--- in: | |a|b|c| |1|2|3| h3. A header after the table html: |-
a b c
1 2 3

A header after the table

--- in: | |_. a|_. b|_. c| |1|2|3| html: |-
a b c
1 2 3
--- in: |- |This|is|a|simple|table| |This|is|a|simple|row| html: |-
This is a simple table
This is a simple row
--- in: |- table{border:1px solid black}. |This|is|a|row| |This|is|a|row| html: |-
This is a row
This is a row
--- in: '{background:#ddd}. |This|is|a|row|' html: |-
This is a row
--- in: |- |a|b|c| | |2|3| html: |-
a b c
2 3
--- in: |- table{width: 200px; border:2px solid gray;}. |_=. Alignment| |=. centered| |=(. a bit right| |=). a bit left| |>). almost right| |<(. almost left| |>. right| |<. left| html: |-
a bit right
a bit left
almost right
almost left
--- in: |- |{background:#ddd}. Cell with gray background| |\2. Cell spanning 2 columns| |/3. Cell spanning 3 rows| |>. Right-aligned cell| html: |-
Cell with gray background
Cell spanning 2 columns
Cell spanning 3 rows
Right-aligned cell
--- in: | {background:#ddd}. |S|Target|Complete|App|Milestone| |!/i/g.gif!|11/29/04|11/29/04|011|XML spec complete (KH is on schedule)| |!/i/g.gif!|11/22/04|11/22/04|070|Dialog pass 1 builds an index file| |!/i/g.gif!|11/24/04|11/24/04|070|Dialog pass 2 98% complete| |!/i/g.gif!|11/30/04|11/30/04|070|Feature complete. Passes end-to-end smoke test.| |!/i/w.gif!|12/02/04| |011|Dialog pass 1 and 2 complete (98+%)| |!/i/w.gif!|12/03/04| |081|Feature complete| html: |-
S Target Complete App Milestone
11/29/04 11/29/04 011 XML spec complete (KH is on schedule)
11/22/04 11/22/04 070 Dialog pass 1 builds an index file
11/24/04 11/24/04 070 Dialog pass 2 98% complete
11/30/04 11/30/04 070 Feature complete. Passes end-to-end smoke test.
12/02/04 011 Dialog pass 1 and 2 complete (98+%)
12/03/04 081 Feature complete
--- name: combined table header and colspan in: |- table(my_class). |_\2. a |_. b |_. c | | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | html: |-
a b c
1 2 3 4
--- name: two adjacent tables in: |- |a|b|c| |1|2|3| html: |-
a b c
1 2 3