require 'spec_helper' describe Leaflet::ViewHelpers do class TestView < ActionView::Base end before :all do Leaflet.tile_layer = "http://{s}{z}/{x}/{y}.png" Leaflet.attribution = "Some attribution statement" Leaflet.max_zoom = 18 @view = end it 'should mix in view helpers on initialization' do expect(@view).to respond_to(:map) end it 'should set the method configuration options' do result = => { :latlng => [51.52238797921441, -0.08366235665359283], :zoom => 18 }) expect(result).to match(/L.tileLayer\('http:\/\/{s}.somedomain\.com\/blabla\/{z}\/{x}\/{y}\.png'/) expect(result).to match(/attribution: 'Some attribution statement'/) expect(result).to match(/maxZoom: 18/) end it 'should set subdomains if present' do result = => { :latlng => [51.52238797921441, -0.08366235665359283], :zoom => 18 }, :subdomains => ['otile1', 'otile2']) expect(result).to match(/subdomains: \["otile1", "otile2"\]/) end it 'should not set subdomains if nil' do result = => { :latlng => [51.52238797921441, -0.08366235665359283], :zoom => 18 }, :subdomains => nil) expect(result).not_to match(/subdomains:/) end it 'should generate a basic map with the correct latitude, longitude and zoom' do result = => { :latlng => [51.52238797921441, -0.08366235665359283], :zoom => 18 }) expect(result).to match(/map\.setView\(\[51.52238797921441, -0.08366235665359283\], 18\)/) end it 'should generate a marker' do result = => { :latlng => [51.52238797921441, -0.08366235665359283], :zoom => 18 }, :markers => [ { :latlng => [51.52238797921441, -0.08366235665359283], } ]) expect(result).to match(/marker = L\.marker\(\[51.52238797921441, -0.08366235665359283\]\).addTo\(map\)/) end it 'should generate a marker with a popup' do result = => { :latlng => [51.52238797921441, -0.08366235665359283], :zoom => 18 }, :markers => [ { :latlng => [51.52238797921441, -0.08366235665359283], :popup => "Hello!" } ]) expect(result).to match(/marker = L\.marker\(\[51.52238797921441, -0.08366235665359283\]\).addTo\(map\)/) expect(result).to match(/marker\.bindPopup\('Hello!'\)/) end it 'should generate a marker with a popup and a custom icon' do icon_options = { :name => 'house', :icon_url => 'images/house.png', :shadow_url => 'images/house_shadow.png', :icon_size => [38, 95], :shadow_size => [50, 64], :icon_anchor => [22, 94], :shadow_anchor => [4, 62], :popup_anchor => [-3, -76]} result = => { :latlng => [51.52238797921441, -0.08366235665359283], :zoom => 18 }, :markers => [ { :latlng => [51.52238797921441, -0.08366235665359283], :popup => "Hello!", :icon => icon_options } ]) expected_icon_def = "var #{icon_options[:name]}0 = L.icon({iconUrl: '#{icon_options[:icon_url]}', shadowUrl: '#{icon_options[:shadow_url]}', iconSize: #{icon_options[:icon_size]}, shadowSize: #{icon_options[:shadow_size]}, iconAnchor: #{icon_options[:icon_anchor]}, shadowAnchor: #{icon_options[:shadow_anchor]}, popupAnchor: #{icon_options[:popup_anchor]}})" expect(result).to include(expected_icon_def) expect(result).to match(/marker = L\.marker\(\[51.52238797921441, -0.08366235665359283\], \{icon: house\d+\}\).addTo\(map\)/) expect(result).to match(/marker\.bindPopup\('Hello!'\)/) end it 'should generate many markers with popups and custom icons' do icon_options = { :name => 'house', :icon_url => 'images/house.png', :shadow_url => 'images/house_shadow.png', :icon_size => [38, 95], :shadow_size => [50, 64], :icon_anchor => [22, 94], :shadow_anchor => [4, 62], :popup_anchor => [-3, -76]} result = => { :latlng => [51.52238797921441, -0.08366235665359283], :zoom => 18 }, :markers => [ { :latlng => [51.52238797921441, -0.08366235665359283], :popup => "Hello!", :icon => icon_options }, { :latlng => [51.54238797921441, -0.08566235665359283], :popup => "Farewell!", :icon => icon_options } ]) expected_icon_def_1 = "var #{icon_options[:name]}0 = L.icon({iconUrl: '#{icon_options[:icon_url]}', shadowUrl: '#{icon_options[:shadow_url]}', iconSize: #{icon_options[:icon_size]}, shadowSize: #{icon_options[:shadow_size]}, iconAnchor: #{icon_options[:icon_anchor]}, shadowAnchor: #{icon_options[:shadow_anchor]}, popupAnchor: #{icon_options[:popup_anchor]}})" expected_icon_def_2 = "var #{icon_options[:name]}1 = L.icon({iconUrl: '#{icon_options[:icon_url]}', shadowUrl: '#{icon_options[:shadow_url]}', iconSize: #{icon_options[:icon_size]}, shadowSize: #{icon_options[:shadow_size]}, iconAnchor: #{icon_options[:icon_anchor]}, shadowAnchor: #{icon_options[:shadow_anchor]}, popupAnchor: #{icon_options[:popup_anchor]}})" expect(result).to include(expected_icon_def_1) expect(result).to include(expected_icon_def_2) expect(result).to match(/marker = L\.marker\(\[51.52238797921441, -0.08366235665359283\], \{icon: house\d+\}\).addTo\(map\)/) expect(result).to match(/marker = L\.marker\(\[51.54238797921441, -0.08566235665359283\], \{icon: house\d+\}\).addTo\(map\)/) expect(result).to match(/marker\.bindPopup\('Hello!'\)/) expect(result).to match(/marker\.bindPopup\('Farewell!'\)/) end it 'should have defaults for icon options' do icon_options = { :icon_url => 'images/house.png'} result = => { :latlng => [51.52238797921441, -0.08366235665359283], :zoom => 18 }, :markers => [ { :latlng => [51.52238797921441, -0.08366235665359283], :popup => "Hello!", :icon => icon_options } ]) expected_icon_def = "var icon0 = L.icon({iconUrl: '#{icon_options[:icon_url]}', shadowUrl: '', iconSize: [], shadowSize: [], iconAnchor: [0, 0], shadowAnchor: [0, 0], popupAnchor: [0, 0]})" expect(result).to include(expected_icon_def) expect(result).to match(/marker = L\.marker\(\[51.52238797921441, -0.08366235665359283\], \{icon: icon\d+\}\).addTo\(map\)/) expect(result).to match(/marker\.bindPopup\('Hello!'\)/) end it 'should override the method configuration options if set' do result = => { :latlng => [51.52238797921441, -0.08366235665359283], :zoom => 18 }, :tile_layer => "http://{s}{z}/{x}/{y}.png", :attribution => "Some other attribution text", :max_zoom => 4 ) expect(result).to match(/L.tileLayer\('http:\/\/{s}.someotherdomain\.com\/blabla\/{z}\/{x}\/{y}\.png'/) expect(result).to match(/attribution: 'Some other attribution text'/) expect(result).to match(/maxZoom: 4/) end it 'should pass any configuration options to L.tileLayer if set' do result = => { :latlng => [51.52238797921441, -0.08366235665359283], :zoom => 18 }, :tile_layer => "http://{s}{z}/{x}/{y}.png", :attribution => "Some other attribution text", :max_zoom => 4, :some_key => 'some value', :key2 => 42 ) expect(result).to match(/L.tileLayer\('http:\/\/{s}.someotherdomain\.com\/blabla\/{z}\/{x}\/{y}\.png'/) expect(result).to match(/attribution: 'Some other attribution text'/) expect(result).to match(/maxZoom: 4/) expect(result).to match(/someKey: 'some value'/) expect(result).to match(/key2: '42'/) end it 'should have multiple map on single page' do result = => "first_map", :center => { :latlng => [51.52238797921441, -0.08366235665359283], }) result1 = => "second_map", :center => { :latlng => [51.62238797921441, -0.08366235665359284], }) expect(result).to match(/id=\'first_map'/) expect(result).to match(/\('first_map'/) expect(result1).to match(/id=\'second_map'/) expect(result1).to match(/\('second_map'/) end it 'should generate a map and add a circle' do result = :container_id => "first_map", :center => { :latlng => [51.52238797921441, -0.08366235665359283] }, :circles => [ { :latlng => [51.52238797921441, -0.08366235665359283], :radius => 12, :color => 'red', :fillColor => '#f03', :fillOpacity => 0.5 } ]) expect(result).to match(/\(\[\'51.52238797921441\', \'-0.08366235665359283\'\], 12, \{ color: \'red\', fillColor: \'#f03\', fillOpacity: 0.5 \}\).addTo\(map\)/) end it 'should not create the container tag if no_container is set' do result = => { :latlng => [51.52238797921441, -0.08366235665359283], :zoom => 18 }, :no_container => true ) expect(result).not_to match(/