$: << File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../lib') require 'test/unit' require 'valuable.rb' require 'date' require File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../examples/phone_number') class Person < Valuable has_value :dob, :klass => :date has_collection :dreams, :default => [:happiness, :respect] end class Chemical < Valuable has_value :ph, :klass => :decimal end class TypicalTest < Test::Unit::TestCase def test_that_dates_can_be_set_directly born_on = Date.civil(1976, 07, 26) me = Person.new( :dob => born_on ) assert_equal( born_on, me.dob ) end def test_that_date_do_not_flip_out me = Person.new( :dob => "" ) assert_equal( nil, me.dob ) end def test_that_dates_are_parsed_from_strings neil_born_on = 'August 5, 1930' neil = Person.new( :dob => neil_born_on ) assert_equal( Date.civil( 1930, 8, 5 ), neil.dob ) end def test_that_a_date_might_not_be_set_yet_and_that_can_be_ok dr_who = Person.new( :dob => nil ) assert_nil( dr_who.dob ) end def test_that_collections_are_typified people = Class.new(Valuable) people.has_collection( :phones, :klass => PhoneNumber ) person = people.new(:phones => ['8668675309']) assert_kind_of( Array, person.phones ) assert_kind_of( PhoneNumber, person.phones.first ) end def test_that_it_discovers_an_invalid_klass animal = Class.new(Valuable) assert_raises ArgumentError, "Animal doesn't know how to format species with :klass => 'invalid'" do animal.has_value :species, :klass => :invalid end end def test_that_decimals_typified lemon_juice = Chemical.new(:ph => 1.8) assert_kind_of BigDecimal, lemon_juice.ph end def test_that_nil_input_is_preserved_for_decimals lemon_juice = Chemical.new(:ph => nil) assert_equal nil, lemon_juice.ph end def test_that_it_uses_the_default_collection assert_equal Person.new.dreams, [:happiness, :respect] end def test_that_we_can_prevent_blanks device = Class.new(Valuable) device.has_value( :battery_percent, :allow_blank => false ) cell = device.new(:battery_percent => '') assert_equal( nil, cell.battery_percent ) end end