"use strict"; Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); exports.classMethodOrDeclareMethodCommon = exports.classMethodOrPropertyCommon = void 0; var _utils = _interopRequireWildcard(require("./utils")); var _core = require("./core"); function _getRequireWildcardCache() { if (typeof WeakMap !== "function") return null; var cache = new WeakMap(); _getRequireWildcardCache = function () { return cache; }; return cache; } function _interopRequireWildcard(obj) { if (obj && obj.__esModule) { return obj; } if (obj === null || typeof obj !== "object" && typeof obj !== "function") { return { default: obj }; } var cache = _getRequireWildcardCache(); if (cache && cache.has(obj)) { return cache.get(obj); } var newObj = {}; var hasPropertyDescriptor = Object.defineProperty && Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor; for (var key in obj) { if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(obj, key)) { var desc = hasPropertyDescriptor ? Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(obj, key) : null; if (desc && (desc.get || desc.set)) { Object.defineProperty(newObj, key, desc); } else { newObj[key] = obj[key]; } } } newObj.default = obj; if (cache) { cache.set(obj, newObj); } return newObj; } (0, _utils.default)("AssignmentPattern", { visitor: ["left", "right", "decorators"], builder: ["left", "right"], aliases: ["Pattern", "PatternLike", "LVal"], fields: Object.assign({}, _core.patternLikeCommon, { left: { validate: (0, _utils.assertNodeType)("Identifier", "ObjectPattern", "ArrayPattern", "MemberExpression") }, right: { validate: (0, _utils.assertNodeType)("Expression") }, decorators: { validate: (0, _utils.chain)((0, _utils.assertValueType)("array"), (0, _utils.assertEach)((0, _utils.assertNodeType)("Decorator"))) } }) }); (0, _utils.default)("ArrayPattern", { visitor: ["elements", "typeAnnotation"], builder: ["elements"], aliases: ["Pattern", "PatternLike", "LVal"], fields: Object.assign({}, _core.patternLikeCommon, { elements: { validate: (0, _utils.chain)((0, _utils.assertValueType)("array"), (0, _utils.assertEach)((0, _utils.assertNodeType)("PatternLike"))) }, decorators: { validate: (0, _utils.chain)((0, _utils.assertValueType)("array"), (0, _utils.assertEach)((0, _utils.assertNodeType)("Decorator"))) } }) }); (0, _utils.default)("ArrowFunctionExpression", { builder: ["params", "body", "async"], visitor: ["params", "body", "returnType", "typeParameters"], aliases: ["Scopable", "Function", "BlockParent", "FunctionParent", "Expression", "Pureish"], fields: Object.assign({}, _core.functionCommon, {}, _core.functionTypeAnnotationCommon, { expression: { validate: (0, _utils.assertValueType)("boolean") }, body: { validate: (0, _utils.assertNodeType)("BlockStatement", "Expression") } }) }); (0, _utils.default)("ClassBody", { visitor: ["body"], fields: { body: { validate: (0, _utils.chain)((0, _utils.assertValueType)("array"), (0, _utils.assertEach)((0, _utils.assertNodeType)("ClassMethod", "ClassPrivateMethod", "ClassProperty", "ClassPrivateProperty", "TSDeclareMethod", "TSIndexSignature"))) } } }); const classCommon = { typeParameters: { validate: (0, _utils.assertNodeType)("TypeParameterDeclaration", "TSTypeParameterDeclaration", "Noop"), optional: true }, body: { validate: (0, _utils.assertNodeType)("ClassBody") }, superClass: { optional: true, validate: (0, _utils.assertNodeType)("Expression") }, superTypeParameters: { validate: (0, _utils.assertNodeType)("TypeParameterInstantiation", "TSTypeParameterInstantiation"), optional: true }, implements: { validate: (0, _utils.chain)((0, _utils.assertValueType)("array"), (0, _utils.assertEach)((0, _utils.assertNodeType)("TSExpressionWithTypeArguments", "ClassImplements"))), optional: true } }; (0, _utils.default)("ClassDeclaration", { builder: ["id", "superClass", "body", "decorators"], visitor: ["id", "body", "superClass", "mixins", "typeParameters", "superTypeParameters", "implements", "decorators"], aliases: ["Scopable", "Class", "Statement", "Declaration", "Pureish"], fields: Object.assign({}, classCommon, { declare: { validate: (0, _utils.assertValueType)("boolean"), optional: true }, abstract: { validate: (0, _utils.assertValueType)("boolean"), optional: true }, id: { validate: (0, _utils.assertNodeType)("Identifier"), optional: true }, decorators: { validate: (0, _utils.chain)((0, _utils.assertValueType)("array"), (0, _utils.assertEach)((0, _utils.assertNodeType)("Decorator"))), optional: true } }) }); (0, _utils.default)("ClassExpression", { inherits: "ClassDeclaration", aliases: ["Scopable", "Class", "Expression", "Pureish"], fields: Object.assign({}, classCommon, { id: { optional: true, validate: (0, _utils.assertNodeType)("Identifier") }, body: { validate: (0, _utils.assertNodeType)("ClassBody") }, superClass: { optional: true, validate: (0, _utils.assertNodeType)("Expression") }, decorators: { validate: (0, _utils.chain)((0, _utils.assertValueType)("array"), (0, _utils.assertEach)((0, _utils.assertNodeType)("Decorator"))), optional: true } }) }); (0, _utils.default)("ExportAllDeclaration", { visitor: ["source"], aliases: ["Statement", "Declaration", "ModuleDeclaration", "ExportDeclaration"], fields: { source: { validate: (0, _utils.assertNodeType)("StringLiteral") } } }); (0, _utils.default)("ExportDefaultDeclaration", { visitor: ["declaration"], aliases: ["Statement", "Declaration", "ModuleDeclaration", "ExportDeclaration"], fields: { declaration: { validate: (0, _utils.assertNodeType)("FunctionDeclaration", "TSDeclareFunction", "ClassDeclaration", "Expression") } } }); (0, _utils.default)("ExportNamedDeclaration", { visitor: ["declaration", "specifiers", "source"], aliases: ["Statement", "Declaration", "ModuleDeclaration", "ExportDeclaration"], fields: { declaration: { validate: (0, _utils.assertNodeType)("Declaration"), optional: true }, specifiers: { validate: (0, _utils.chain)((0, _utils.assertValueType)("array"), (0, _utils.assertEach)((0, _utils.assertNodeType)("ExportSpecifier", "ExportDefaultSpecifier", "ExportNamespaceSpecifier"))) }, source: { validate: (0, _utils.assertNodeType)("StringLiteral"), optional: true }, exportKind: (0, _utils.validateOptional)((0, _utils.assertOneOf)("type", "value")) } }); (0, _utils.default)("ExportSpecifier", { visitor: ["local", "exported"], aliases: ["ModuleSpecifier"], fields: { local: { validate: (0, _utils.assertNodeType)("Identifier") }, exported: { validate: (0, _utils.assertNodeType)("Identifier") } } }); (0, _utils.default)("ForOfStatement", { visitor: ["left", "right", "body"], aliases: ["Scopable", "Statement", "For", "BlockParent", "Loop", "ForXStatement"], fields: { left: { validate: (0, _utils.assertNodeType)("VariableDeclaration", "LVal") }, right: { validate: (0, _utils.assertNodeType)("Expression") }, body: { validate: (0, _utils.assertNodeType)("Statement") }, await: { default: false, validate: (0, _utils.assertValueType)("boolean") } } }); (0, _utils.default)("ImportDeclaration", { visitor: ["specifiers", "source"], aliases: ["Statement", "Declaration", "ModuleDeclaration"], fields: { specifiers: { validate: (0, _utils.chain)((0, _utils.assertValueType)("array"), (0, _utils.assertEach)((0, _utils.assertNodeType)("ImportSpecifier", "ImportDefaultSpecifier", "ImportNamespaceSpecifier"))) }, source: { validate: (0, _utils.assertNodeType)("StringLiteral") }, importKind: { validate: (0, _utils.assertOneOf)("type", "typeof", "value"), optional: true } } }); (0, _utils.default)("ImportDefaultSpecifier", { visitor: ["local"], aliases: ["ModuleSpecifier"], fields: { local: { validate: (0, _utils.assertNodeType)("Identifier") } } }); (0, _utils.default)("ImportNamespaceSpecifier", { visitor: ["local"], aliases: ["ModuleSpecifier"], fields: { local: { validate: (0, _utils.assertNodeType)("Identifier") } } }); (0, _utils.default)("ImportSpecifier", { visitor: ["local", "imported"], aliases: ["ModuleSpecifier"], fields: { local: { validate: (0, _utils.assertNodeType)("Identifier") }, imported: { validate: (0, _utils.assertNodeType)("Identifier") }, importKind: { validate: (0, _utils.assertOneOf)("type", "typeof"), optional: true } } }); (0, _utils.default)("MetaProperty", { visitor: ["meta", "property"], aliases: ["Expression"], fields: { meta: { validate: (0, _utils.assertNodeType)("Identifier") }, property: { validate: (0, _utils.assertNodeType)("Identifier") } } }); const classMethodOrPropertyCommon = { abstract: { validate: (0, _utils.assertValueType)("boolean"), optional: true }, accessibility: { validate: (0, _utils.chain)((0, _utils.assertValueType)("string"), (0, _utils.assertOneOf)("public", "private", "protected")), optional: true }, static: { default: false, validate: (0, _utils.assertValueType)("boolean") }, computed: { default: false, validate: (0, _utils.assertValueType)("boolean") }, optional: { validate: (0, _utils.assertValueType)("boolean"), optional: true }, key: { validate: (0, _utils.chain)(function () { const normal = (0, _utils.assertNodeType)("Identifier", "StringLiteral", "NumericLiteral"); const computed = (0, _utils.assertNodeType)("Expression"); return function (node, key, val) { const validator = node.computed ? computed : normal; validator(node, key, val); }; }(), (0, _utils.assertNodeType)("Identifier", "StringLiteral", "NumericLiteral", "Expression")) } }; exports.classMethodOrPropertyCommon = classMethodOrPropertyCommon; const classMethodOrDeclareMethodCommon = Object.assign({}, _core.functionCommon, {}, classMethodOrPropertyCommon, { kind: { validate: (0, _utils.chain)((0, _utils.assertValueType)("string"), (0, _utils.assertOneOf)("get", "set", "method", "constructor")), default: "method" }, access: { validate: (0, _utils.chain)((0, _utils.assertValueType)("string"), (0, _utils.assertOneOf)("public", "private", "protected")), optional: true }, decorators: { validate: (0, _utils.chain)((0, _utils.assertValueType)("array"), (0, _utils.assertEach)((0, _utils.assertNodeType)("Decorator"))), optional: true } }); exports.classMethodOrDeclareMethodCommon = classMethodOrDeclareMethodCommon; (0, _utils.default)("ClassMethod", { aliases: ["Function", "Scopable", "BlockParent", "FunctionParent", "Method"], builder: ["kind", "key", "params", "body", "computed", "static"], visitor: ["key", "params", "body", "decorators", "returnType", "typeParameters"], fields: Object.assign({}, classMethodOrDeclareMethodCommon, {}, _core.functionTypeAnnotationCommon, { body: { validate: (0, _utils.assertNodeType)("BlockStatement") } }) }); (0, _utils.default)("ObjectPattern", { visitor: ["properties", "typeAnnotation", "decorators"], builder: ["properties"], aliases: ["Pattern", "PatternLike", "LVal"], fields: Object.assign({}, _core.patternLikeCommon, { properties: { validate: (0, _utils.chain)((0, _utils.assertValueType)("array"), (0, _utils.assertEach)((0, _utils.assertNodeType)("RestElement", "ObjectProperty"))) } }) }); (0, _utils.default)("SpreadElement", { visitor: ["argument"], aliases: ["UnaryLike"], deprecatedAlias: "SpreadProperty", fields: { argument: { validate: (0, _utils.assertNodeType)("Expression") } } }); (0, _utils.default)("Super", { aliases: ["Expression"] }); (0, _utils.default)("TaggedTemplateExpression", { visitor: ["tag", "quasi"], aliases: ["Expression"], fields: { tag: { validate: (0, _utils.assertNodeType)("Expression") }, quasi: { validate: (0, _utils.assertNodeType)("TemplateLiteral") }, typeParameters: { validate: (0, _utils.assertNodeType)("TypeParameterInstantiation", "TSTypeParameterInstantiation"), optional: true } } }); (0, _utils.default)("TemplateElement", { builder: ["value", "tail"], fields: { value: { validate: (0, _utils.assertShape)({ raw: { validate: (0, _utils.assertValueType)("string") }, cooked: { validate: (0, _utils.assertValueType)("string"), optional: true } }) }, tail: { validate: (0, _utils.assertValueType)("boolean"), default: false } } }); (0, _utils.default)("TemplateLiteral", { visitor: ["quasis", "expressions"], aliases: ["Expression", "Literal"], fields: { quasis: { validate: (0, _utils.chain)((0, _utils.assertValueType)("array"), (0, _utils.assertEach)((0, _utils.assertNodeType)("TemplateElement"))) }, expressions: { validate: (0, _utils.chain)((0, _utils.assertValueType)("array"), (0, _utils.assertEach)((0, _utils.assertNodeType)("Expression")), function (node, key, val) { if (node.quasis.length !== val.length + 1) { throw new TypeError(`Number of ${node.type} quasis should be exactly one more than the number of expressions.\nExpected ${val.length + 1} quasis but got ${node.quasis.length}`); } }) } } }); (0, _utils.default)("YieldExpression", { builder: ["argument", "delegate"], visitor: ["argument"], aliases: ["Expression", "Terminatorless"], fields: { delegate: { validate: (0, _utils.assertValueType)("boolean"), default: false }, argument: { optional: true, validate: (0, _utils.assertNodeType)("Expression") } } });