# coding: utf-8 require 'helper' class TypetalkOutputTest < Test::Unit::TestCase def setup Fluent::Test.setup end CONFIG = %[ type typetalk client_id 123456 client_secret secret topic_id 1 message notice : %s out_keys message ] CONFIG_THROTTLE = %[ type typetalk client_id 123456 client_secret secret topic_id 1 message notice : %s out_keys message interval 5 limit 1 ] CONFIG_NO_THROTTLE = %[ type typetalk client_id 123456 client_secret secret topic_id 1 message notice : %s out_keys message interval 0 limit 0 ] CONFIG_TRUNCATE = %[ type typetalk client_id 123456 client_secret secret topic_id 1 message %s out_keys message truncate_message true ] def create_driver(conf = CONFIG, tag = 'test') Fluent::Test::OutputTestDriver.new(Fluent::TypetalkOutput, tag).configure(conf) end def test_configure d = create_driver() assert_equal '123456', Typetalk.config.client_id assert_equal 'secret', Typetalk.config.client_secret assert_equal 60, d.instance.instance_variable_get(:@interval) assert_equal 10, d.instance.instance_variable_get(:@limit) assert_equal true, d.instance.instance_variable_get(:@need_throttle) end def test_configure_no_throttle d = create_driver(CONFIG_NO_THROTTLE) assert_equal false, d.instance.instance_variable_get(:@need_throttle) end def test_write d = create_driver() mock(d.instance.typetalk).post_message(1, 'notice : test1') d.emit({'message' => 'test1'}) d.run() end def test_template d = create_driver(CONFIG, 'warn') d.instance.message = "notice : %s [%s]" d.instance.out_keys = ["message", "time"] mock(d.instance.typetalk).post_message(1, "notice : test1 [1399910738]") ENV["TZ"]="Asia/Tokyo" t = Time.strptime('2014-05-13 01:05:38', '%Y-%m-%d %T') d.emit({'message' => 'test1'}, t) d.run() end def test_post_message_unauthorized_error d = create_driver() stub(d.instance.typetalk).post_message(1, 'notice : test1') { raise Typetalk::Unauthorized, {status:401, headers:{}, body:''}.to_json } stub(d.instance.log).error {|name, params| assert_equal "out_typetalk:", name assert_equal Fluent::TypetalkError, params[:error_class] assert_equal "invalid credentials used. check client_id and client_secret in your configuration.", params[:error] } d.emit({'message' => 'test1'}) d.run() end def test_post_message_invalid_request_error d = create_driver() stub(d.instance.typetalk).post_message(1, 'notice : test1') { raise Typetalk::InvalidRequest, {status:400, headers:{}, body:'{"error":"invalid_client", "error_description":""}'}.to_json } stub(d.instance.log).error {|name, params| assert_equal "out_typetalk:", name assert_equal Fluent::TypetalkError, params[:error_class] assert_equal "failed to post, msg: invalid_client, code: 400", params[:error] } d.emit({'message' => 'test1'}) d.run() end def test_post_message_maxlength_error d = create_driver() stub(d.instance.typetalk).post_message(1, 'notice : test1') { raise Typetalk::InvalidRequest, {status:400, headers:{}, body:'{"errors":[{"field":"message", "name":"error.maxLength", "message":"Maximum length is 4,096 characters."}]}'}.to_json } stub(d.instance.log).error {|name, params| assert_equal "out_typetalk:", name assert_equal Fluent::TypetalkError, params[:error_class] assert_equal "failed to post, msg: message : Maximum length is 4,096 characters., code: 400", params[:error] } d.emit({'message' => 'test1'}) d.run() end def test_post_message_notfound_error d = create_driver() stub(d.instance.typetalk).post_message(1, 'notice : test1') { raise Typetalk::NotFound, {status:404, headers:{}, body:'{"errors":[]}'}.to_json } stub(d.instance.log).error {|name, params| assert_equal "out_typetalk:", name assert_equal Fluent::TypetalkError, params[:error_class] assert_equal "failed to post, msg: , code: 404", params[:error] } d.emit({'message' => 'test1'}) d.run() end def test_throttle d = create_driver(CONFIG_THROTTLE) mock(d.instance.typetalk).post_message(1, 'notice : test1') mock(d.instance.typetalk).post_message(1, 'notice : test3') stub(d.instance.log).error {|name, params| assert_equal "out_typetalk:", name assert_equal "number of posting message within 5.0(sec) reaches to the limit 1", params[:error] } d.emit({'message' => 'test1'}) d.emit({'message' => 'test2'}) sleep 5 d.emit({'message' => 'test3'}) d.run() end def test_truncate d = create_driver(CONFIG_TRUNCATE) mock(d.instance.typetalk).post_message(1, '1') mock(d.instance.typetalk).post_message(1, '1'*4095) mock(d.instance.typetalk).post_message(1, '1'*4091 + ' ...') d.emit({'message' => '1'}) d.emit({'message' => '1'*4095}) # not truncated d.emit({'message' => '1'*4096}) # should be truncated d.run() end end