class Time def _to_fm d = strftime('%m/%d/%Y') #unless == Date.parse(self.to_s) t = strftime('%T') d ? "#{d} #{t}" : t end end # Time class DateTime def _to_fm d = strftime('%m/%d/%Y') t =strftime('%T') "#{d} #{t}" end end # Time class Timestamp def _to_fm d = strftime('%m/%d/%Y') t =strftime('%T') "#{d} #{t}" end end # Time class Date def _to_fm strftime('%m/%d/%Y') end end # Time module DataMapper [Adapters, Model, Query, Resource] # All this to tack on class and instance methods to the model/resource. module Resource class << self alias_method :included_orig, :included def included(klass) included_orig(klass) if klass.repository.adapter.to_s[/filemaker/i] klass.instance_eval do extend repository.adapter.class::ModelMethods include repository.adapter.class::ResourceMethods end end end end end module Model # For testing adapter methods. attr_accessor :last_query end # Model class Query # Convert dm query conditions to fmp query params (hash) def to_fmp_query(input=self.conditions) #puts "FMP_QUERY input #{}" rslt = if[/OrOperation/] #puts "FMP_QUERY OrOperation #{input.class}" input.operands.collect do |o| r = to_fmp_query o #puts "FMP_QUERY or-operation operand #{r}" r end elsif[/AndOperation/] #puts "FMP_QUERY AndOperation input class #{input.class}" #puts "FMP_QUERY AndOperation input value #{input.inspect}" out = {} input.operands.each do |k,v| #puts "FMP_QUERY and-operation pre-process operand key:val #{k}:#{v}" r = to_fmp_query(k).to_hash #puts "FMP_QUERY and-operation post-process operand #{r}" if r.is_a?(Hash) #puts "FMP_QUERY and-operation operand is a hash" # Filemaker can't have the same field twice in a single find request, # but we can mash the two conditions together in a way that FMP can use. out.merge!(r){|k, oldv, newv| "#{oldv} #{newv}"} else #puts "FMP_QUERY and-operation operand is NOT a hash" out = r break end end out elsif[/NullOperation/] || input.nil? #puts "FMP_QUERY NullOperation #{input.class}" {} else #puts "FMP_QUERY else input class #{input.class}" #puts "FMP_QUERY else input value #{input.inspect}" #puts "FMP_QUERY else-options #{self.options.inspect}" #prepare_fmp_attributes({input.subject=>input.value}, :prepend=>fmp_operator( value = ( self.options[input.keys[0]] || self.options[] || self.options.find{|o,v| o.respond_to?(:target) && ==}[1] || input.value ) rescue input.value #(puts "ERROR #{$!}"; input.value) #puts "FMP_QUERY else-value #{value}" repository.adapter.prepare_fmp_attributes({input.subject=>value}, :prepend=>fmp_operator( end #puts "FMP_QUERY output #{rslt.inspect}" rslt end # to_fmp_query # Convert operation class to operator string def fmp_operator(operation) case when operation[/GreaterThanOrEqualTo/]; '>=' when operation[/LessThanOrEqualTo/]; '<=' when operation[/GreaterThan/]; '>' when operation[/LessThan/]; '<' when operation[/EqualTo/]; '==' when operation[/Like/]; when operation[/Null/]; else nil end end # Get fmp options hash from query def fmp_options(query=self) fm_options = {} fm_options[:skip_records] = query.offset if query.offset fm_options[:max_records] = query.limit if query.limit if query.order fm_options[:sort_field] = query.order.collect do |ord| end fm_options[:sort_order] = query.order.collect do |ord| ord.operator.to_s + 'end' end end fm_options end end # Query end # DataMapper module Rfm class Resultset # Does custom processing during each record-to-resource translation done in DataMapper::Model#load # Doing this here means we don't have to mess with DataMapper::Model#load. def map super do |record| resource = yield(record) #puts "DM INPUT RECORD: #{record.class} #{record.instance_variable_get(:@record_id)}" if resource.kind_of?(DataMapper::Resource) #puts "MODEL#LOAD custom processing RECORD #{record.class} RESOURCE #{resource.class}" #puts record.inspect # For Testing: #resource.instance_variable_set(:@record, record) # WBR - Loads portal data into DM model attached to this resource. portals = record.instance_variable_get(:@portals) #puts "MODEL#LOAD record #{record.class} portals #{portals.keys rescue 'no portals'}" #if record.respond_to?(:portals) && record.portals.kind_of?(Hash) && record.portals.any? model = resource.class if portals.kind_of?(Hash) && portals.any? begin #puts record.portals.to_yaml portal_keys = portals.keys #puts "PORTALS: #{portal_keys}" portal_keys.each do |portal_key| #relat = model.relationships.to_a.find{|r| storage_name = r.child_model.storage_names[:default]; portal_key.to_s == storage_name } relat = model.relationships.to_a.find{|r| storage_name = r.child_model.storage_name; portal_key.to_s == storage_name } if relat #puts "BUILDING RELATIONSHIP FROM PORTAL: #{} #{}" resource.instance_variable_set(relat.instance_variable_name, relat.child_model.load(record.instance_variable_get(:@portals)[portal_key], relat.child_model.query) ) end end rescue puts "ERROR LOADING PORTALS #{$!}" end end resource.instance_variable_set(:@_record_id, record.instance_variable_get(:@record_id)) resource.instance_variable_set(:@_mod_id, record.instance_variable_get(:@mod_id)) end resource end end end end