module SequenceServer # Module to collect some sequence-related helper functions module SequenceHelpers # copied from bioruby's Bio::Sequence # returns a Hash. Eg: composition("asdfasdfffffasdf") # => {"a"=>3, "d"=>3, "f"=>7, "s"=>3} def composition(sequence_string) count = sequence_string.scan(/./) do |x| count[x] += 1 end return count end # Strips all non-letter characters. guestimates sequence based on that. # If less than 10 useable characters... returns nil # If more than 90% ACGTU returns :nucleotide. else returns :protein def guess_sequence_type(sequence_string) cleaned_sequence = sequence_string.gsub(/[^A-Z]/i, '') # removing non-letter characters cleaned_sequence.gsub!(/[NX]/i, '') # removing ambiguous characters return nil if cleaned_sequence.length < 10 # conservative composition = composition(cleaned_sequence) composition_NAs = { |character, count|character.match(/[ACGTU]/i) } # only putative NAs putative_NA_counts = composition_NAs.collect { |key_value_array| key_value_array[1] } # only count, not char putative_NA_sum = putative_NA_counts.inject { |sum, n| sum + n } # count of all putative NA putative_NA_sum = 0 if putative_NA_sum.nil? if putative_NA_sum > (0.9 * cleaned_sequence.length) return :nucleotide else return :protein end end # splits input at putative fasta definition lines (like ">adsfadsf"), guesses sequence type for each sequence. # if not enough sequence to determine, returns nil. # if 2 kinds of sequence mixed together, raises ArgumentError # otherwise, returns :nucleotide or :protein def type_of_sequences(fasta_format_string) # the first sequence does not need to have a fasta definition line sequences = fasta_format_string.split(/^>.*$/).delete_if { |seq| seq.empty? } # get all sequence types sequence_types = sequences.collect { |seq| guess_sequence_type(seq) }.uniq.compact return nil if sequence_types.empty? if sequence_types.length == 1 return sequence_types.first # there is only one (but yes its an array) else raise ArgumentError, "Insufficient info to determine sequence type. Cleaned queries are: #{ sequences.to_s }" end end # Return the database type that can be used for a given blast method. # db_type_for("blastp") => :protein # db_type_for("tblastn") => :nucleotide # db_type_for(nil) => nil def db_type_for(blast_method) case blast_method when 'blastp', 'blastx' :protein when 'blastn', 'tblastx', 'tblastn' :nucleotide end end # Return the blast methods that can be used for a given type of sequence. # blast_methods_for(:protein) => ['blastp', 'tblastn'] # blast_methods_for(:nucleotide) => ['blastn','tblastx','blastx'] # blast_methods_for(nil) => ['blastp', 'tblastn','blastn','tblastx','blastx'] def blast_methods_for(seq_type) case seq_type when :protein ['blastp', 'tblastn'] when :nucleotide ['blastn','tblastx','blastx'] else # Sequence type not predicted, so don't make any assumptions about the blast method ['blastp', 'tblastn','blastn','tblastx','blastx'] end end def sequence_from_blastdb(ids, db) # helpful when displaying parsed blast results # we know how to handle an Array of ids ids = ids.join(',') if ids.is_a? Array # we don't know what to do if the arguments ain't String raise TypeError unless ids.is_a? String and db.is_a? String # query now! # # If `blastdbcmd` throws error, we assume sequence not found. blastdbcmd = settings.binaries['blastdbcmd'] %x|#{blastdbcmd} -db #{db} -entry '#{ids}' 2> /dev/null| end # Given a sequence_id and databases, apply the default (standard) # way to convert a sequence_id into a hyperlink, so that the # blast results include hyperlinks. def construct_standard_sequence_hyperlink(options) if options[:sequence_id].match(/^[^ ]/) #if there is a space right after the '>', makeblastdb was run without -parse_seqids # By default, add a link to a fasta file of the sequence (if makeblastdb was called with -parse_seqids) complete_id = options[:sequence_id][/^(\S+)\s*.*/, 1] # get id part id = complete_id.include?('|') ? complete_id.split('|')[1] : complete_id.split('|')[0] @all_retrievable_ids ||= [] @all_retrievable_ids.push(id) link = "/get_sequence/?id=#{id}&db=#{options[:databases].join(' ')}" # several dbs... separate by ' ' return link else # do nothing - link == nil means no link will be incorporated return nil end end end end