# ===========================================================================
# Project:   Abbot - SproutCore Build Tools
# Copyright: ©2009 Apple, Inc.
#            portions copyright @2006-2009 Sprout Systems, Inc.
#            and contributors
# ===========================================================================

require File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), 'models', 'hash_struct')
require File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), 'buildfile', 'cloneable')
require File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), 'buildfile', 'task_manager')

module SC

  # A Buildfile is a special type of file that contains the configurations and
  # build tasks used for a particular project or project target.  Buildfiles
  # are based on Rake but largely use their own syntax and helper methods.
  # Whenever you create a project, you will often also add a Buildfile, 
  # sc-config, or sc-config.rb file.  All of these files are laoded into the
  # build system using this class.  The other model objects will then 
  # reference their buildfile to extract configuration information and to find
  # key tasks required for the build process.
  # == Loading a Buildfile
  # To load a buildfile, just use the load() method:
  #   buildfile = Buildfile.load('/path/to/buildfile')
  # You can also load multiple buildfiles by calling the load!() method on
  # an exising Buildfile object or by passing a directory with several 
  # buildfiles in it:
  #   buildfile = Buildfile.new
  #   buildfile.load!('buildfile1').load!('buildfile2')
  # == Defining a Buildfile
  # Finally, you can also define new settings on a buildfile directly.  Simply
  # use the define() method:
  #   buildfile = Buildfile.define do
  #     task :demo_task
  #   end
  # You can also define additional tasks on an existing buildfile object like
  # so:
  #  buildfile = Buildfile.new
  #  buildfile.define! do
  #    task :demo_task
  #  end
  # When you call define!() on a buildfile, the block is executed in the 
  # context of the buildfile object, just like a Buildfile loaded from disk.
  # You will not usually use define!() on a buildfile in normal code, but it 
  # is very useful for unit testing.
  # == Executing Tasks
  # Once a buildfile is loaded, you can execute tasks on the buildfile using
  # the invoke() method.  You should pass the name of the task you want
  # to execute along with any constants you want set for the task to access:
  #   buildfile.invoke :demo_task, :context => my_context
  # With the above example, the demo_task could access the "context" as a 
  # global constant like do:
  #   task :demo_task do
  #      CONTEXT.name = "demo!"
  #   end
  # == Accessing Configs
  # Configs are stored in a "normalized" state in the "configs" property.  You
  # can access configs directly this way, but the more useful way to access
  # configs is through the config_for() method.  Pass the name of the target
  # that is the current "focus" of the config:
  #   config = buildfile.config_for('/sproutcore') # target always starts w /
  # Configs can be specified in different "contexts" by the buildfile.  When
  # you call this method, the configs will be merged together, layering any
  # configs that are targeted specifically at the /sproutcore target over the
  # top of globally defined configs.  The current build mode is also reflected
  # in this call.
  class Buildfile
    # Default buildfile names.  Override with SC.env.buildfile_names
    BUILDFILE_NAMES = %w(Buildfile sc-config sc-config.rb)
    include Cloneable
    include TaskManager
    # The location of the buildfile represented by this object.
    attr_accessor :path
    # Determines if this directory has a buildfile or not...
    def self.has_buildfile?(dir_path, buildfile_names=nil)
      buildfile_names ||= (SC.env.buildfile_names || BUILDFILE_NAMES)
      buildfile_names.each do |path|
        path = File.join(dir_path, path)
        return true if File.exist?(path) && !File.directory?(path)
      return false
    # Loads the buildfile at the specified path.  This simply creates a new
    # instance and loads it.
    # === Params
    #  path:: the path to laod at
    # === Returns
    #  A new Buildfile instance
    def self.load(path)
    # Creates a new buildfile and then gives you an opportunity to define 
    # its contents by executing the passed block in the context of the 
    # buildfile.
    # === Returns
    #  A new buildfile instance
    def self.define(&block)

    attr_reader :current_path
    # Extend the buildfile dynamically by executing the named task.  This 
    # will yield the block if given after making the buildfile the current
    # build file.
    # === Params
    #   string:: optional string to eval
    #   &block:: optional block to execute
    # === Returns
    #   self
    def define!(string=nil, &block)
      context = reset_define_context :current_mode => :all
      instance_eval(string) if string
      instance_eval(&block) if block_given?
      reset_define_context context
      return self
    def task_defined?(task_name)
    # Loads the contents of the passed file into the buildfile object.  The
    # contents will be executed in the context of the buildfile object.  If
    # the filename passed is nil or the file does not exist, this will simply
    # do nothing.
    # === Params
    #  filename:: the buildfile to load or a directory
    #  buildfile_names:: optional array of names to search in directory
    # === Returns
    #  self
    def load!(filename=nil, buildfile_names=nil)
      # If a directory is passed, look for any buildfile and load them...
      if File.directory?(filename)
        # search directory for buildfiles and load them.
        buildfile_names ||= (SC.env.buildfile_names || BUILDFILE_NAMES)
        buildfile_names.each do |path|
          path = File.join(filename, path)
          next unless File.exist?(path) && !File.directory?(path)
      elsif File.exist?(filename)
        old_path = @current_path
        @current_path = filename
        loaded_paths << filename # save loaded paths
        SC.logger.debug "Loading buildfile at #{filename}"
        define!(File.read(filename)) if filename && File.exist?(filename)
        @current_path = old_path
      return self
    def loaded_paths; @loaded_paths ||= []; end
    # Executes the name task.  Unlike invoke_task, this method will execute
    # the task even if it has already been executed before.  You can also 
    # pass a hash of additional constants that will be set on the global
    # namespace before the task is invoked.
    # === Params
    #  task_name:: the full name of the task, including namespaces
    #  consts:: Optional hash of constant values to set on the env
    def invoke(task_name, consts = nil)
      consts = set_kernel_consts consts  # save  to restore
      set_kernel_consts consts # clear constants

    # Returns true if the buildfile has the named task defined
    # === Params
    #  task_name:: the full name of the task, including namespaces
    def has_task?(task_name)

    # Add a file to the list of files to be imported.
    def add_import(fn)
      @pending_imports << fn

    # Load the pending list of imported files.
    def load_imports
      while fn = @pending_imports.shift
        next if @imported.member?(fn)
        if fn_task = lookup(fn)
        @imported << fn

    # Support redefining a task...
    def intern(task_class, task_name)
      ret = super(task_class, task_name)
      ret.clear if @is_redefining
      return ret

    # Application options from the command line
    attr_reader :options

    def current_mode
    def current_mode=(new_mode)
      @define_context.current_mode = new_mode

    # Configures the buildfile for use with the specified target.  Call this
    # BEFORE you load any actual file contents.
    # === Returns
    #  self
    def for_target(target)
      @target_name = target.target_name.to_s
      return self
    # The namespace for this buildfile.  This should be name equal to the
    # namespace of the target that owns the buildfile, if there is one
    attr_reader :target_name
    # The hash of configs as loaded from the files.  The configs are stored
    # by mode and then by config name.  To get a merged config, use
    # config_for().
    attr_reader :configs
    # The hash of proxy commands
    # Merge the passed hash of options into the config hash.  This method
    # is usually used by the config global helper
    # === Params
    #  config_name:: the name of the config to set
    #  config_mode:: the mode to store the config.  If omitted use current
    #  opts:  the config options to merge in
    # === Returns
    #  receiver
    def add_config(config_name, config_mode, opts=nil)
      # Normalize Params
      if opts.nil?
        opts = config_mode; config_mode = nil
      config_mode = current_mode if config_mode.nil?
      # Normalize the config name -- :all or 'all' is OK, absolute OK.
      config_name = config_name.to_s
      if config_name != 'all' && (config_name[0..0] != '/')
        if target_name && (config_name == File.basename(target_name))
          config_name = target_name
          config_name = [target_name, config_name].join('/')
      # Perform Merge
      mode_configs = (self.configs[config_mode.to_sym] ||= HashStruct.new)
      config = (mode_configs[config_name.to_sym] ||= HashStruct.new)
    # Returns the merged config setting for the config name and mode.  If 
    # no mode is specified the :all mode is assumed.
    # This will merge config hashes in the following order (mode/name):
    # all:all -> mode:all -> all:config -> mode:config
    # === Params
    #  config_name:: The config name
    #  mode_name:: optional mode name
    # === Returns
    #  merged config -- a HashStruct
    def config_for(config_name, mode_name=nil)
      mode_name = :all if mode_name.nil? || mode_name.to_s.size == 0
      config_name = :all if config_name.nil? || config_name.to_s.size == 0

      # collect the hashes
      all_configs = configs[:all]
      cur_configs = configs[mode_name]
      ret = HashStruct.new
      # now merge em! -- note that this assumes the merge method will handle
      # self.merge(self) & self.merge(nil) gracefully
      ret.merge!(all_configs[:all]) if all_configs
      ret.merge!(cur_configs[:all]) if cur_configs
      ret.merge!(all_configs[config_name]) if all_configs
      ret.merge!(cur_configs[config_name]) if cur_configs
      # Done -- return result
      return ret  


    # This is set if you use the project helper method in your buildfile.
    attr_accessor :project_name
    def project_type; @project_type || :default; end
    attr_writer :project_type
    # Returns YES if this buildfile appears to represent a project.  If you
    # use the project() helper method, it will set this
    def project?; @is_project || false; end
    def project!; @is_project = true; end
    # The hash of all proxies paths and their options
    attr_reader :proxies
    # Adds a proxy to the list of proxy paths.  These are used only in server
    # mode to proxy certain URLs.  If you call this method with the same 
    # proxy path more than once, the options will be merged.
    # === Params
    #  :proxy_path the URL to proxy
    #  :opts any proxy options
    # === Returns
    #  receiver
    def add_proxy(proxy_path, opts={})
      @proxies[proxy_path] = HashStruct.new(opts)
      return self
    def initialize
      @configs = HashStruct.new
      @proxies = HashStruct.new
      @pending_imports = []
      @imported = []
      @options = HashStruct.new
    # When dup'ing, rewrite the @tasks hash to use clones of the tasks 
    # the point to the new application object.
    def dup
      ret = super
      # Make sure the tasks themselves are cloned
      tasks = ret.instance_variable_get('@tasks')
      tasks.each do | key, task |
        tasks[key] = task.dup(ret)
      # Deep clone the config and proxy hashes as well...
      %w(@configs @proxies @options).each do |ivar|
        cloned_ivar = instance_variable_get(ivar).deep_clone
        ret.instance_variable_set(ivar, cloned_ivar)
      ret.instance_variable_set('@is_project', false) # transient - do not dup
      return ret 

    # Save off the old define context and replace it with the passed context
    # This is used during a call to define()
    def reset_define_context(context=nil)
      ret = @define_context
      @define_context = HashStruct.new(context || {})
      return ret
    # For each key in the passed hash, this will register a global 
    def set_kernel_consts(env = nil)
      return env if env.nil?

      # for each item in the passed environment, convert to uppercase constant
      # and set in global namespace.  Save the old value so that it can be
      # restored later.
      ret = {}
      env.each do |key, value|
        const_key = key.to_s.upcase.to_sym
        # Save the old const value
        ret[key] = Kernel.const_get(const_key) rescue nil

        # Reset
        Kernel.const_reset(const_key, value)
      # Also, save env.  Used mostly for logging
      ret['TASK_ENV'] = Kernel.const_get('TASK_ENV') rescue nil
      Kernel.const_reset('TASK_ENV', env)
      return ret

# Add public method to kernel to remove defined constant using private
# method.
module Kernel
  def const_reset(key, value)
    remove_const(key) if const_defined?(key)
    const_set key, value
