# encoding: utf-8
# This file is part of the bovem gem. Copyright (C) 2013 and above Shogun <shogun_panda@me.com>.
# Licensed under the MIT license, which can be found at http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php.

      using: "Using configuration file %1."
      invalid: "Config file %1 is not valid."
      not_found: "Config file %1 is not existing or not readable."
      prompt: "Please insert a value"
      unknown_reply: "Sorry, your reply was not understood. Please try again."
      error: "due to this error: [%1] %2."
      run: "Running command: {mark=bright}\"%1\"{/mark}..."
      run_dry: "Will run command: {mark=bright}\"%1\"{/mark}..."
      remove_dry: "Will remove file(s):"
      remove_unwritable: "Cannot remove following non writable file: {mark=bright}%1{/mark}"
      remove_not_found: "Cannot remove following non existent file: {mark=bright}%1{/mark}"
      remove_error: "Cannot remove following file(s):"
      copy: "copy"
      move: "move"
      copy_move_single_dry: "Will %1 a file:"
      copy_move_multi_dry: "Will %1 following entries:"
      copy_move_from: "From: {mark=bright}%1{/mark}"
      copy_move_to: "To: {mark=bright}%1{/mark}"
      copy_move_to_multi: "to directory: {mark=bright}%1{/mark}"
      copy_move_single_to_directory: "Cannot %1 file {mark=bright}%2{/mark} to {mark=bright}%3{/mark} because it is currently a directory."
      copy_move_src_not_found: "Cannot %1 non existent file {mark=bright}%2{/mark}."
      copy_move_dst_not_writable_single: "Cannot %1 file {mark=bright}%2{/mark} to non writable directory {mark=bright}%3{/mark}."
      copy_move_dst_not_writable_multi: "Cannot %1 following file(s) to non writable directory {mark=bright}%2{/mark}:"
      copy_move_error_single: "Cannot %1 file {mark=bright}%2{/mark} to directory {mark=bright}%3{/mark} due to this error: [%4] %5."
      copy_move_error_multi: "Cannot %1 following entries to {mark=bright}%2{/mark}:"
      move_in: "Moving into directory {mark=bright}%1{/mark}"
      move_out: "Moving back into directory {mark=bright}%1{/mark}"
      mkdir_dry: "Will create directories:"
      mkdir_existing: "The directory {mark=bright}%1{/mark} already exists."
      mkdir_file: "Path {mark=bright}%1{/mark} is currently a file."
      mkdir_denied: "Cannot create following directory due to permission denied: {mark=bright}%1{/mark}."
      mkdir_error: "Cannot create following directories:"
      default_application_name: "__APPLICATION__"
      ambigous_command: "Command shortcut \"%1\" is ambiguous across commands %2. Please add some other characters."
      needless_argument: "Option %1 does not expects an argument."
      missing_argument: "Option %1 expects an argument."
      invalid_option: "Invalid option %1."
      invalid_integer: "Option %1 expects a valid integer as argument."
      invalid_float: "Option %1 expects a valid floating number as argument."
      conflicting_options: "Options %1 and %2 have conflicting forms."
      missing_option: "Required option %1 is missing."
      invalid_value: "Value of option %1 must be one of these values: %2."
      invalid_for_regexp: "Value of option %1 must match the regular expression: %2."
      help_option_short_form: "-h"
      help_option_long_form: "--help"
      help_message: "Shows this message."
      help_arg: "ARG"
      help_name: "[NAME]"
      help_application_synopsis: "%s [options] %s[command-options] [arguments] "
      help_command_synopsis: "%s [options] %s %s[command-options] [arguments] "
      help_synopsis: "[SYNOPSIS]"
      help_description: "[DESCRIPTION]"
      help_no_description: "*NO DESCRIPTION PROVIDED*"
      help_options: "[OPTIONS]"
      help_global_options: "[GLOBAL OPTIONS]"
      help_commands: "[COMMANDS]"
      help_subcommands: "[SUBCOMMANDS]"
      help_subcommand_invocation: "[command [sub-command ...]] "
      help_subsubcommand_invocation: "[sub-command [sub-sub-command ...]] "
      help_command_description: "Shows a help about a command."
      existing_command: "The command \"%1\" already exists."
      existing_option_global: "The global option \"%1\" already exists."
      existing_option: "The option \"%1\" already exists for the command \"%2\"."
      missing_app_block: "You have to provide a block to the Bovem::Application constructor!"