module ActiveMerchant #:nodoc: module Billing #:nodoc: class OppGateway < Gateway # = Open Payment Platform # # The Open Payment Platform includes a powerful omni-channel transaction processing API, # enabling you to quickly and flexibly build new applications and services on the platform. # # This plugin enables connectivity to the Open Payment Platform for activemerchant. # # For any questions or comments please contact # # == Usage # # gateway = # user_id: 'merchant user id', # password: 'password', # entity_id: 'entity id', # ) # # # set up credit card object as in main ActiveMerchant example # creditcard = # :type => 'visa', # :number => '4242424242424242', # :month => 8, # :year => 2009, # :first_name => 'Bob', # :last_name => 'Bobsen' # :verification_value: '123') # # # Request: complete example, including address, billing address, shipping address # complete_request_options = { # order_id: "your merchant/shop order id", # alternative is to set merchantInvoiceId # merchant_transaction_id: "your merchant/shop transaction id", # address: address, # description: 'Store Purchase - Books', # risk_workflow: false, # test_mode: 'EXTERNAL' # or 'INTERNAL', valid only for test system # create_registration: false, # payment details will be stored on the server an latter can be referenced # # billing_address: { # address1: '123 Test Street', # city: 'Test', # state: 'TE', # zip: 'AB12CD', # country: 'GB', # }, # shipping_address: { # name: 'Muton DeMicelis', # address1: 'My Street On Upiter, Apt 3.14/2.78', # city: 'Munich', # state: 'Bov', # zip: '81675', # country: 'DE', # }, # customer: { # merchant_customer_id: "your merchant/customer id", # givenname: 'Jane', # surname: 'Jones', # birth_date: '1965-05-01', # phone: '(?!?)555-5555', # mobile: '(?!?)234-23423', # email: '', # company_name: 'JJ Ltd.', # identification_doctype: 'PASSPORT', # identification_docid: 'FakeID2342431234123', # ip:, # }, # } # # # Request: minimal example # minimal_request_options = { # order_id: "your merchant/shop order id", # alternative is to set merchantInvoiceId # description: 'Store Purchase - Books', # } # # options = # # run request # response = gateway.purchase(754, creditcard, options) # charge 7,54 EUR # # response.success? # Check whether the transaction was successful # response.error_code # Retrieve the error message - it's mapped to Gateway::STANDARD_ERROR_CODE # response.message # Retrieve the message returned by opp # response.authorization # Retrieve the unique transaction ID returned by opp # response.params['result']['code'] # Retrieve original return code returned by opp server # # == Errors # If transaction is not successful, response.error_code contains mapped to Gateway::STANDARD_ERROR_CODE error message. # Complete list of opp error codes can be viewed on # Because this list is much bigger than Gateway::STANDARD_ERROR_CODE, only fraction is mapped to Gateway::STANDARD_ERROR_CODE. # All other codes are mapped as Gateway::STANDARD_ERROR_CODE[:processing_error], so if this is the case, # you may check the original result code from OPP that can be found in response.params['result']['code'] # # == Special features # For purchase method risk check can be forced when options[:risk_workflow] = true # This will split (on OPP server side) the transaction into two separate transactions: authorize and capture, # but capture will be executed only if risk checks are successful. # # For testing you may use the test account details listed fixtures.yml under opp. It is important to note that there are two test modes available: # options[:test_mode]='EXTERNAL' causes test transactions to be forwarded to the processor's test system for 'end-to-end' testing # options[:test_mode]='INTERNAL' causes transactions to be sent to opp simulators, which is useful when switching to the live endpoint for connectivity testing. # If no test_mode parameter is sent, test_mode=INTERNAL is the default behaviour. # # Billing Address, Shipping Address, Custom Parameters are supported as described under # See complete example above for details. # # == Tokenization # When create_registration is set to true, the payment details will be stored and a token will be returned in registrationId response field, # which can subsequently be used to reference the stored payment. self.test_url = '' self.live_url = '' self.supported_countries = %w(AD AI AG AR AU AT BS BB BE BZ BM BR BN BG CA HR CY CZ DK DM EE FI FR DE GR GD GY HK HU IS IN IL IT JP LV LI LT LU MY MT MX MC MS NL PA PL PT KN LC MF VC SM SG SK SI ZA ES SR SE CH TR GB US UY) self.default_currency = 'EUR' self.supported_cardtypes = [:visa, :master, :american_express, :diners_club, :discover, :jcb, :maestro, :dankort] self.homepage_url = '' self.display_name = 'Open Payment Platform' def initialize(options={}) requires!(options, :user_id, :password, :entity_id) super end def purchase(money, payment, options={}) # debit execute_dbpa(options[:risk_workflow] ? 'PA.CP': 'DB', money, payment, options) end def authorize(money, payment, options={}) # preauthorization PA execute_dbpa('PA', money, payment, options) end def capture(money, authorization, options={}) # capture CP execute_referencing('CP', money, authorization, options) end def refund(money, authorization, options={}) # refund RF execute_referencing('RF', money, authorization, options) end def void(authorization, options={}) # reversal RV execute_referencing('RV', nil, authorization, options) end def verify(credit_card, options={}) do |r| r.process { authorize(100, credit_card, options) } r.process(:ignore_result) { void(r.authorization, options) } end end def supports_scrubbing? true end def scrub(transcript) transcript. gsub(%r((authentication\.password=)\w+), '\1[FILTERED]'). gsub(%r((authentication\.userId=)\w+), '\1[FILTERED]'). gsub(%r((authentication\.entityId=)\w+), '\1[FILTERED]'). gsub(%r((card\.number=)\d+), '\1[FILTERED]'). gsub(%r((card\.cvv=)\d+), '\1[FILTERED]') end private def execute_dbpa(txtype, money, payment, options) post = {} post[:paymentType] = txtype add_invoice(post, money, options) add_payment_method(post, payment, options) add_address(post, options) add_customer_data(post, options) add_options(post, options) commit(post, nil, options) end def execute_referencing(txtype, money, authorization, options) post = {} post[:paymentType] = txtype add_invoice(post, money, options) commit(post, authorization, options) end def add_authentication(post) post[:authentication] = { entityId: @options[:entity_id], password: @options[:password], userId: @options[:user_id]} end def add_customer_data(post, options) if options[:customer] post[:customer] = { merchantCustomerId: options[:customer][:merchant_customer_id], givenName: options[:customer][:givenname], surname: options[:customer][:surname], birthDate: options[:customer][:birth_date], phone: options[:customer][:phone], mobile: options[:customer][:mobile], email: options[:customer][:email], companyName: options[:customer][:company_name], identificationDocType: options[:customer][:identification_doctype], identificationDocId: options[:customer][:identification_docid], ip: options[:customer][:ip], } end end def add_address(post, options) if billing_address = options[:billing_address] address(post, billing_address, 'billing') end if shipping_address = options[:shipping_address] address(post, billing_address, 'shipping') if shipping_address[:name] firstname, lastname = shipping_address[:name].split(' ') post[:shipping] = { givenName: firstname, surname: lastname } end end end def address(post, address, prefix) post[prefix] = { street1: address[:address1], street2: address[:address2], city: address[:city], state: address[:state], postcode: address[:zip], country: address[:country], } end def add_invoice(post, money, options) post[:amount] = amount(money) post[:currency] = (currency(money) || @options[:currency]) if 'RV'!=(post[:paymentType]) post[:descriptor] = options[:description] || options[:descriptor] post[:merchantInvoiceId] = options[:merchantInvoiceId] || options[:order_id] post[:merchantTransactionId] = options[:merchant_transaction_id] end def add_payment_method(post, payment, options) if options[:registrationId] #post[:recurringType] = 'REPEATED' post[:card] = { cvv: payment.verification_value, } else post[:paymentBrand] = payment.brand.upcase post[:card] = { holder:, number: payment.number, expiryMonth: "%02d" % payment.month, expiryYear: payment.year, cvv: payment.verification_value, } end end def add_options(post, options) post[:createRegistration] = options[:create_registration] if options[:create_registration] && !options[:registrationId] post[:testMode] = options[:test_mode] if test? && options[:test_mode] options.each {|key, value| post[key] = value if key.to_s.match('customParameters\[[a-zA-Z0-9\._]{3,64}\]') } post['customParameters[SHOPPER_pluginId]'] = 'activemerchant' end def build_url(url, authorization, options) if options[:registrationId] "#{url.gsub(/payments/, 'registrations')}/#{options[:registrationId]}/payments" elsif authorization "#{url}/#{authorization}" else url end end def commit(post, authorization, options) url = (test? ? test_url : live_url) add_authentication(post) post = flatten_hash(post) url = build_url(url, authorization, options) raw_response = raw_ssl_request(:post, url, post.collect { |key, value| "#{key}=#{CGI.escape(value.to_s)}" }.join("&"), "Content-Type" => "application/x-www-form-urlencoded;charset=UTF-8") success = success_from(raw_response) response = raw_response.body begin response = JSON.parse(response) rescue JSON::ParserError response = json_error(response) end success, message_from(response), response, authorization: authorization_from(response), test: test?, error_code: success ? nil : error_code_from(response), ) end def success_from(raw_response) raw_response.code.to_i.between?(200,299) end def message_from(response) response['result']['description'] end def authorization_from(response) response['id'] end def error_code_from(response) case response['result']['code'] when '100.100.101' Gateway::STANDARD_ERROR_CODE[:incorrect_number] when '100.400.317' Gateway::STANDARD_ERROR_CODE[:invalid_number] when '100.100.600', '100.100.601', '800.100.153', '800.100.192' Gateway::STANDARD_ERROR_CODE[:invalid_cvc] when '100.100.303' Gateway::STANDARD_ERROR_CODE[:expired_card] when '100.800.200', '100.800.201', '100.800.202', '800.800.202' Gateway::STANDARD_ERROR_CODE[:incorrect_zip] when '100.400.000', '100.400.086', '100.400.305', '800.400.150' Gateway::STANDARD_ERROR_CODE[:incorrect_address] when '800.100.159' Gateway::STANDARD_ERROR_CODE[:pickup_card] when '800.100.151', '800.100.158', '800.100.160' Gateway::STANDARD_ERROR_CODE[:card_declined] else Gateway::STANDARD_ERROR_CODE[:processing_error] end end def json_error(raw_response) message = "Invalid response received #{raw_response.inspect}" { 'result' => {'description' => message, 'code' => 'unknown' } } end def flatten_hash(hash) hash.each_with_object({}) do |(k, v), h| if v.is_a? Hash flatten_hash(v).map do |h_k, h_v| h["#{k}.#{h_k}".to_sym] = h_v end else h[k] = v end end end end end end