{ "GENERAL": { "active": true, "comment": "A generic set of rules, to be applied regardless of the current phase", "rules": { "steps": { "active": false, "start_pattern": "DisplayProgressbar: (?.+)", "start_message": "Current step: %{step}" }, "fail": { "active": true, "start_pattern": "^(?Failed to .+)\\n", "end_pattern": "Filename: (?:[\\w/:]+/(?\\w+\\.\\w+))? Line: (?-?\\d+)", "start_message": false, "end_message": "%{file}(line %{line}): %{fail}", "store_lines": false, "ignore_lines": [ "UnityEditor", "UnityEngine", "^\\n" ], "type": "error" }, "log": { "active": true, "start_pattern": "UnityEngine\\.Debug:Log\\(Object\\)", "fetch_first_line_not_matching": [ "UnityEngine\\.", "^\\n" ], "fetched_line_pattern": "(?.*)\\n", "fetched_line_message": false, "start_message": false, "end_pattern": "Filename: (?:[\\w/:]+/(?\\w+\\.\\w+))? Line: (?-?\\d+)", "end_message": "[LOG] %{file}(line %{line}): %{message}" }, "log_assertion": { "active": true, "start_pattern": "UnityEngine\\.Debug:LogAssertion\\(Object\\)", "fetch_first_line_not_matching": [ "UnityEngine\\.", "^\\n" ], "fetched_line_pattern": "(?.*)\\n", "fetched_line_message": false, "start_message": false, "end_pattern": "Filename: (?:[\\w/:]+/(?\\w+\\.\\w+))? Line: (?-?\\d+)", "end_message": "[LOG] %{file}(line %{line}): %{message}", "type": "warning" }, "log_warning": { "active": true, "start_pattern": "UnityEngine\\.Debug:LogWarning\\(Object\\)", "fetch_first_line_not_matching": [ "UnityEngine\\.", "^\\n" ], "fetched_line_pattern": "(?.*)\\n", "fetched_line_message": false, "start_message": false, "end_pattern": "Filename: (?:[\\w/:]+/(?\\w+\\.\\w+))? Line: (?-?\\d+)", "end_message": "[LOG] %{file}(line %{line}): %{message}", "type": "warning" }, "log_error": { "active": true, "start_pattern": "UnityEngine\\.Debug:LogError\\(Object\\)", "fetch_first_line_not_matching": [ "UnityEngine\\.", "^\\n", "^\\t", "^ " ], "fetched_line_pattern": "(?.*)\\n", "fetched_line_message": false, "start_message": false, "end_pattern": "Filename: (?:[\\w/:]+/(?\\w+\\.\\w+))? Line: (?-?\\d+)", "end_message": "[LOG] %{file}(line %{line}): %{message}", "type": "error" }, "log_exception": { "active": true, "start_pattern": "UnityEngine\\.Debug:LogException\\(Object\\)", "fetch_first_line_not_matching": [ "UnityEngine\\.", "^\\n", "^\\t", "^ " ], "fetched_line_pattern": "(?.*)\\n", "fetched_line_message": false, "start_message": false, "end_pattern": "Filename: (?:[\\w/:]+/(?\\w+\\.\\w+))? Line: (?-?\\d+)", "end_message": "[LOG] %{file}(line %{line}): %{message}", "type": "error" }, "batchmode_exit": { "active": true, "start_pattern": "Exiting batchmode successfully now!", "type": "success" } } }, "JENKINS": { "active": true, "silent": false, "comment": "Jenkins specific, used to catch build launchs via Jenkins", "phase_start_pattern": "Started by", "rules": { "start": { "active": true, "start_pattern": "Started by" } } }, "INIT": { "active": true, "silent": false, "comment": "Initialization on editor launch", "phase_start_pattern": "Initialize mono", "rules": { "mono_options": { "active": true, "start_pattern": "Using monoOptions -(?.+)" }, "batchmode_args": { "active": true, "start_pattern": "(?: COMMAND LINE|BATCHMODE) ARGUMENTS:", "start_message": "Batchmode arguments:", "store_lines": true, "end_pattern": "(Successfully changed project path|Loading GUID)", "end_message": "[...]" }, "GUID_loading": { "active": true, "start_pattern": "Loading GUID <-> Path mappings" }, "asset_DB_loading": { "active": true, "start_pattern": "Loading Asset Database ?... {,2}\\d+\\.?\\d*" }, "asset_DB_loading_FAIL": { "active": true, "start_pattern": "Loading Asset Database ?... ?\\[ Failed \\]", "type": "warning" }, "engine_version": { "active": true, "start_pattern": "Initialize engine version: (?\\d+\\.\\d+\\.\\d+\\w\\d+) \\((?\\w*)\\)", "start_message": "Engine Initialization (version %{version})" } } }, "COMPILER": { "active": true, "silent": false, "comment": "Compiling phase", "phase_start_pattern": "- starting compile", "phase_end_pattern": "- Finished compile", "rules": { "target": { "active": true, "start_pattern": "- starting compile (?.+), for buildtarget (?.+)", "start_message": "Target: %{path} (buildtarget %{target})" }, "finished": { "active": true, "start_pattern": "- Finished compile (?.+)\\n", "start_message": "Finished compilation for %{path}" }, "arguments": { "active": false, "start_pattern": "Compiler Commandline Arguments", "end_pattern": "(^\\n|CompilerOutput)", "store_lines": true, "start_message": "Compiler command line arguments:", "end_message": false }, "stdout": { "active": true, "start_pattern": "CompilerOutput:-stdout--exitcode: (?\\d)--compilationhadfailure: (?False|True)--outfile: (?.+)", "start_message": "Exitcode %{exitcode} on the standard output of the compiler (%{file})" }, "stderr": { "active": false, "start_pattern": "CompilerOutput:-stderr", "start_message": "Errors and warnings:" }, "compiler_error": { "active": true, "start_pattern": "/(?\\w+\\.\\w+\\(\\d+,\\d+\\)): error (?CS....): (?.+)\\n", "start_message": "Error %{code}: %{message} (%{file})", "type": "error" }, "compiler_warning": { "active": true, "start_pattern": "/(?\\w+\\.\\w+\\(\\d+,\\d+\\)): warning (?CS....): (?.+)\\n", "start_message": "Warning %{code}: %{message} (%{file})", "type": "warning" }, "cancel": { "active": true, "start_pattern": "\\*\\*\\* Cancelled '(?.+)' in (?