# This file was auto-generated by lib/tasks/web.rake module Slack module Web module Api module Endpoints module Rtm # # Starts a Real Time Messaging session. # # @option options [Object] :batch_presence_aware # Batch presence deliveries via subscription. Enabling changes the shape of presence_change events. See batch presence. # @option options [Object] :presence_sub # Only deliver presence events when requested by subscription. See presence subscriptions. # @see https://api.slack.com/methods/rtm.connect # @see https://github.com/slack-ruby/slack-api-ref/blob/master/methods/rtm/rtm.connect.json def rtm_connect(options = {}) post('rtm.connect', options) end # # Starts a Real Time Messaging session. # # @option options [Object] :batch_presence_aware # Batch presence deliveries via subscription. Enabling changes the shape of presence_change events. See batch presence. # @option options [Object] :include_locale # Set this to true to receive the locale for users and channels. Defaults to false. # @option options [Object] :mpim_aware # Returns MPIMs to the client in the API response. # @option options [Object] :no_latest # Exclude latest timestamps for channels, groups, mpims, and ims. Automatically sets no_unreads to 1. # @option options [Object] :no_unreads # Skip unread counts for each channel (improves performance). # @option options [Object] :presence_sub # Only deliver presence events when requested by subscription. See presence subscriptions. # @option options [Object] :simple_latest # Return timestamp only for latest message object of each channel (improves performance). # @see https://api.slack.com/methods/rtm.start # @see https://github.com/slack-ruby/slack-api-ref/blob/master/methods/rtm/rtm.start.json def rtm_start(options = {}) post('rtm.start', options) end end end end end end