toString() + "-" + padDigits(month,2).toString() + "-" + day);
var end_moment = (moment(year.toString() + "-" + padDigits(month,2).toString() + "-" + day)).endOf("month");
// just an example..
function showEvents( $contentEl, dateProperties ) {
var $events = $( 'Events for ' + dateProperties.monthname + ' ' + dateProperties.day + ', ' + dateProperties.year + '
' ),
$close = $( '' ).on( 'click', hideEvents );
$events.append( $contentEl.html() , $close ).insertAfter( $wrapper );
setTimeout( function() {
$events.css( 'top', '0%' );
}, 25 );
function hideEvents() {
var $events = $( '#custom-content-reveal' );
if( $events.length > 0 ) {
$events.css( 'top', '100%' );
Modernizr.csstransitions ? $events.on( transEndEventName, function() { $( this ).remove(); } ) : $events.remove();