# typed: strict # frozen_string_literal: true require "fileutils" require "open3" require "pathname" require_relative "../git" module Spoom module TestHelpers # A simple project abstraction for testing purposes class Project extend T::Sig # The absolute path to this test project sig { returns(String) } attr_reader :path # Create a new test project at `path` sig { params(path: String).void } def initialize(path) @path = path FileUtils.rm_rf(@path) FileUtils.mkdir_p(@path) end # Content # Set the content of the Gemfile in this project sig { params(content: String).void } def gemfile(content) write("Gemfile", content) end # Set the content of `sorbet/config` in this project sig { params(content: String).void } def sorbet_config(content) write("sorbet/config", content) end # Write `content` in the file at `rel_path` sig { params(rel_path: String, content: String).void } def write(rel_path, content = "") path = absolute_path(rel_path) FileUtils.mkdir_p(File.dirname(path)) File.write(path, content) end # Remove `rel_path` sig { params(rel_path: String).void } def remove(rel_path) FileUtils.rm_rf(absolute_path(rel_path)) end # List all files in this project sig { returns(T::Array[String]) } def files Dir.glob("#{@path}/**/*").sort end # Actions # Run `git init` in this project sig { void } def git_init Spoom::Git.exec("git init -q", path: path) Spoom::Git.exec("git config user.name 'spoom-tests'", path: path) Spoom::Git.exec("git config user.email 'spoom@shopify.com'", path: path) end # Commit all new changes in this project sig { params(message: String, date: Time).void } def commit(message = "message", date: Time.now.utc) Spoom::Git.exec("git add --all", path: path) Spoom::Git.exec("GIT_COMMITTER_DATE=\"#{date}\" git commit -m '#{message}' --date '#{date}'", path: path) end # Run `bundle install` in this project sig { returns([T.nilable(String), T.nilable(String), T::Boolean]) } def bundle_install opts = {} opts[:chdir] = path out, err, status = Open3.capture3("bundle", "install", opts) [out, err, status.success?] end # Run a command with `bundle exec` in this project sig { params(cmd: String, args: String).returns([T.nilable(String), T.nilable(String), T::Boolean]) } def bundle_exec(cmd, *args) opts = {} opts[:chdir] = path out, err, status = Open3.capture3(["bundle", "exec", cmd, *args].join(' '), opts) [out, err, status.success?] end # Delete this project and its content sig { void } def destroy FileUtils.rm_rf(path) end private # Create an absolute path from `self.path` and `rel_path` sig { params(rel_path: String).returns(String) } def absolute_path(rel_path) (Pathname.new(path) / rel_path).to_s end end end end