# encoding: utf-8 require 'rails_best_practices/core/error' module RailsBestPractices module Checks # A Check class that takes charge of reviewing one rails best practice. # One check contains two process: # 1. prepare process (optional), in this process, one check will do some preparation, such as analyzing the model associations.The check only does the preparation for the nodes (defined in interesting_prepare_nodes) in the files (defined in interesting_prepare_files). # 2. review process, in this process, one check will really review your rails codes. The check only review the nodes (defined in interesting_review_nodes) in the files # (defined in interesting_review_files). class Check # only nodes whose node_type is in NODE_TYPE will be reviewed. NODE_TYPES = [:call, :defn, :defs, :if, :class, :lasgn, :iasgn, :ivar, :lvar, :block, :iter, :const] CONTROLLER_FILES = /_controller\.rb$/ MIGRATION_FILES = /db\/migrate\/.*\.rb$/ MODEL_FILES = /models\/.*\.rb$/ MAILER_FILES = /models\/.*\.rb$|mailers\/.*\.rb/ VIEW_FILES = /views\/.*\.(erb|haml)$/ PARTIAL_VIEW_FILES = /views\/.*\/_.*\.(erb|haml)$/ ROUTE_FILE = /config\/routes.rb/ attr_reader :errors def initialize @errors = [] end # define default interesting_prepare_nodes, interesting_review_nodes, interesting_prepare_files and interesting_review_files. [:prepare, :review].each do |process| class_eval <<-EOS def interesting_#{process}_nodes # def interesting_review_nodes [] # [] end # end # def interesting_#{process}_files # def interesting_review_files /.*/ # /.*/ end # end EOS end # define method prepare_node_start, prepare_node_end, review_node_start and review_node_end. # # they delegate the node to special process method, like # # review_node_start(call_node) => review_start_call(call_node) # review_node_end(defn_node) => review_end_defn(defn_node) # prepare_node_start(calss_node) => prepare_start_class(class_node) # prepare_node_end(if_node) => prepare_end_if(if_node) [:prepare, :review].each do |process| class_eval <<-EOS def #{process}_node_start(node) # def review_node_start(node) @node = node # @node = node method = "#{process}_start_" + node.node_type.to_s # method = "review_start_" + node.node_type.to_s self.send(method, node) # self.send(method, node) end # end # def #{process}_node_end(node) # def review_node_end(node) @node = node # @node = node method = "#{process}_end_" + node.node_type.to_s # method = "review_end_" + node.node_type.to_s self.send(method, node) # self.send(method, node) end # end EOS end # define all start and end process for each node type, like # # prepare_start_defn # prepare_end_defn # review_start_call # review_end_call [:prepare, :review].each do |process| NODE_TYPES.each do |node| class_eval <<-EOS def #{process}_start_#{node}(node) # def review_start_defn(node) end # end # def #{process}_end_#{node}(node) # def review_end_defn(node) end # end EOS end end # remember the model names and model associations in prepare process. def self.prepare_model_associations class_eval <<-EOS def initialize super @klazzes = [] @associations = {} end def interesting_prepare_nodes [:class, :call] end def interesting_prepare_files MODEL_FILES end # check class node to remember all class name in prepare process. # # the remembered class names (@klazzes) are like # [ :User, :Post ] def prepare_start_class(node) remember_klazz(node) end # check call node to remember all assoication names in prepare process. # # the remembered association names (@associations) are like # { :User => [":projects", ":location"], :Post => [":comments"] } def prepare_start_call(node) remember_association(node) if association_methods.include? node.message end # remember class models, just the subject of class node. def remember_klazz(class_node) @klazzes << class_node.class_name end # remember associations, with class to association names. def remember_association(association_node) @associations[@klazzes.last] ||= [] @associations[@klazzes.last] << association_node.arguments[1].to_s end # default rails association methods. def association_methods [:belongs_to, :has_one, :has_many, :has_and_belongs_to_many] end EOS end # add error if source code violates rails best practice. # error is the string message for violation of the rails best practice # file is the filename of source code # line is the line number of the source code which is reviewing def add_error(error, file = @node.file, line = @node.line) @errors << RailsBestPractices::Core::Error.new("#{file}", "#{line}", error) end # remember use count for the local or instance variable in the call or attrasgn node. # # find the local variable or instance variable in the call or attrasgn node, # then save it to as key in @variable_use_count hash, and add the call count (hash value). def remember_variable_use_count(node) variable_node = variable(node) if variable_node variable_use_count[variable_node] ||= 0 variable_use_count[variable_node] += 1 end end # return @variable_use_count hash. def variable_use_count @variable_use_count ||= {} end # reset @variable_use_count hash. def reset_variable_use_count @variable_use_count = nil end # find local variable or instance variable in the most inner call node, e.g. # # if the call node is # # s(:call, s(:ivar, :@post), :editors, s(:arglist)), # # or it is # # s(:call, # s(:call, s(:ivar, :@post), :editors, s(:arglist)), # :include?, # s(:arglist, s(:call, nil, :current_user, s(:arglist))) # ) # # then the variable both are s(:ivar, :@post). # def variable(node) while node.subject.node_type == :call node = node.subject end subject_node = node.subject if [:ivar, :lvar].include?(subject_node.node_type) and subject_node[1] != :_erbout subject_node else nil end end # compare two sexp nodes' to_s. # equal?(":test", :test) => true # equai?("@test", :test) => true def equal?(node, expected_node) actual = node.to_s.downcase expected = expected_node.to_s.downcase actual == expected || actual == ':' + expected || actual == '@' + expected end end end end