require 'test_helper' class RelationProxyTest < Zena::Unit::TestCase def test_find_by_role assert_equal relations_id(:note_has_calendars), RelationProxy.find_by_role('news')[:id] assert_equal relations_id(:note_has_calendars), RelationProxy.find_by_role('calendar')[:id] assert_nil RelationProxy.find_by_role('badrole') end def test_get_proxy proj = secure(Node) { nodes(:cleanWater) } note = secure(Note) { nodes(:opening) } page = secure(Page) { nodes(:status) } assert_equal relations_id(:note_has_calendars), RelationProxy.get_proxy(proj,'news')[:id] assert_equal relations_id(:note_has_calendars), RelationProxy.get_proxy(note,'calendar')[:id] assert_nil RelationProxy.get_proxy(note, 'badrole') assert_nil RelationProxy.get_proxy(note, 'news') assert_nil RelationProxy.get_proxy(page, 'calendar') end def test_other_links login(:tiger) node = secure!(Node) { nodes(:opening) } rel = node.relation_proxy('set_tag') assert_equal [:opening_in_news,:opening_in_art].map{|s| links_id(s)}.sort,{|r| r[:id]}.sort end def test_other_id login(:tiger) node = secure!(Node) { nodes(:cleanWater) } rel = node.relation_proxy('icon') assert_equal nodes_id(:lake_jpg), rel.other_id end def test_other_ids login(:tiger) node = secure!(Node) { nodes(:opening) } rel = node.relation_proxy('set_tag') assert_equal [:news,:art].map{|s| nodes_id(s)}.sort, rel.other_ids.sort end def test_other_zip login(:tiger) node = secure!(Node) { nodes(:cleanWater) } assert_equal nodes_zip(:lake_jpg), node.send('icon_zip') end def test_other_zips login(:tiger) node = secure!(Node) { nodes(:opening) } rel = node.relation_proxy('set_tag') assert_equal [:news,:art].map{|s| nodes_zip(s)}.sort, rel.other_zips.sort end def test_records login(:tiger) node = secure!(Node) { nodes(:opening) } rel = node.relation_proxy('set_tag') assert_equal [:art,:news].map{|s| nodes_id(s)}.sort,{|r| r[:id]}.sort end def test_relation_links login(:tiger) node = secure!(Node) { nodes(:opening) } assert_equal [[relations_id(:post_has_blogs), [nodes_id(:zena)]], [relations_id(:note_has_calendars), [nodes_id(:wiki), nodes_id(:zena)].sort], [relations_id(:node_has_tags), [nodes_id(:art), nodes_id(:news)].sort] ].sort{|a,b| a[0] <=> b[0]},{|r,l| [,{|r|}.sort]}.sort{|a,b| a[0] <=> b[0]} end def test_set_tag_ids login(:tiger) node = secure!(Node) { nodes(:status) } assert node.update_attributes( 'set_tag_ids' => [nodes_id(:art).to_s] ) assert_equal [nodes_id(:art)], node.rel['set_tag'].other_ids node = secure!(Node) { nodes(:status) } # reload assert_equal nodes_id(:art), node.find(:all,'set_tags')[0][:id] assert_equal [nodes_id(:art)], node.set_tag_ids assert_equal [nodes_zip(:art)], node.set_tag_zips end def test_relation_proxy node = secure!(Node) { nodes(:status) } assert node.relation_proxy('hot_for') assert node.relation_proxy('set_tags') assert_nil node.relation_proxy('hot') node = secure!(Node) { nodes(:cleanWater) } assert node.relation_proxy('hot_for') assert rel = node.relation_proxy('hot') assert_kind_of RelationProxy, rel end def test_relation_proxy_new_node node = secure!(Node) { Node.new_from_class('Post') } assert rel = node.relation_proxy('blog') assert_equal relations_id(:post_has_blogs), rel[:id] # Any new node can have a relation_proxy (used when forms contain the 'klass' attribute selected by the user). node = secure!(Node) { Node.new_from_class('Node') } assert rel = node.relation_proxy('blog') assert_equal relations_id(:post_has_blogs), rel[:id] end def test_bad_attribute_raises login(:tiger) node = secure!(Node) { nodes(:status) } assert_raises(ActiveRecord::UnknownAttributeError) { node.update_attributes( 'tralala_ids' => ['33'])} end def test_relations_for_form login(:tiger) { Note => ["blog", "calendar", "favorite_for", "home_for", "hot_for", "icon", "reference", "reference_for", "set_tag"], Image => ["favorite_for", "home_for", "hot_for", "icon", "icon_for", "reference", "reference_for", "set_tag"], Project => ["added_note", "collaborator", "favorite_for", "home", "home_for", "hot", "hot_for", "icon", "news", "reference", "reference_for", "set_tag"], Contact => ["collaborator_for", "favorite", "favorite_for", "home_for", "hot_for", "icon", "reference", "reference_for", "set_tag"], }.each do |klass, roles| node = secure!(klass) { klass.find(:first) } assert_equal roles,{|a,b| a} end end def test_remove_link login(:tiger) node = secure!(Node) { nodes(:cleanWater) } assert_equal nodes_id(:art), node.find(:first, 'set_tags')[:id] assert node.remove_link(links(:cleanWater_in_art)) assert assert_nil node.find(:first, 'set_tags') end def test_update_attributes_empty_value login(:lion) node = secure!(Node) { nodes(:proposition) } assert node.update_attributes_with_transformation("klass"=>"Post", "icon_id"=>"", "v_title"=>"blah", "log_at"=>"2008-02-05 17:33", "parent_id"=>"11") end def test_update_comment login(:lion) # status_hot_for_cleanWater node = secure!(Node) { nodes(:cleanWater) } hot = node.find(:first, 'hot') assert_equal nodes_id(:status), hot[:id] assert_nil hot.l_status assert node.update_attributes('hot_comment' => 'very hot') # reload node = secure!(Node) { nodes(:cleanWater) } assert_equal 'very hot', node.find(:first, 'hot').l_comment end def test_update_comment_in_group login(:lion) # status_hot_for_cleanWater node = secure!(Node) { nodes(:opening) } tags = node.find(:all, 'set_tags') assert_equal 2, tags.size art = tags[0] assert_equal 5, art.l_status node.update_attributes('set_tag_status' => 123, 'set_tag_id' => nodes_id(:art)) # reload node = secure!(Node) { nodes(:opening) } tags = node.find(:all, 'set_tags') art = tags[0] assert_equal 123, art.l_status end def test_update_l_comment login(:lion) # status_hot_for_cleanWater node = secure!(Node) { nodes(:cleanWater) } hot = node.find(:first, 'hot') assert_equal nodes_id(:status), hot[:id] assert_nil hot.l_status node.update_attributes(:link_id => links_id(:status_hot_for_cleanWater), :l_comment => 'very hot') err node assert # reload node = secure!(Node) { nodes(:cleanWater) } assert_equal 'very hot', node.find(:first, 'hot').l_comment # modify again node.update_attributes(:link_id => links_id(:status_hot_for_cleanWater), :l_comment => 'very hot', :l_status => '45') assert # reload hot = node.find(:first, 'hot') node = secure!(Node) { nodes(:cleanWater) } assert_equal 'very hot', hot.l_comment assert_equal 45, hot.l_status end def test_add_link_target_as_unique # from 'icons' set 'icon_for' many times on same node login(:lion) bird = secure!(Node) { nodes(:bird_jpg) } flower = secure!(Node) { nodes(:flower_jpg) } assert bird.update_attributes(:icon_for_id => nodes_id(:status) ) icons = secure!(Node) { nodes(:status) }.find(:all, 'icon') assert_equal 1, icons.size assert_equal bird[:id], icons[0][:id] assert flower.update_attributes(:icon_for_id => nodes_id(:status) ) icons = secure!(Node) { nodes(:status) }.find(:all, 'icon') assert_equal 1, icons.size assert_equal flower[:id], icons[0][:id] end def test_add_link login(:lion) node = secure!(Node) { nodes(:letter) } node.add_link('calendar', :other_id => nodes_id(:zena)) assert node = secure!(Node) { nodes(:letter) } node.add_link('calendar', :other_id => nodes_id(:wiki), :comment => 'woopi') assert assert node.errors.empty? node = secure!(Node) { nodes(:letter) } links = node.relation_proxy('calendar').other_links zena = {|r| r[:target_id] == nodes_id(:zena) }.first assert zena wiki = {|r| r[:target_id] == nodes_id(:wiki) }.first assert wiki assert_equal 'woopi', wiki.comment end def test_add_link_bad_target login(:lion) node = secure!(Node) { nodes(:letter) } node.add_link('calendar', :other_id => 1) # bad id assert ! assert_equal 'invalid target', node.errors['calendar'] node = secure!(Node) { nodes(:letter) } node.add_link('calendar', :other_id => 1, :comment => 'woopi') assert ! assert_equal 'invalid target', node.errors['calendar'] node = secure!(Node) { nodes(:letter) } node.add_link('calendar', :other_id => nil, :comment => 'woopi') assert ! assert_equal 'invalid target', node.errors['calendar'] end def test_set_link_many_targets # set icon_for on many nodes, one at a time login(:lion) flower = secure!(Node) { nodes(:flower_jpg) } assert flower.update_attributes(:icon_for_id => nodes_id(:status) ) assert flower.update_attributes(:icon_for_id => nodes_id(:lion) ) icons = secure!(Node) { nodes(:status) }.find(:all, 'icon') assert_equal flower[:id], icons[0][:id] icons = secure!(Node) { nodes(:lion) }.find(:all, 'icon') assert_equal flower[:id], icons[0][:id] end def test_update_link_status_many_targets # set icon_for on many nodes, one at a time login(:lion) flower = secure!(Node) { nodes(:flower_jpg) } assert flower.update_attributes(:icon_for_id => nodes_id(:status) ) assert flower.update_attributes(:icon_for_id => nodes_id(:lion) ) icon_for = secure!(Node) { nodes(:flower_jpg) }.find(:all, 'icon_for') assert_equal 2, icon_for.size lion_as_icon_for = icon_for[0] assert_equal nodes_id(:lion), lion_as_icon_for[:id] assert_nil lion_as_icon_for.l_status link = Link.find_through(flower, lion_as_icon_for.link_id) link.update_attributes_with_transformations('status' => 12345) err link # reload icon_for = secure!(Node) { nodes(:flower_jpg) }.find(:all, 'icon_for') assert_equal 2, icon_for.size lion_as_icon_for = icon_for[0] assert_equal nodes_id(:lion), lion_as_icon_for[:id] assert_equal 12345, lion_as_icon_for.l_status end def test_update_status login(:lion) node = secure!(Node) { nodes(:cleanWater) } assert hot = node.find(:first, 'hot') assert_nil hot.l_status assert node.update_attributes_with_transformation('hot_status' => 33) node = secure!(Node) { nodes(:cleanWater) } assert hot = node.find(:first, 'hot') assert_equal 33, hot.l_status end def test_create_invalid_target_or_empty login(:lion) node = assert_raises(ActiveRecord::UnknownAttributeError) {secure!(Node) { Node.create_node('parent_id' => nodes_zip(:cleanWater),'klass'=>'Page', 'foo_id'=>'342', 'v_title'=>'hello') }} # invalid target node = secure!(Node) { Node.create_node('parent_id' => nodes_zip(:cleanWater),'klass'=>'Page', 'icon_id'=>nodes_zip(:cleanWater), 'v_title'=>'two') } assert node.errors['icon'] assert node.new_record? # empty target node = secure!(Node) { Node.create_node('parent_id' => nodes_zip(:cleanWater),'klass'=>'Page', 'icon_id'=>'', 'v_title'=>'two') } assert_nil node.errors['icon'] assert !node.new_record? end def test_update_link_hash_set login(:lion) node = secure!(Node) { nodes(:cleanWater) } assert hot = node.find(:first, 'hot') assert_nil hot.l_date # node[link][hot][other_id]=33&node[link][hot][date]=2009-7-17+15:55 assert node.update_attributes_with_transformation('rel_attributes' => {'hot_attributes' => {'other_id' => 33, 'date' => '2009-7-17 15:55'}}) node = secure!(Node) { nodes(:cleanWater) } assert hot = node.find(:first, 'hot') assert_equal,7,17,15,55), hot.l_date end def test_remove_link_hash_set login(:lion) node = secure!(Node) { nodes(:cleanWater) } assert hot = node.find(:first, 'hot') assert_nil hot.l_date # node[link][hot][other_id]= assert node.update_attributes_with_transformation('rel_attributes' => {'hot_attributes' => {'other_id' => ''}}) node = secure!(Node) { nodes(:cleanWater) } assert_nil node.find(:first, 'hot') end def test_remove_link_negative_id login(:lion) node = secure!(Node) { nodes(:cleanWater) } references = node.find(:all, 'references') assert_nil references assert node.update_attributes_with_transformation('reference_id' => nodes_zip(:projects)) assert node.update_attributes_with_transformation('reference_id' => nodes_zip(:letter)) assert node.update_attributes_with_transformation('reference_id' => nodes_zip(:wiki)) references = node.find(:all, 'references') assert_equal 3, references.size assert ! {|r| r[:zip] == nodes_zip(:letter)}.empty? # remove letter assert node.update_attributes_with_transformation('reference_id' => -nodes_zip(:letter)) references = node.find(:all, 'references') assert_equal 2, references.size assert {|r| r[:zip] == nodes_zip(:letter)}.empty? end def test_add_links_same_target_different_dates login(:lion) node = secure!(Node) { nodes(:cleanWater) } references = node.find(:all, 'references') assert_nil references assert node.update_attributes_with_transformation('rel_attributes' => {'reference_attributes' => {'other_id' => 33, 'date' => '2009-7-17'}}) assert node.update_attributes_with_transformation('rel_attributes' => {'reference_attributes' => {'other_id' => 33, 'date' => '2009-7-18 8:0'}}) assert node.update_attributes_with_transformation('rel_attributes' => {'reference_attributes' => {'other_id' => 33, 'date' => '2009-7-18 9:0'}}) node = secure!(Node) { nodes(:cleanWater) } assert references = node.find(:all, 'references') assert_equal 3, references.size assert_equal,7,17), references.first.l_date end def test_add_links_same_target_different_dates_rel_syntax login(:lion) node = secure!(Node) { nodes(:cleanWater) } references = node.find(:all, 'references') assert_nil references assert node.update_attributes_with_transformation('rel' => {'reference' => {'other_id' => 33, 'date' => '2009-7-17'}}) assert node.update_attributes_with_transformation('rel' => {'reference' => {'other_id' => 33, 'date' => '2009-7-18 8:0'}}) assert node.update_attributes_with_transformation('rel' => {'reference' => {'other_id' => 33, 'date' => '2009-7-18 9:0'}}) node = secure!(Node) { nodes(:cleanWater) } assert references = node.find(:all, 'references') assert_equal 3, references.size assert_equal,7,17), references.first.l_date end def test_add_links_same_target_different_alias_syntax login(:lion) node = secure!(Node) { nodes(:cleanWater) } references = node.find(:all, 'references') assert_nil references assert node.update_attributes_with_transformation('reference_id' => 33, 'reference_date' => '2009-7-17') assert node.update_attributes_with_transformation('reference_id' => 33, 'reference_date' => '2009-7-18 8:0') assert node.update_attributes_with_transformation('reference_id' => 33, 'reference_date' => '2009-7-18 9:0') node = secure!(Node) { nodes(:cleanWater) } assert references = node.find(:all, 'references') assert_equal 3, references.size assert_equal,7,17), references.first.l_date end def test_remove_link_many_targets_different_dates login(:lion) node = secure!(Node) { nodes(:cleanWater) } assert node.update_attributes_with_transformation('rel_attributes' => {'reference_attributes' => {'other_id' => 33, 'date' => '2009-7-17'}}) assert node.update_attributes_with_transformation('rel_attributes' => {'reference_attributes' => {'other_id' => 33, 'date' => '2009-7-18 8:0'}}) assert node.update_attributes_with_transformation('rel_attributes' => {'reference_attributes' => {'other_id' => 33, 'date' => '2009-7-18 9:0'}}) node = secure!(Node) { nodes(:cleanWater) } # remove 9:0 assert node.update_attributes_with_transformation('rel_attributes' => {'reference_attributes' => {'other_id' => '', 'date' => '2009-7-18 9:0'}}) assert references = node.find(:all, 'references') assert_equal 2, references.size assert_equal,7,17), references.first.l_date assert_equal,7,18,8), references.last.l_date end def test_attr_public assert Node.safe_method_type(['l_status']) assert Node.safe_method_type(['l_comment']) assert Node.safe_method_type(['l_date']) end end