SocialStream.setup do |config| # List the models that are social entities. These will have ties between them. # Remember you must add an "actor_id" foreign key column to your migration! # # config.subjects = [:user, :group ] # Include devise modules in User. See devise documentation for details. # Others available are: # :confirmable, :lockable, :timeoutable, :validatable # config.devise_modules = :database_authenticatable, :registerable, # :recoverable, :rememberable, :trackable, # :omniauthable, :token_authenticatable # Type of activities managed by actors # Remember you must add an "activity_object_id" foreign key column to your migration! # # config.objects = [ :post, :comment ] # Form for activity objects to be loaded # You can write your own activity objects # # config.activity_forms = [ :post, :document, :foo, :bar ] end