module MultiRepo::Service class Docker def self.registry @registry ||= ENV.fetch("DOCKER_REGISTRY") end def self.registry=(endpoint) @registry = endpoint end def self.clear_cache FileUtils.rm_f(Dir.glob("/tmp/docker-*")) end SMALL_IMAGE = "hello-world:latest".freeze def self.ensure_small_image return @has_small_image if defined?(@has_small_image) return false unless system?("docker pull #{SMALL_IMAGE} &>/dev/null") @has_small_image = true end def self.tag_small_image(fq_path) return false unless ensure_small_image system?("docker tag #{SMALL_IMAGE} #{fq_path}") && system?("docker push #{fq_path}") && system?("docker rmi #{fq_path}") end def self.system?(command, dry_run: false, verbose: true) if dry_run puts "+ dry_run: #{command}".light_black true else puts "+ #{command}".light_black system(command) end end def self.system!(command, **kwargs) exit($?.exitstatus) unless system?(command, **kwargs) end attr_accessor :registry, :default_headers, :cache, :dry_run def initialize(registry: self.class.registry, default_headers: nil, cache: true, dry_run: false) require "rest-client" require "fileutils" require "json" @registry = registry @default_headers = default_headers @cache = cache @dry_run = dry_run self.class.clear_cache unless cache end def tags(image, **kwargs) path = File.join("v2", image, "tags/list") cache_file = "/tmp/docker-tags-#{"/", "-")}-raw-#{}.json" request(:get, path, **kwargs).tap do |data| File.write(cache_file, JSON.pretty_generate(data)) end["tags"] end def retag(image, new_image) system?("skopeo copy --multi-arch all docker://#{image} docker://#{new_image}", dry_run: dry_run) end def delete_registry_tag(image, tag, **kwargs) path = File.join("v2", image, "manifests", tag) request(:delete, path, **kwargs) true rescue RestClient::NotFound => err # Ignore deletes on 404s because they are either already deleted or the tag is orphaned. raise unless err.http_code == 404 false end def force_delete_registry_tag(image, tag, **kwargs) return true if delete_registry_tag(image, tag, **kwargs) # The tag is likely orphaned, so recreate the tag with a new image, then immediately delete it fq_path = File.join(registry, "#{image}:#{tag}") self.class.tag_small_image(fq_path) && delete_registry_tag(image, tag, **kwargs) end def run(image, command, platform: nil) system_capture!("docker run --rm -it #{"--platform=#{platform} " if platform} #{image} #{command}") end def fetch_image_by_sha(source_image, tag: nil, platform: nil) source_image_name, _source_image_sha = source_image.split("@") system!("docker pull #{"--platform=#{platform} " if platform}#{source_image}") system!("docker tag #{source_image} #{source_image_name}:#{tag}") if tag true end def remove_images(*images) command = "docker rmi #{images.join(" ")}" # Don't use system_capture! as this is expected to fail if the image does not exist. if dry_run puts "+ dry_run: #{command}".light_black else puts "+ #{command}".light_black `#{command} 2>/dev/null` end end def manifest_inspect(image) command = "docker manifest inspect #{image}" cache_file = "/tmp/docker-manifest-#{image.split("@").last}.txt" if cache && File.exist?(cache_file) puts "+ cached: #{command}".light_black data = else data = system_capture(command) File.write(cache_file, data) end data.blank? ? {} : JSON.parse(data) end private def request(verb, path, body: nil, headers: {}, verbose: true) path = File.join(registry, path) headers = default_headers.merge(headers) if default_headers if dry_run && %i[delete put post patch].include?(verb) puts "+ dry_run: #{verb.to_s.upcase} #{path}".light_black if verbose {} else puts "+ #{verb.to_s.upcase} #{path}".light_black if verbose response = if %i[put post patch].include?(verb) RestClient.send(verb, path, body, headers) else RestClient::Request.execute(:method => verb, :url => path, :headers => headers, :read_timeout => 300) do |response, request, result| if verb == :delete && response.code == 301 # Moved Permanently response.follow_redirection else response.return! end end end response.empty? ? {} : JSON.parse(response) end end def system?(command, **kwargs) self.class.system?(command, **kwargs) end def system!(command, **kwargs) self.class.system!(command, **kwargs) end def system_capture(command) puts "+ #{command}".light_black `#{command}`.chomp end def system_capture!(command) system_capture(command).tap do exit($?.exitstatus) if $?.exitstatus != 0 end end end end