require File.dirname(File.join(__rhoGetCurrentDir(), __FILE__)) + '/../../spec_helper' require File.dirname(File.join(__rhoGetCurrentDir(), __FILE__)) + '/fixtures/classes' describe "Kernel#instance_variable_get" do before(:each) do @obj = @obj.instance_variable_set("@test", :test) end it "tries to convert the passed argument to a String using #to_str" do obj = mock("to_str") obj.should_receive(:to_str).and_return("@test") @obj.instance_variable_get(obj) end it "returns the value of the passed instance variable that is referred to by the conversion result" do obj = mock("to_str") obj.stub!(:to_str).and_return("@test") @obj.instance_variable_get(obj).should == :test end it "returns nil when the referred instance variable does not exist" do @obj.instance_variable_get(:@does_not_exist).should be_nil end it "raises a TypeError when the passed argument does not respond to #to_str" do lambda { @obj.instance_variable_get( }.should raise_error(TypeError) end it "raises a TypeError when the passed argument can't be converted to a String" do obj = mock("to_str") obj.stub!(:to_str).and_return(123) lambda { @obj.instance_variable_get(obj) }.should raise_error(TypeError) end it "raises a NameError when the conversion result does not start with an '@'" do obj = mock("to_str") obj.stub!(:to_str).and_return("test") lambda { @obj.instance_variable_get(obj) }.should raise_error(NameError) end end describe "Kernel#instance_variable_get when passed Symbol" do before(:each) do @obj = @obj.instance_variable_set("@test", :test) end it "returns the value of the instance variable that is referred to by the passed Symbol" do @obj.instance_variable_get(:@test).should == :test end it "raises a NameError when the passed Symbol does not start with an '@'" do lambda { @obj.instance_variable_get(:test) }.should raise_error(NameError) end end describe "Kernel#instance_variable_get when passed String" do before(:each) do @obj = @obj.instance_variable_set("@test", :test) end it "returns the value of the instance variable that is referred to by the passed String" do @obj.instance_variable_get("@test").should == :test end it "raises a NameError when the passed String does not start with an '@'" do lambda { @obj.instance_variable_get("test") }.should raise_error(NameError) end end describe "Kernel#instance_variable_get when passed Fixnum" do before(:each) do @obj = @obj.instance_variable_set("@test", :test) end ruby_version_is "" ... "1.9" do deviates_on :rubinius do it "always raises an ArgumentError" do lambda { @obj.instance_variable_get(0) }.should raise_error(ArgumentError) lambda { @obj.instance_variable_get(10) }.should raise_error(ArgumentError) lambda { @obj.instance_variable_get(100) }.should raise_error(ArgumentError) lambda { @obj.instance_variable_get(-100) }.should raise_error(ArgumentError) end end not_compliant_on :rubinius do it "tries to convert the passed Integer to a Symbol and returns the instance variable that is referred by the Symbol" do @obj.instance_variable_get(:@test.to_i).should == :test end it "outputs a warning" do lambda { @obj.instance_variable_get(:@test.to_i) }.should complain(/#{"do not use Fixnums as Symbols"}/) end it "raises an ArgumentError when the passed Fixnum can't be converted to a Symbol" do lambda { @obj.instance_variable_get(-10) }.should raise_error(ArgumentError) end it "raises a NameError when the Symbol does not start with an '@'" do lambda { @obj.instance_variable_get(:test.to_i) }.should raise_error(NameError) end end end ruby_version_is "1.9" do it "raises a TypeError" do lambda { @obj.instance_variable_get(10) }.should raise_error(TypeError) lambda { @obj.instance_variable_get(-10) }.should raise_error(TypeError) end end end