Pry ============= (C) John Mair (banisterfiend) 2010 _attach an irb-like session to any object_ Pry is a simple Ruby REPL that specializes in the interactive manipulation of objects during the running of a program. * Install the [gem]( `gem install pry` * Read the [documentation]( * See the [source code]( example: prying on an object at runtime --------------------------------------- With the `Pry.into()` method we can pry (open an irb-like session) on an object. In the example below we open a Pry session for the `Test` class and execute a method and add an instance variable. The program is halted for the duration of the session. require 'pry' class Test def self.hello() "hello world" end end Pry.into(Test) # Pry session begins on stdin Beginning Pry session for Test pry(Test)> self => Test pry(Test)> hello => "hello world" pry(Test)> @y = 20 => 20 pry(Test)> exit Ending Pry session for Test # program resumes here If we now inspect the `Test` object we can see our changes have had effect: Test.instance_variable_get(:@y) #=> 20 example: Pry sessions can nest arbitrarily deep so we can pry on objects inside objects: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Here we will begin Pry at top-level, then pry on a class and then on an instance variable inside that class: # Pry.into() without parameters begins a Pry session on top-level (main) Pry.into Beginning Pry session for main pry(main)> class Hello pry(main)* @x = 20 pry(main)* end => 20 pry(main)> Pry.into Hello Beginning Pry session for Hello pry(Hello)> instance_variables => [:@x] pry(Hello)> Pry.into @x Beginning Pry session for 20 pry(20)> self + 10 => 30 pry(20)> exit Ending Pry session for 20 pry(Hello)> exit Ending Pry session for Hello pry(main)> exit Ending Pry session for main # program resumes here example: Spawn a separate thread so you can use `Pry` to manipulate an object without halting the program. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- If we embed our `Pry.into` method inside its own thread we can examine and manipulate objects without halting the program. # Pry.into() without parameters opens up the top-level (main) { Pry.into } Features and limitations ------------------------ Pry is an irb-like clone with an emphasis on interactively examining and manipulating objects during the running of a program. Its primary utility is probably in debugging, though it may have other uses (such as implementing a quake-like console for games, for example). Here is a list of Pry's features along with some of its limitations given at the end. Features: * Pry can be invoked at any time and on any object in the running program. * Pry sessions can nest arbitrarily deeply -- to go back one level of nesting type 'exit' or 'quit' * Pry has multi-line support built in. * Pry implements all the methods in the REPL chain separately: `Pry.r` for reading; `` for eval; `Pry.rep` for printing; and `Pry.repl` for the loop (`Pry.into` is simply an alias for `Pry.repl`). You can invoke any of these methods directly depending on exactly what aspect of the functionality you need. Limitations: * Pry does not pretend to be a replacement for `irb`, and so does not have an executable. It is designed to be used by other programs, not on its own. For a full-featured `irb` replacement see [ripl]( * Although Pry works fine in Ruby 1.9, only Ruby 1.8 syntax is supported. This is because Pry uses the [RubyParser]( gem internally to validate expressions, and RubyParser, as yet, only parses Ruby 1.8 code. In practice this usually just means you cannot use the new hash literal syntax (this: syntax) or the 'stabby lambda' syntax (->). Contact ------- Problems or questions contact me at [github](