module SPCore # Frequency domain analysis class. On instantiation a forware FFT is performed # on the given time series data, and the results are stored in full and half form. # The half-FFT form cuts out the latter half of the FFT results. Also, for the # half-FFT the complex values will be converted to magnitude (linear or decibel) # if specified in :fft_format (see FFT_FORMATS for valid values). class FrequencyDomain include Hashmake::HashMakeable FFT_COMPLEX_VALUED = :complexValued FFT_MAGNITUDE_LINEAR = :magnitudeLinear FFT_MAGNITUDE_DECIBEL = :magnitudeDecibel # valid values to give for the :fft_format key. FFT_FORMATS = [ FFT_COMPLEX_VALUED, FFT_MAGNITUDE_LINEAR, FFT_MAGNITUDE_DECIBEL ] # define how the class is to be instantiated by hash. ARG_SPECS = { :time_data => arg_spec_array(:reqd => true, :type => Numeric), :sample_rate => arg_spec(:reqd => true, :type => Numeric, :validator => ->(a){ a > 0 }), :fft_format => arg_spec(:reqd => false, :type => Symbol, :default => FFT_MAGNITUDE_DECIBEL, :validator => ->(a){FFT_FORMATS.include?(a)}) } attr_reader :time_data, :sample_rate, :fft_format, :fft_full, :fft_half def initialize args hash_make args, FrequencyDomain::ARG_SPECS @fft_full = FFT.forward @time_data @fft_half = @fft_full[0...(@fft_full.size / 2)] case(@fft_format) when FFT_MAGNITUDE_LINEAR @fft_half = {|x| x.magnitude } when FFT_MAGNITUDE_DECIBEL @fft_half = {|x| Gain.linear_to_db x.magnitude } # in decibels end end # Convert an FFT output index to the corresponding frequency bin def idx_to_freq(idx) return (idx * @sample_rate.to_f) / @fft_full.size end # Convert an FFT frequency bin to the corresponding FFT output index def freq_to_idx(freq) return (freq * @fft_full.size) / @sample_rate.to_f end # Find frequency peak values. def peaks # map positive maxima to indices positive_maxima = Features.positive_maxima(@fft_half) freq_peaks = {} positive_maxima.keys.sort.each do |idx| freq = idx_to_freq(idx) freq_peaks[freq] = positive_maxima[idx] end return freq_peaks end GCD = :gcd WINDOW = :window HARMONIC_SERIES_APPROACHES = [ GCD, WINDOW ] # Find the strongest harmonic series among the given peak data. def harmonic_series opts = {} defaults = { :n_peaks => 8, :min_freq => 40.0, :approach => WINDOW } opts = defaults.merge(opts) n_peaks = opts[:n_peaks] min_freq = opts[:min_freq] approach = opts[:approach] raise ArgumentError, "n_peaks is < 1" if n_peaks < 1 peaks = self.peaks if peaks.empty? return [] end max_freq = peaks.keys.max max_idx = freq_to_idx(max_freq) sorted_pairs = peaks.sort_by {|f,m| m} top_n_pairs = sorted_pairs.reverse[0, n_peaks] candidate_series = [] case approach when GCD for n in 1..n_peaks combinations = top_n_pairs.combination(n).to_a combinations.each do |combination| freq_indices = {|pair| freq_to_idx(pair[0]) } fund_idx = multi_gcd freq_indices if fund_idx >= freq_to_idx(min_freq) series = [] idx = fund_idx while idx <= max_idx freq = idx_to_freq(idx) #if peaks.has_key? freq series.push freq #end idx += fund_idx end candidate_series.push series end end end when WINDOW # look for a harmonic series top_n_pairs.each do |pair| f_base = pair[0] min_idx_base = freq_to_idx(f_base) - 0.5 max_idx_base = min_idx_base + 1.0 harmonic_series = [ f_base ] target = 2 * f_base min_idx = 2 * min_idx_base max_idx = 2 * max_idx_base while target < max_freq f_l = idx_to_freq(min_idx.floor) f_h = idx_to_freq(max_idx.ceil) window = f_l..f_h candidates = {|actual,magn| window.include?(actual) } if candidates.any? min = candidates.min_by {|actual,magn| (actual - target).abs } harmonic_series.push min[0] else break end target += f_base min_idx += min_idx_base max_idx += max_idx_base end candidate_series.push harmonic_series end else raise ArgumentError, "#{approach} approach is not supported" end strongest_series = candidate_series.max_by do |harmonic_series| sum = 0 harmonic_series.each do |f| if peaks.has_key?(f) sum += peaks[f]**2 else m = @fft_half[freq_to_idx(f)].magnitude sum += m**2 end end sum end return strongest_series end private def gcd a,b if b == 0 return a else return gcd(b, a % b) end end def multi_gcd nums if nums.count == 1 return nums[0] elsif nums.count == 2 return gcd nums[0], nums[1] else return multi_gcd [gcd(nums[0], nums[1])] + nums[2..-1] end end end end