// Copyright (c) 2014-2020 Dr. Colin Hirsch and Daniel Frey // Please see LICENSE for license or visit https://github.com/taocpp/PEGTL/ #ifndef TAO_JSON_PEGTL_INTERNAL_MUST_HPP #define TAO_JSON_PEGTL_INTERNAL_MUST_HPP #include "../config.hpp" #include "raise.hpp" #include "skip_control.hpp" #include "../apply_mode.hpp" #include "../rewind_mode.hpp" #include "../analysis/generic.hpp" namespace TAO_JSON_PEGTL_NAMESPACE::internal { // The general case applies must<> to each of the // rules in the 'Rules' parameter pack individually. template< typename... Rules > struct must { using analyze_t = analysis::generic< analysis::rule_type::seq, Rules... >; template< apply_mode A, rewind_mode M, template< typename... > class Action, template< typename... > class Control, typename Input, typename... States > [[nodiscard]] static bool match( Input& in, States&&... st ) { return ( Control< must< Rules > >::template match< A, M, Action, Control >( in, st... ) && ... ); } }; // While in theory the implementation for a single rule could // be simplified to must< Rule > = sor< Rule, raise< Rule > >, this // would result in some unnecessary run-time overhead. template< typename Rule > struct must< Rule > { using analyze_t = typename Rule::analyze_t; template< apply_mode A, rewind_mode, template< typename... > class Action, template< typename... > class Control, typename Input, typename... States > [[nodiscard]] static bool match( Input& in, States&&... st ) { if( !Control< Rule >::template match< A, rewind_mode::dontcare, Action, Control >( in, st... ) ) { (void)raise< Rule >::template match< A, rewind_mode::dontcare, Action, Control >( in, st... ); } return true; } }; template< typename... Rules > inline constexpr bool skip_control< must< Rules... > > = true; } // namespace TAO_JSON_PEGTL_NAMESPACE::internal #endif