# EClientSocket.java uses sendMax() rather than send() for a number of these. # It sends an EOL rather than a number if the value == Integer.MAX_VALUE (or Double.MAX_VALUE). # These fields are initialized to this MAX_VALUE. # This has been implemented with nils in Ruby to represent the case where an EOL should be sent. # TODO: Don't instantiate messages, use their classes as just namespace for .encode/decode # TODO: realize Message#fire method that raises EWrapper events module IB module Messages # Incoming IB messages module Incoming Classes = Array.new # This is just a basic generic message from the server. # # Class variables: # @message_id - int: message id. # @version - int: current version of message format. # # Instance attributes (at least): # @data - Hash of actual data read from a stream. # # Override the load(socket) method in your subclass to do actual reading into @data. class AbstractMessage attr_accessor :created_at, :data def self.inherited(by) super(by) Classes.push(by) end def self.message_id @message_id end def initialize socket raise Exception.new("Don't use AbstractMessage directly; use the subclass for your specific message type") if self.class.name == "AbstractMessage" @created_at = Time.now @data = Hash.new @socket = socket self.load() @socket = nil end def to_human self.inspect end # Object#id is always defined, we cannot rely on method_missing def id @data.has_key?(:id) ? @data[:id] : super end def respond_to? method getter = method.to_s.sub(/=$/, '').to_sym @data.has_key?(method) || @data.has_key?(getter) || super end protected # TODO: method compilation instead of method_missing def method_missing method, *args getter = method.to_s.sub(/=$/, '').to_sym if @data.has_key? method @data[method] elsif @data.has_key? getter @data[getter] = *args else super method, *args end end # Every message loads received message version first def load @data[:version] = @socket.read_int end # Load @data from the socket according to the given map. # # map is a series of Arrays in the format [ [ :name, :type ] ], # type identifiers must have a corresponding read_type method on socket (read_int, etc.). # [:version, :int ] is loaded first, by default # def load_map(*map) map.each { |(name, type)| @data[name] = @socket.__send__("read_#{type}") } end end # class AbstractMessage class AbstractTick < AbstractMessage # Returns Symbol with a meaningful name for received tick type def type TICK_TYPES[@data[:tick_type]] end def to_human "<#{self.class.to_s.split('::').last} #{type}:" + @data.map do |key, value| " #{key} #{value}" unless [:version, :id, :tick_type].include?(key) end.compact.join(',') + " >" end end # Macro that defines short message classes using a one-liner def self.def_message message_id, *keys, &to_human base = keys.first.is_a?(Class) ? keys.shift : AbstractMessage Class.new(base) do @message_id = message_id define_method(:load) do super() load_map *keys end define_method(:to_human, &to_human) if to_human end end ### Actual message classes (short definitions): #:status - String: Displays the order status. Possible values include: # � PendingSubmit - indicates that you have transmitted the order, but # have not yet received confirmation that it has been accepted by the # order destination. NOTE: This order status is NOT sent back by TWS # and should be explicitly set by YOU when an order is submitted. # � PendingCancel - indicates that you have sent a request to cancel # the order but have not yet received cancel confirmation from the # order destination. At this point, your order cancel is not confirmed. # You may still receive an execution while your cancellation request # is pending. NOTE: This order status is not sent back by TWS and # should be explicitly set by YOU when an order is canceled. # � PreSubmitted - indicates that a simulated order type has been # accepted by the IB system and that this order has yet to be elected. # The order is held in the IB system until the election criteria are # met. At that time the order is transmitted to the order destination # as specified. # � Submitted - indicates that your order has been accepted at the order # destination and is working. # � Cancelled - indicates that the balance of your order has been # confirmed canceled by the IB system. This could occur unexpectedly # when IB or the destination has rejected your order. # � Filled - indicates that the order has been completely filled. # � Inactive - indicates that the order has been accepted by the system # (simulated orders) or an exchange (native orders) but that currently # the order is inactive due to system, exchange or other issues. # :why_held - This field is used to identify an order held when TWS is trying to # locate shares for a short sell. The value used to indicate this is 'locate'. OrderStatus = def_message 3, [:id, :int], [:status, :string], [:filled, :int], [:remaining, :int], [:average_fill_price, :decimal], [:perm_id, :int], [:parent_id, :int], [:last_fill_price, :decimal], [:client_id, :int], [:why_held, :string] do "<OrderStatus: #{status} filled: #{filled}/#{remaining + filled}" + " @ last/avg: #{last_fill_price}/#{average_fill_price}" + (parent_id > 0 ? "parent_id: #{parent_id}" : "") + (why_held != "" ? "why_held: #{why_held}" : "") + " id/perm: #{id}/#{perm_id}>" end AccountValue = def_message(6, [:key, :string], [:value, :string], [:currency, :string], [:account_name, :string]) do "<AccountValue: #{account_name}, #{key}=#{value} #{currency}>" end AccountUpdateTime = def_message(8, [:time_stamp, :string]) do "<AccountUpdateTime: #{time_stamp}>" end # This message is always sent by TWS automatically at connect. # The IB::Connection class subscribes to it automatically and stores # the order id in its @next_order_id attribute. NextValidID = def_message(9, [:id, :int]) { "<NextValidID: #{id}>" } NewsBulletins = def_message 14, [:id, :int], # unique incrementing bulletin ID. [:type, :int], # Type of bulletin. Valid values include: # 1 = Regular news bulletin # 2 = Exchange no longer available for trading # 3 = Exchange is available for trading [:text, :string], # The bulletin's message text. [:exchange, :string] # Exchange from which this message originated. ManagedAccounts = def_message 15, [:accounts_list, :string] # Receives previously requested FA configuration information from TWS. ReceiveFA = def_message 16, [:type, :int], # type of Financial Advisor configuration data # being received from TWS. Valid values include: # 1 = GROUPS # 2 = PROFILE # 3 = ACCOUNT ALIASES [:xml, :string] # XML string containing the previously requested # FA configuration information. # Receives an XML document that describes the valid parameters that a scanner # subscription can have (for outgoing RequestScannerSubscription message). ScannerParameters = def_message 19, [:xml, :string] # Receives the current system time on the server side. CurrentTime = def_message 49, [:time, :int] # long! # Receive Reuters global fundamental market data. There must be a subscription to # Reuters Fundamental set up in Account Management before you can receive this data. FundamentalData = def_message 50, [:id, :int], # request_id [:data, :string] ContractDataEnd = def_message(52, [:id, :int]) { "<ContractDataEnd: #{id}>" } # request_id OpenOrderEnd = def_message(53) { "<OpenOrderEnd>" } AccountDownloadEnd = def_message(54, [:account_name, :string]) do "<AccountDownloadEnd: #{account_name}}>" end # request_id ExecutionDataEnd = def_message(55, [:id, :int]) { "<ExecutionDataEnd: #{id}>" } # request_id TickSnapshotEnd = def_message(57, [:id, :int]) { "<TickSnapshotEnd: #{id}>" } # request_id ### Actual message classes (long definitions): # The IB code seems to dispatch up to two wrapped objects for this message, a tickPrice # and sometimes a tickSize, which seems to be identical to the TICK_SIZE object. # # Important note from # http://chuckcaplan.com/twsapi/index.php/void%20tickPrice%28%29 : # # "The low you get is NOT the low for the day as you'd expect it # to be. It appears IB calculates the low based on all # transactions after 4pm the previous day. The most inaccurate # results occur when the stock moves up in the 4-6pm aftermarket # on the previous day and then gaps open upward in the # morning. The low you receive from TWS can be easily be several # points different from the actual 9:30am-4pm low for the day in # cases like this. If you require a correct traded low for the # day, you can't get it from the TWS API. One possible source to # help build the right data would be to compare against what Yahoo # lists on finance.yahoo.com/q?s=ticker under the "Day's Range" # statistics (be careful here, because Yahoo will use anti-Denial # of Service techniques to hang your connection if you try to # request too many bytes in a short period of time from them). For # most purposes, a good enough approach would start by replacing # the TWS low for the day with Yahoo's day low when you first # start watching a stock ticker; let's call this time T. Then, # update your internal low if the bid or ask tick you receive is # lower than that for the remainder of the day. You should check # against Yahoo again at time T+20min to handle the occasional # case where the stock set a new low for the day in between # T-20min (the real time your original quote was from, taking into # account the delay) and time T. After that you should have a # correct enough low for the rest of the day as long as you keep # updating based on the bid/ask. It could still get slightly off # in a case where a short transaction setting a new low appears in # between ticks of data that TWS sends you. The high is probably # distorted in the same way the low is, which would throw your # results off if the stock traded after-hours and gapped down. It # should be corrected in a similar way as described above if this # is important to you." # # IB then emits at most 2 events on eWrapper: # tickPrice( tickerId, tickType, price, canAutoExecute) # tickSize( tickerId, sizeTickType, size) TickPrice = def_message 1, AbstractTick, [:id, :int], # ticker_id [:tick_type, :int], [:price, :decimal], [:size, :int], [:can_auto_execute, :int] TickSize = def_message 2, AbstractTick, [:id, :int], # ticker_id [:tick_type, :int], [:size, :int] TickGeneric = def_message 45, AbstractTick, [:id, :int], # ticker_id [:tick_type, :int], [:value, :decimal] TickString = def_message 46, AbstractTick, [:id, :int], # ticker_id [:tick_type, :int], [:value, :string] TickEFP = def_message 47, AbstractTick, [:id, :int], # ticker_id [:tick_type, :int], [:basis_points, :decimal], [:formatted_basis_points, :string], [:implied_futures_price, :decimal], [:hold_days, :int], [:dividend_impact, :decimal], [:dividends_to_expiry, :decimal] # This message is received when the market in an option or its underlier moves. # TWS�s option model volatilities, prices, and deltas, along with the present # value of dividends expected on that options underlier are received. # TickOption message contains following @data: # :id - Ticker Id that was specified previously in the call to reqMktData() # :tick_type - Specifies the type of option computation (see TICK_TYPES). # :implied_volatility - The implied volatility calculated by the TWS option # modeler, using the specified :tick_type value. # :delta - The option delta value. # :option_price - The option price. # :pv_dividend - The present value of dividends expected on the options underlier # :gamma - The option gamma value. # :vega - The option vega value. # :theta - The option theta value. # :under_price - The price of the underlying. class TickOption < AbstractTick @message_id = 21 # Read @data[key] if it was computed (received value above limit) # Leave @data[key] nil if received value below limit ("not yet computed") def read_computed key, limit value = @socket.read_decimal # limit is the "not yet computed" indicator @data[key] = value <= limit ? nil : value end def load super @data[:id] = @socket.read_int # ticker_id @data[:tick_type] = @socket.read_int read_computed :implied_volatility, -1 #-1 is the "not yet computed" indicator read_computed :delta, -2 # -2 is the "not yet computed" indicator read_computed :option_price, -1 # -1 is the "not yet computed" indicator read_computed :pv_dividend, -1 # -1 is the "not yet computed" indicator read_computed :gamma, -2 # -2 is the "not yet computed" indicator read_computed :vega, -2 # -2 is the "not yet computed" indicator read_computed :theta, -2 # -2 is the "not yet computed" indicator read_computed :under_price, -1 # -1 is the "not yet computed" indicator end def to_human "<TickOption #{type} for #{:id}: underlying @ #{under_price}, "+ "option @ #{option_price}, IV #{implied_volatility}%, delta #{delta}, " + "gamma #{gamma}, vega #{vega}, theta #{theta}, pv_dividend #{pv_dividend}>" end end # TickOption TickOptionComputation = TickOption MarketDepth = def_message 12, [:id, :int], [:position, :int], # The row Id of this market depth entry. [:operation, :int], # How it should be applied to the market depth: # 0 = insert this new order into the row identified by :position # 1 = update the existing order in the row identified by :position # 2 = delete the existing order at the row identified by :position [:side, :int], # side of the book: 0 = ask, 1 = bid [:price, :decimal], [:size, :int] class MarketDepth def side @data[:side] == 0 ? :ask : :bid end def operation @data[:operation] == 0 ? :insert : @data[:operation] == 1 ? :update : :delete end def to_human "<#{self.class.to_s.split(/::/).last}: #{operation} #{side} @ "+ "#{position} = #{price} x #{size}>" end end MarketDepthL2 = def_message 13, MarketDepth, [:id, :int], [:position, :int], # The row Id of this market depth entry. [:market_maker, :string], # The exchange hosting this order. [:operation, :int], # How it should be applied to the market depth: # 0 = insert this new order into the row identified by :position # 1 = update the existing order in the row identified by :position # 2 = delete the existing order at the row identified by :position [:side, :int], # side of the book: 0 = ask, 1 = bid [:price, :decimal], [:size, :int] # Called Error in Java code, but in fact this type of messages also # deliver system alerts and additional (non-error) info from TWS. # It has additional accessors: #code and #message, derived from @data Alert = def_message 4, [:id, :int], [:code, :int], [:message, :string] class Alert # Is it an Error message? def error? code < 1000 end # Is it a System message? def system? code > 1000 && code < 2000 end # Is it a Warning message? def warning? code > 2000 end def to_human "TWS #{ error? ? 'Error' : system? ? 'System' : 'Warning' } Message #{code}: #{message}" end end # class Alert Error = Alert ErrorMessage = Alert class OpenOrder < AbstractMessage @message_id = 5 # TODO: Add id accessor to unify with OrderStatus message attr_accessor :order, :contract def load super @order = Models::Order.new :id => @socket.read_int @contract = Models::Contract.build :con_id => @socket.read_string, :symbol => @socket.read_string, :sec_type => @socket.read_string, :expiry => @socket.read_string, :strike => @socket.read_decimal, :right => @socket.read_string, :exchange => @socket.read_string, :currency => @socket.read_string, :local_symbol => @socket.read_string @order.action = @socket.read_string @order.total_quantity = @socket.read_int @order.order_type = @socket.read_string @order.limit_price = @socket.read_decimal @order.aux_price = @socket.read_decimal @order.tif = @socket.read_string @order.oca_group = @socket.read_string @order.account = @socket.read_string @order.open_close = @socket.read_string @order.origin = @socket.read_int @order.order_ref = @socket.read_string @order.client_id = @socket.read_int @order.perm_id = @socket.read_int @order.outside_rth = (@socket.read_int == 1) @order.hidden = (@socket.read_int == 1) @order.discretionary_amount = @socket.read_decimal @order.good_after_time = @socket.read_string @socket.read_string # skip deprecated sharesAllocation field @order.fa_group = @socket.read_string @order.fa_method = @socket.read_string @order.fa_percentage = @socket.read_string @order.fa_profile = @socket.read_string @order.good_till_date = @socket.read_string @order.rule_80a = @socket.read_string @order.percent_offset = @socket.read_decimal @order.settling_firm = @socket.read_string @order.short_sale_slot = @socket.read_int @order.designated_location = @socket.read_string @order.exempt_code = @socket.read_int # skipped in ver 51? @order.auction_strategy = @socket.read_int @order.starting_price = @socket.read_decimal @order.stock_ref_price = @socket.read_decimal @order.delta = @socket.read_decimal @order.stock_range_lower = @socket.read_decimal @order.stock_range_upper = @socket.read_decimal @order.display_size = @socket.read_int #@order.rth_only = @socket.read_boolean @order.block_order = @socket.read_boolean @order.sweep_to_fill = @socket.read_boolean @order.all_or_none = @socket.read_boolean @order.min_quantity = @socket.read_int @order.oca_type = @socket.read_int @order.etrade_only = @socket.read_boolean @order.firm_quote_only = @socket.read_boolean @order.nbbo_price_cap = @socket.read_decimal @order.parent_id = @socket.read_int @order.trigger_method = @socket.read_int @order.volatility = @socket.read_decimal @order.volatility_type = @socket.read_int @order.delta_neutral_order_type = @socket.read_string @order.delta_neutral_aux_price = @socket.read_decimal @order.continuous_update = @socket.read_int @order.reference_price_type = @socket.read_int @order.trail_stop_price = @socket.read_decimal @order.basis_points = @socket.read_decimal @order.basis_points_type = @socket.read_int @contract.legs_description = @socket.read_string @order.scale_init_level_size = @socket.read_int_max @order.scale_subs_level_size = @socket.read_int_max @order.scale_price_increment = @socket.read_decimal_max @order.clearing_account = @socket.read_string @order.clearing_intent = @socket.read_string @order.not_held = (@socket.read_int == 1) under_comp_present = (@socket.read_int == 1) if under_comp_present @contract.under_comp = true @contract.under_con_id = @socket.read_int @contract.under_delta = @socket.read_decimal @contract.under_price = @socket.read_decimal end @order.algo_strategy = @socket.read_string unless @order.algo_strategy.nil? || @order.algo_strategy.empty? algo_params_count = @socket.read_int if algo_params_count > 0 @order.algo_params = Hash.new algo_params_count.times do tag = @socket.read_string value = @socket.read_string @order.algo_params[tag] = value end end end @order.what_if = (@socket.read_int == 1) @order.status = @socket.read_string @order.init_margin = @socket.read_string @order.maint_margin = @socket.read_string @order.equity_with_loan = @socket.read_string @order.commission = @socket.read_decimal_max @order.min_commission = @socket.read_decimal_max @order.max_commission = @socket.read_decimal_max @order.commission_currency = @socket.read_string @order.warning_text = @socket.read_string end def to_human "<OpenOrder: #{@contract.to_human} #{@order.to_human}>" end end # OpenOrder class PortfolioValue < AbstractMessage @message_id = 7 attr_accessor :contract def load super @contract = Models::Contract.build :con_id => @socket.read_int, :symbol => @socket.read_string, :sec_type => @socket.read_string, :expiry => @socket.read_string, :strike => @socket.read_decimal, :right => @socket.read_string, :multiplier => @socket.read_string, :primary_exchange => @socket.read_string, :currency => @socket.read_string, :local_symbol => @socket.read_string load_map [:position, :int], [:market_price, :decimal], [:market_value, :decimal], [:average_cost, :decimal], [:unrealized_pnl, :decimal], # TODO: Check for Double.MAX_VALUE [:realized_pnl, :decimal], # TODO: Check for Double.MAX_VALUE [:account_name, :string] end def to_human "<PortfolioValue: #{@contract.to_human} (#{position}): Market #{market_price}" + " price #{market_value} value; PnL: #{unrealized_pnl} unrealized," + " #{realized_pnl} realized; account #{account_name}>" end end # PortfolioValue class ContractData < AbstractMessage @message_id = 10 attr_accessor :contract def load super load_map [:id, :int] # request id @contract = Models::Contract.build :symbol => @socket.read_string, :sec_type => @socket.read_string, :expiry => @socket.read_string, :strike => @socket.read_decimal, :right => @socket.read_string, :exchange => @socket.read_string, :currency => @socket.read_string, :local_symbol => @socket.read_string, :market_name => @socket.read_string, :trading_class => @socket.read_string, :con_id => @socket.read_int, :min_tick => @socket.read_decimal, :multiplier => @socket.read_string, :order_types => @socket.read_string, :valid_exchanges => @socket.read_string, :price_magnifier => @socket.read_int, :under_con_id => @socket.read_int, :long_name => @socket.read_string, :primary_exchange => @socket.read_string, :contract_month => @socket.read_string, :industry => @socket.read_string, :category => @socket.read_string, :subcategory => @socket.read_string, :time_zone => @socket.read_string, :trading_hours => @socket.read_string, :liquid_hours => @socket.read_string end end # ContractData ContractDetails = ContractData class ExecutionData < AbstractMessage @message_id = 11 attr_accessor :contract, :execution def load super load_map [:id, :int], # request_id [:order_id, :int] @contract = Models::Contract.build :con_id => @socket.read_int, :symbol => @socket.read_string, :sec_type => @socket.read_string, :expiry => @socket.read_string, :strike => @socket.read_decimal, :right => @socket.read_string, :exchange => @socket.read_string, :currency => @socket.read_string, :local_symbol => @socket.read_string @execution = Models::Execution.new :order_id => @data[:order_id], :exec_id => @socket.read_string, :time => @socket.read_string, :account_number => @socket.read_string, :exchange => @socket.read_string, :side => @socket.read_string, :shares => @socket.read_int, :price => @socket.read_decimal, :perm_id => @socket.read_int, :client_id => @socket.read_int, :liquidation => @socket.read_int, :cumulative_quantity => @socket.read_int, :average_price => @socket.read_decimal end def to_human "<ExecutionData: #{contract.to_human}, #{execution}>" end end # ExecutionData # HistoricalData contains following @data: # General: # :id - The ID of the request to which this is responding # :count - Number of Historical data points returned (size of :results). # :results - an Array of Historical Data Bars # :start_date - beginning of returned Historical data period # :end_date - end of returned Historical data period # Each returned Bar in @data[:results] Array contains this data: # :date - The date-time stamp of the start of the bar. The format is # determined by the RequestHistoricalData formatDate parameter. # :open - The bar opening price. # :high - The high price during the time covered by the bar. # :low - The low price during the time covered by the bar. # :close - The bar closing price. # :volume - The volume during the time covered by the bar. # :trades - When TRADES historical data is returned, represents number of trades # that occurred during the time period the bar covers # :wap - The weighted average price during the time covered by the bar. # :has_gaps - Whether or not there are gaps in the data. class HistoricalData < AbstractMessage @message_id = 17 def load super load_map [:id, :int], [:start_date, :string], [:end_date, :string], [:count, :int] @data[:results] = Array.new(@data[:count]) do |index| Models::Bar.new :date => @socket.read_string, :open => @socket.read_decimal, :high => @socket.read_decimal, :low => @socket.read_decimal, :close => @socket.read_decimal, :volume => @socket.read_int, :wap => @socket.read_decimal, :has_gaps => @socket.read_string, :trades => @socket.read_int end end def to_human "<HistoricalData: req: #{id}, #{item_count} items, #{start_date} to #{end_date}>" end end # HistoricalData class BondContractData < AbstractMessage @message_id = 18 attr_accessor :contract def load super load_map [:id, :int] # request id @contract = Models::Contract.build :symbol => @socket.read_string, :sec_type => @socket.read_string, :cusip => @socket.read_string, :coupon => @socket.read_decimal, :maturity => @socket.read_string, :issue_date => @socket.read_string, :ratings => @socket.read_string, :bond_type => @socket.read_string, :coupon_type => @socket.read_string, :convertible => @socket.read_boolean, :callable => @socket.read_boolean, :puttable => @socket.read_boolean, :desc_append => @socket.read_string, :exchange => @socket.read_string, :currency => @socket.read_string, :market_name => @socket.read_string, :trading_class => @socket.read_string, :con_id => @socket.read_int, :min_tick => @socket.read_decimal, :order_types => @socket.read_string, :valid_exchanges => @socket.read_string, :valid_next_option_date => @socket.read_string, :valid_next_option_type => @socket.read_string, :valid_next_option_partial => @socket.read_string, :notes => @socket.read_string, :long_name => @socket.read_string end end # BondContractData # This method receives the requested market scanner data results. # ScannerData contains following @data: # :id - The ID of the request to which this row is responding # :count - Number of data points returned (size of :results). # :results - an Array of Hashes, each hash contains a set of # data about one scanned Contract: # :contract - a full description of the contract (details). # :distance - Varies based on query. # :benchmark - Varies based on query. # :projection - Varies based on query. # :legs - Describes combo legs when scan is returning EFP. class ScannerData < AbstractMessage @message_id = 20 def load super load_map [:id, :int], [:count, :int] @data[:results] = Array.new(@data[:count]) do |index| {:rank => @socket.read_int, :contract => Contract.build(:con_id => @socket.read_int, :symbol => @socket.read_str, :sec_type => @socket.read_str, :expiry => @socket.read_str, :strike => @socket.read_decimal, :right => @socket.read_str, :exchange => @socket.read_str, :currency => @socket.read_str, :local_symbol => @socket.read_str, :market_name => @socket.read_str, :trading_class => @socket.read_str), :distance => @socket.read_str, :benchmark => @socket.read_str, :projection => @socket.read_str, :legs => @socket.read_str, } #eWrapper().scannerData(tickerId, rank, contract, distance, # benchmark, projection, legsStr); end #eWrapper().scannerDataEnd(tickerId); end end # ScannerData # HistoricalData contains following @data: # :id - The ID of the *request* to which this is responding # :time - The date-time stamp of the start of the bar. The format is offset in # seconds from the beginning of 1970, same format as the UNIX epoch time # :bar - received RT Bar class RealTimeBar < AbstractMessage @message_id = 50 attr_accessor :bar def load super load_map [:id, :int], [:time, :int] # long! @bar = Models::Bar.new :date => Time.at(@data[:time]), :open => @socket.read_decimal, :high => @socket.read_decimal, :low => @socket.read_decimal, :close => @socket.read_decimal, :volume => @socket.read_int, :wap => @socket.read_decimal, :trades => @socket.read_int end def to_human "<RealTimeBar: req: #{id}, #{bar}>" end end # RealTimeBar RealTimeBars = RealTimeBar # The server sends this message upon accepting a Delta-Neutral DN RFQ # - see API Reference p. 26 class DeltaNeutralValidation < AbstractMessage @message_id = 56 attr_accessor :contract def load super load_map [:id, :int] # request id @contract = Models::Contract.build :under_comp => true, :under_con_id => @socket.read_int, :under_delta => @socket.read_decimal, :under_price => @socket.read_decimal end end # DeltaNeutralValidation Table = Hash.new Classes.each { |msg_class| Table[msg_class.message_id] = msg_class } end # module Incoming end # module Messages end # module IB __END__ // incoming msg id's static final int TICK_PRICE = 1; * TODO: realize both events static final int TICK_SIZE = 2; * static final int ORDER_STATUS = 3; * static final int ERR_MSG = 4; * static final int OPEN_ORDER = 5; * static final int ACCT_VALUE = 6; * static final int PORTFOLIO_VALUE = 7; * static final int ACCT_UPDATE_TIME = 8; * static final int NEXT_VALID_ID = 9; * static final int CONTRACT_DATA = 10; * static final int EXECUTION_DATA = 11; * static final int MARKET_DEPTH = 12; * static final int MARKET_DEPTH_L2 = 13; * static final int NEWS_BULLETINS = 14; * static final int MANAGED_ACCTS = 15; * static final int RECEIVE_FA = 16; * static final int HISTORICAL_DATA = 17; * static final int BOND_CONTRACT_DATA = 18; * static final int SCANNER_PARAMETERS = 19; * static final int SCANNER_DATA = 20; * static final int TICK_OPTION_COMPUTATION = 21; * static final int TICK_GENERIC = 45; * static final int TICK_STRING = 46; * static final int TICK_EFP = 47; * static final int CURRENT_TIME = 49; * static final int REAL_TIME_BARS = 50; * static final int FUNDAMENTAL_DATA = 51; * static final int CONTRACT_DATA_END = 52; * static final int OPEN_ORDER_END = 53; * static final int ACCT_DOWNLOAD_END = 54; * static final int EXECUTION_DATA_END = 55; * static final int DELTA_NEUTRAL_VALIDATION = 56; * static final int TICK_SNAPSHOT_END = 57; *