if defined? ActionDispatch::Routing # Rails 3, 4 ActionDispatch::Routing::Mapper.class_eval do protected def devise_cas_authenticatable(mapping, controllers) sign_out_via = (Devise.respond_to?(:sign_out_via) && Devise.sign_out_via) || [:get, :post] # service endpoint for CAS server get "service", :to => "#{controllers[:cas_sessions]}#service", :as => "service" post "service", :to => "#{controllers[:cas_sessions]}#single_sign_out", :as => "single_sign_out" resource :session, :only => [], :controller => controllers[:cas_sessions], :path => "" do get :new, :path => mapping.path_names[:sign_in], :as => "new" get :unregistered post :create, :path => mapping.path_names[:sign_in] match :destroy, :path => mapping.path_names[:sign_out], :as => "destroy", :via => sign_out_via end end def raise_no_secret_key #:nodoc: # Devise_cas_authenticatable does not store passwords, so does not need a secret! Rails.logger.warn <<-WARNING Devise_cas_authenticatable has suppressed an exception from being raised for missing Devise.secret_key. If devise_cas_authenticatable is the only devise module you are using for authentication you can safely ignore this warning. However, if you use another module that requires the secret_key please follow these instructions from Devise: Devise.secret_key was not set. Please add the following to your Devise initializer: config.secret_key = '#{SecureRandom.hex(64)}' Please ensure you restarted your application after installing Devise or setting the key. WARNING end end else # Rails 2 ActionController::Routing::RouteSet::Mapper.class_eval do protected def cas_authenticatable(routes, mapping) routes.with_options(:controller => 'devise/cas_sessions', :name_prefix => nil) do |session| session.send(:"#{mapping.name}_service", '/service', :action => 'service', :conditions => {:method => :get}) session.send(:"#{mapping.name}_service", '/service', :action => 'single_sign_out', :conditions => {:method => :post}) session.send(:"unregistered_#{mapping.name}_session", '/unregistered', :action => "unregistered", :conditions => {:method => :get}) session.send(:"new_#{mapping.name}_session", mapping.path_names[:sign_in], :action => 'new', :conditions => {:method => :get}) session.send(:"#{mapping.name}_session", mapping.path_names[:sign_in], :action => 'create', :conditions => {:method => :post}) session.send(:"destroy_#{mapping.name}_session", mapping.path_names[:sign_out], :action => 'destroy', :conditions => { :method => :get }) end end end end