require 'spec_helper' module Marty::DataGridSpec describe DataGrid do G1 =<=600<700\t>=700<750\t>=750 CA\t<=80\t1.1\t2.2\t3.3 TX|HI\t>80<=105\t4.4\t5.5\t6.6 NM\t<=80\t1.2\t2.3\t3.4 MA\t>80<=105\t4.5\t5.6\t \t<=80\t11\t22\t33 EOS G2 =<=100<110\t>=110<120\t>=120 \t\t>=600<700\t>=700<750\t>=750 1|2\t<=80\t1.1\t2.2\t3.3 1|2\t>80<=105\t4.4\t5.5\t6.6 3|4\t<=80\t1.2\t2.3\t3.4 3|4\t>80<=105\t4.5\t5.6\t6.7 EOS G3 ="../srp_data.csv", __FILE__)).read G4 =<60<=70\t>70<=75\t>75<=80\t>80<=85\t>85<=90\t>90<=95\t>95<=97 true\t-0.750\t-0.750\t-0.750\t-1.500\t-1.500\t-1.500\t\t EOS G5 =<115<=135\t-0.750 EOS G6 =<115<=135 -0.375\t-0.750 EOS G7 =<60<=70\t>70<=75\t>75<=80\t>80<=85\t>85<=90\t>90<=95\t>95<=97 true\tThis\tis\ta\ttest\tof\tstring type\t\t EOS G8 =<115<=135\tG2 >135<=140\tG3 EOS G9 =<80\t123 \t>80\t456 EOS Ga =<110\t>120 1.1\t1.1 EOS Gf = <10\t\tN EOS Gg = <=600<700\t>=700<750\t>=750 1|2\t80.5\t1.1\t2.2\t3.3 1|2\t90.5\t4.4\t5.5\t6.6 3|4\t100.5\t1.2\t2.3\t3.4 3|4\t105.5\t4.5\t5.6\t6.7 EOS Gj =<true}, false) expect(res).to eq('Y') end it '13 returns N' do res = Marty::DataGrid.lookup_grid_h(pt, dgh, {"i"=>13}, true) expect(res).to eq('N') end it '13 & numrange 0 returns nil' do res = Marty::DataGrid.lookup_grid_h(pt, dgh, {"i"=>13, "n"=>0}, true) expect(res).to eq('N') end it '13 & int4range 15 returns N' do res = Marty::DataGrid.lookup_grid_h(pt, dgh, {"i"=>13, "i4"=>15}, true) expect(res).to eq('N') end it '13 & int4range 1 returns nil' do res = Marty::DataGrid.lookup_grid_h(pt, dgh, {"i"=>13, "i4"=>1}, true) expect(res).to be_nil end it 'false, 3, numrange 15 returns N' do res = Marty::DataGrid. lookup_grid_h(pt, dgh, {"b"=>false, "i"=>3, "n"=>15}, true) expect(res).to eq('N') end it '13, numrange 15 returns N' do res = Marty::DataGrid.lookup_grid_h(pt, dgh, {"i"=>13, "n"=>15}, true) expect(res).to eq('N') end end it "should handle ambiguous lookups" do h1 = { "property_state" => "NY", "county_name" => "R", } res = Marty::DataGrid.lookup_grid_h(pt, "Gh", h1, false) expect(res).to eq(10) end it "should handle ambiguous lookups (2)" do res = Marty::DataGrid. lookup_grid_h(pt, "Gg", {"i1"=>2, "i2"=>1}, false) expect(res).to eq(1) res = Marty::DataGrid. lookup_grid_h(pt, "Gg", {"i1"=>3, "i2"=>1}, false) expect(res).to eq(1) res = Marty::DataGrid. lookup_grid_h(pt, "Gg", {"i1"=>2, "i2"=>3}, false) expect(res).to eq(20) end it "should handle non-distinct lookups" do res = Marty::DataGrid.lookup_grid_h(pt, "Ge", {"ltv"=>500}, false) expect(res).to eq(1.1) expect { Marty::DataGrid.lookup_grid_h(pt, "Ge", {"ltv"=>500}, true) }.to raise_error(RuntimeError) end it "should handle non-distinct lookups (2)" do params = { "client_id" => 700127, "property_state" => "CA", } res = Marty::DataGrid.lookup_grid_h(pt, "Gj", params, false) # should return the upper left corner match expect(res).to eq(0.25) expect { Marty::DataGrid.lookup_grid_h(pt, "Gj", params, true) }.to raise_error(RuntimeError) end it "should handle boolean lookups" do res = [true, false].map { |hb_indicator| lookup_grid_helper('infinity', "Gd", {"hb_indicator" => hb_indicator, }, ) } expect(res).to eq [[456.0, "Gd"], [123.0, "Gd"]] end it "should handle basic lookups" do res = lookup_grid_helper('infinity', "G3", {"amount" => 160300, "state" => "HI", }, ) expect(res).to eq [1.655,"G3"] [3,4].each { |units| res = lookup_grid_helper('infinity', "G2", {"fico" => 720, "units" => units, "ltv" => 100, "cltv" => 110.1, }, ) expect(res).to eq [5.6,"G2"] } dg = Marty::DataGrid.lookup('infinity', "G1") h = { "fico" => 600, "state" => "RI", "ltv" => 10, } res = lookup_grid_helper('infinity', "G1", h) expect(res).to eq [11,"G1"] dg.update_from_import("G1", G1.sub(/11/, "111")) res = lookup_grid_helper('infinity', "G1", h) expect(res).to eq [111,"G1"] end it "should result in error when there are multiple cell hits" do expect { lookup_grid_helper('infinity', "G2", {"fico" => 720, "ltv" => 100, "cltv" => 110.1, }, ) }.to raise_error(RuntimeError) end it "should return nil when matching data grid cell is nil" do res = lookup_grid_helper('infinity', "G1", {"fico" => 800, "state" => "MA", "ltv" => 81, }, ) expect(res).to eq [nil,"G1"] end it "should handle string wildcards" do res = lookup_grid_helper('infinity', "G1", {"fico" => 720, "state" => "GU", "ltv" => 80, }, ) expect(res).to eq [22,"G1"] end it "should handle matches which also have a wildcard match" do dg_from_import("G9", G9) expect { res = lookup_grid_helper('infinity', "G9", {"state" => "CA", "ltv" => 81}, ) }.to raise_error(RuntimeError) res = lookup_grid_helper('infinity', "G9", {"state" => "GU", "ltv" => 81}, ) expect(res).to eq [456,"G9"] end it "should handle nil attr values to match wildcard" do dg_from_import("G9", G9) res = lookup_grid_helper('infinity', "G9", {"state" => nil, "ltv" => 81}, ) expect(res).to eq [456,"G9"] expect { res = lookup_grid_helper('infinity', "G9", {"state" => "CA", "ltv" => nil}, ) }.to raise_error(RuntimeError) end it "should handle boolean keys" do res = lookup_grid_helper('infinity', "G4", {"hb_indicator" => true, "cltv" => 80, }, ) expect(res).to eq [-1.5,"G4"] res = lookup_grid_helper('infinity', "G4", {"hb_indicator" => false, "cltv" => 80, }, ) expect(res).to eq [nil,"G4"] end it "should handle vertical-only grids" do res = lookup_grid_helper('infinity', "G5", {"ltv" => 80}, ) expect(res).to eq [-0.375,"G5"] end it "should handle horiz-only grids" do res = lookup_grid_helper('infinity', "G6", {"ltv" => 80, "conforming" => true}, ) expect(res).to eq [-0.375,"G6"] end it "should handle string typed data grids" do expect(Marty::DataGrid.lookup('infinity', "G7").data_type).to eq "string" res = lookup_grid_helper('infinity', "G7", {"hb_indicator" => true, "cltv" => 80, }, ) expect(res).to eq ["test","G7"] end it "should handle DataGrid typed data grids" do expect(Marty::DataGrid.lookup('infinity', "G8").data_type). to eq "Marty::DataGrid" g1 = Marty::DataGrid.lookup('infinity', "G1") res = lookup_grid_helper('infinity', "G8", {"ltv" => 80, }, ) expect(res).to eq [g1,"G8"] end it "should handle multi DataGrid lookups" do expect(Marty::DataGrid.lookup('infinity', "G8").data_type). to eq "Marty::DataGrid" g1 = Marty::DataGrid.lookup('infinity', "G1") h = { "fico" => 600, "state" => "RI", "ltv" => 10, } g1_res = lookup_grid_helper('infinity', "G1", h) expect(g1_res).to eq [11,"G1"] res = lookup_grid_helper('infinity', "G8", h,true ) expect(g1_res).to eq res end it "should handle DataGrid typed data grids" do g1 = Marty::DataGrid.lookup('infinity', "G1") res = lookup_grid_helper('infinity', "Ga", {"dg" => g1, }, ) expect(res).to eq [7,"Ga"] # should be able to lookup bu name as well res = lookup_grid_helper('infinity', "Ga", {"dg" => "G2", }, ) expect(res).to eq [7,"Ga"] end it "should handle DataGrid typed data grids -- non mcfly" do ca = Gemini::State.find_by_name("CA") res = lookup_grid_helper('infinity', "Gb", {"property_state" => ca, }, ) expect(res).to eq [70,"Gb"] # should be able to lookup bu name as well res = lookup_grid_helper('infinity', "Gb", {"property_state" => "CA", }, ) expect(res).to eq [70,"Gb"] end it "should handle typed (enum) data lookup_grid" do pt = 'infinity' ca = Gemini::State.find_by_name("CA") res = Marty::DataGrid. lookup_grid_h(pt, "Gb", {"property_state" => ca}, false) expect(res).to eq 70 end it "should return grid data and metadata simple" do expected_data = [[1.1, 2.2, 3.3], [4.4, 5.5, 6.6], [1.2, 2.3, 3.4], [4.5, 5.6, 6.7]] expected_metadata = [{"dir"=>"v", "attr"=>"units", "keys"=>[[1, 2], [1, 2], [3, 4], [3, 4]], "type"=>"integer"}, {"dir"=>"v", "attr"=>"ltv", "keys"=>["[,80]", "(80,105]", "[,80]", "(80,105]"], "type"=>"numrange"}, {"dir"=>"h", "attr"=>"cltv", "keys"=>["[100,110)", "[110,120)", "[120,]"], "type"=>"numrange"}, {"dir"=>"h", "attr"=>"fico", "keys"=>["[600,700)", "[700,750)", "[750,]"], "type"=>"numrange"}] dgh = Marty::DataGrid.lookup_h(pt, 'G2') res = Marty::DataGrid.lookup_grid_distinct_entry_h(pt, {}, dgh, nil, true, true) expect(res["data"]).to eq (expected_data) expect(res["metadata"]).to eq (expected_metadata) end it "should return grid data and metadata multi (following)" do expected_data = [[1.1, 2.2, 3.3],[4.4, 5.5, 6.6],[1.2, 2.3, 3.4], [4.5, 5.6, nil],[11.0, 22.0, 33.0]] expected_metadata = [{"dir"=>"v", "attr"=>"state", "keys"=>[["CA"], ["HI", "TX"], ["NM"], ["MA"], nil], "type"=>"string"}, {"dir"=>"v", "attr"=>"ltv", "keys"=>["[,80]", "(80,105]", "[,80]", "(80,105]", "[,80]"], "type"=>"numrange"}, {"dir"=>"h", "attr"=>"fico", "keys"=>["[600,700)", "[700,750)", "[750,]"], "type"=>"numrange"}] dgh = Marty::DataGrid.lookup_h(pt, 'G8') res = Marty::DataGrid.lookup_grid_distinct_entry_h(pt, { "ltv" => 10, "state" => "RI" }, dgh, nil, true, true) expect(res["data"]).to eq (expected_data) expect(res["metadata"]).to eq (expected_metadata) end it "should return grid data and metadata multi (not following)" do expected_data = [["G1"], ["G2"], ["G3"]] expected_metadata = [{"dir"=>"v", "attr"=>"ltv", "keys"=>["[,115]", "(115,135]", "(135,140]"], "type"=>"numrange"}] dgh = Marty::DataGrid.lookup_h(pt, 'G8') res = Marty::DataGrid.lookup_grid_distinct_entry_h(pt, { "ltv" => 10, "state" => "RI" }, dgh, nil, false, true) expect(res["data"]).to eq (expected_data) expect(res["metadata"]).to eq (expected_metadata) end it "should handle all characters in grid inputs" do dgh = Marty::DataGrid.lookup_h(pt, 'G1') 5000.times do st ={rand(224)+32}.pack('U*') res = Marty::DataGrid.lookup_grid_distinct_entry_h(pt, { "ltv" => 10, "fico" => 690, "state" => st }, dgh, nil, false, true) end end it "should handle all quote chars in grid inputs" do dgh = Marty::DataGrid.lookup_h(pt, 'G1') # single, double, backslash, grave, acute, unicode quotes: left single, # right single, left double, right double quotes = ["'", '"', '\\', '`', "\u00b4", "\u2018", "\u2019", "\u201C", "\u201D"] 100.times do st ={quotes[rand(9)]}.join res = Marty::DataGrid.lookup_grid_distinct_entry_h(pt, { "ltv" => 10, "fico" => 690, "state" => st }, dgh, nil, false, true) end end it "should handle quote chars in object name" do dgh = Marty::DataGrid.lookup_h(pt, 'G1') st = "'\\") res = Marty::DataGrid.lookup_grid_distinct_entry_h(pt, { "ltv" => 10, "fico" => 690, "state" => st }, dgh, nil, false, true) end end describe "exports" do it 'should export lenient grids correctly' do dg = dg_from_import("Gf", Gf) dg2 = dg_from_import("Gf2", dg.export) expect(dg.export).to eq(dg2.export) end end describe "updates" do it "should be possible to modify a grid referenced from a multi-grid" do dgb = dg_from_import("Gb", Gb, '1/1/2014') dgc = dg_from_import("Gc", Gc, '2/2/2014') dgb.update_from_import("Gb", Gb.sub(/70/, "333"), '1/1/2015') dgb.update_from_import("Gb", Gb.sub(/70/, "444"), '1/1/2016') dgch = dgc.attributes. slice("id","group_id","created_dt", "metadata", "data_type") res = Marty::DataGrid.lookup_grid_distinct_entry_h('2/2/2014', {"property_state" => "CA"}, dgch) expect(res["result"]).to eq(70) res = Marty::DataGrid.lookup_grid_distinct_entry_h('2/2/2015', {"property_state" => "CA"}, dgch) expect(res["result"]).to eq(333) res = Marty::DataGrid.lookup_grid_distinct_entry_h('2/2/2016', {"property_state" => "CA"}, dgch) expect(res["result"]).to eq(444) end it "should not create a new version if no change has been made" do dg = dg_from_import("G4", G1) dg.update_from_import("G4", G1) expect(Marty::DataGrid.unscoped.where(group_id: dg.group_id).count).to eq 1 end it "should be able to export and import back grids" do [G1, G2, G3, G4, G5, G6, G7, G8, G9, Ga, Gb].each_with_index do |grid, i| dg = dg_from_import("G#{i}", grid) g1 = dg.export dg = dg_from_import("Gx#{i}", g1) g2 = dg.export expect(g1).to eq g2 end end it "should be able to externally export/import grids" do load_scripts(nil, dg = dg_from_import("G1", G1) p = posting("BASE", DateTime.tomorrow, '?') engine ="DataReport") res = engine.evaluate("TableReport", "result", { "pt_name" =>, "class_name" => "Marty::DataGrid", }, ) # FIXME: really hacky removing "" (data_grid) -- This is a bug # in TableReport/CSV generation. res.gsub!(/\"\"/, '') sum = do_import_summary(Marty::DataGrid, res, 'infinity', nil, nil, ",", ) expect(sum).to eq({same: 1}) res11 = res.sub(/G1/, "G11") sum = do_import_summary(Marty::DataGrid, res11, 'infinity', nil, nil, ",", ) expect(sum).to eq({create: 1}) g1 = Marty::DataGrid.lookup('infinity', "G1") g11 = Marty::DataGrid.lookup('infinity', "G11") expect(g1.export).to eq g11.export end end end end