3.0 create_typical_building_from_model 339a2e3a-273c-4494-bb50-bfe586a0647c 87ebffcf-eacc-4a82-9543-d033695df855 20191030T020543Z EE13F09F CreateTypicalBuildingFromModel Create Typical Building from Model Takes a model with space and stub space types, and assigns constructions, schedules, internal loads, hvac, and other loads such as exterior lights and service water heating. The end result is somewhat like a custom protptye model with user geometry, but it may use different HVAC systems. Initially this was intended for stub space types, but it is possible that it will be run on models tha talready have internal loads, schedules, or constructions that should be preserved. Set it up to support addition at later date of bool args to skip specific types of model elements. template Target Standard Choice true false 90.1-2010 DOE Ref Pre-1980 DOE Ref Pre-1980 DOE Ref 1980-2004 DOE Ref 1980-2004 90.1-2004 90.1-2004 90.1-2007 90.1-2007 90.1-2010 90.1-2010 90.1-2013 90.1-2013 NREL ZNE Ready 2017 NREL ZNE Ready 2017 system_type HVAC System Type Choice true false Inferred Inferred Inferred Ideal Air Loads Ideal Air Loads PTAC with hot water heat PTAC with hot water heat PTAC with gas coil heat PTAC with gas coil heat PTAC with electric baseboard heat PTAC with electric baseboard heat PTAC with no heat PTAC with no heat PTAC with district hot water heat PTAC with district hot water heat PTHP PTHP PSZ-AC with gas coil heat PSZ-AC with gas coil heat PSZ-AC with electric baseboard heat PSZ-AC with electric baseboard heat PSZ-AC with no heat PSZ-AC with no heat PSZ-AC with district hot water heat PSZ-AC with district hot water heat PSZ-HP PSZ-HP Fan coil district chilled water with no heat Fan coil district chilled water with no heat Fan coil district chilled water and boiler Fan coil district chilled water and boiler Fan coil district chilled water unit heaters Fan coil district chilled water unit heaters Fan coil district chilled water electric baseboard heat Fan coil district chilled water electric baseboard heat Fan coil district hot and chilled water Fan coil district hot and chilled water Fan coil district hot water and chiller Fan coil district hot water and chiller Fan coil chiller with no heat Fan coil chiller with no heat Baseboard district hot water heat Baseboard district hot water heat Baseboard district hot water heat with direct evap coolers Baseboard district hot water heat with direct evap coolers Baseboard electric heat Baseboard electric heat Baseboard electric heat with direct evap coolers Baseboard electric heat with direct evap coolers Baseboard hot water heat Baseboard hot water heat Baseboard hot water heat with direct evap coolers Baseboard hot water heat with direct evap coolers Window AC with no heat Window AC with no heat Window AC with forced air furnace Window AC with forced air furnace Window AC with district hot water baseboard heat Window AC with district hot water baseboard heat Window AC with hot water baseboard heat Window AC with hot water baseboard heat Window AC with electric baseboard heat Window AC with electric baseboard heat Window AC with unit heaters Window AC with unit heaters Direct evap coolers Direct evap coolers Direct evap coolers with unit heaters Direct evap coolers with unit heaters Unit heaters Unit heaters Heat pump heat with no cooling Heat pump heat with no cooling Heat pump heat with direct evap cooler Heat pump heat with direct evap cooler VAV with reheat VAV with reheat VAV with PFP boxes VAV with PFP boxes VAV with gas reheat VAV with gas reheat VAV with zone unit heaters VAV with zone unit heaters VAV with electric baseboard heat VAV with electric baseboard heat VAV cool with zone heat pump heat VAV cool with zone heat pump heat PVAV with reheat PVAV with reheat PVAV with PFP boxes PVAV with PFP boxes Residential forced air Residential forced air Residential forced air cooling hot water baseboard heat Residential forced air cooling hot water baseboard heat Residential forced air with district hot water Residential forced air with district hot water Residential heat pump Residential heat pump Forced air furnace Forced air furnace Forced air furnace district chilled water fan coil Forced air furnace district chilled water fan coil Forced air furnace direct evap cooler Forced air furnace direct evap cooler Residential AC with no heat Residential AC with no heat Residential AC with electric baseboard heat Residential AC with electric baseboard heat hvac_delivery_type HVAC System Delivery Type How the HVAC system delivers heating or cooling to the zone. Choice true false Forced Air Forced Air Forced Air Hydronic Hydronic htg_src HVAC Heating Source The primary source of heating used by HVAC systems in the model. Choice true false NaturalGas Electricity Electricity NaturalGas NaturalGas DistrictHeating DistrictHeating DistrictAmbient DistrictAmbient clg_src HVAC Cooling Source The primary source of cooling used by HVAC systems in the model. Choice true false Electricity Electricity Electricity DistrictCooling DistrictCooling DistrictAmbient DistrictAmbient kitchen_makeup Kitchen Exhaust MakeUp Air Calculation Method Determine logic to identify dining or cafe zones to provide makeup air to kitchen exhaust. Choice true false Adjacent None None Largest Zone Largest Zone Adjacent Adjacent exterior_lighting_zone Exterior Lighting Zone Identify the Exterior Lighitng Zone for the Building Site. Choice true false 3 - All Other Areas 0 - Undeveloped Areas Parks 0 - Undeveloped Areas Parks 1 - Developed Areas Parks 1 - Developed Areas Parks 2 - Neighborhood 2 - Neighborhood 3 - All Other Areas 3 - All Other Areas 4 - High Activity 4 - High Activity add_constructions Add Constructions to Model Construction Set will be appied to entire building Boolean true false true true true false false add_space_type_loads Add Space Type Loads to Model Populate existing space types in model with internal loads. Boolean true false true true true false false add_elevators Add Elevators to Model Elevators will be add directly to space in model vs. being applied to a space type. Boolean true false true true true false false add_exterior_lights Add Exterior Lights to Model Multiple exterior lights objects will be added for different classes of lighting such as parking and facade. Boolean true false true true true false false onsite_parking_fraction Onsite Parking Fraction If set to 0 no exterior lighting for parking will be added Double true false 1 add_exhaust Add Exhaust Fans to Model Depending upon building type exhaust fans can be in kitchens, restrooms or other space types Boolean true false true true true false false add_swh Add Service Water Heating to Model This will add both the supply and demand side of service water heating. Boolean true false true true true false false add_thermostat Add Thermostats Add Thermost to model based on Space Type Standards information of spaces assigned to thermal zones. Boolean true false true true true false false add_hvac Add HVAC System to Model Add HVAC System and thermostats to model Boolean true false true true true false false remove_objects Clean Model of non-gemoetry objects Only removes objects of type that are selected to be added. Boolean true false true true true false false use_upstream_args Use Upstream Argument Values When true this will look for arguments or registerValues in upstream measures that match arguments from this measure, and will use the value from the upstream measure in place of what is entered for this measure. Boolean true false true true true false false enable_dst Enable Daylight Savings. By default this will force dayligint savsings to be enabled. Set to false if in a location where DST is not followed, or if needed for specific use case. Boolean true false true true true false false Whole Building.Space Types Measure Type ModelMeasure string Intended Software Tool Apply Measure Now string Intended Software Tool OpenStudio Application string Intended Software Tool Parametric Analysis Tool string Intended Use Case Model Articulation string test.osw osw test 6DB338FC SmallOffice.osm osm test 519B22EB MidriseApartment.osm osm test EB7A2671 LargeOffice04.osm osm test 5415617A USA_TX_Houston-Bush.Intercontinental.AP.722430_TMY3.epw epw test EE565FCC GenericGbxml.osm osm test E27658D5 README.md.erb erb readmeerb 703C9964 README.md md readme 09D324A2 os_lib_helper_methods.rb rb resource 22515A49 os_lib_model_generation.rb rb resource EDE22C1A Model.hvac.rb rb resource 84B5FB0E create_typical_building_from_model_test.rb rb test E5C95E54 OpenStudio 2.0.0 2.0.0 measure.rb rb script 865E94EE test_hvac.rb rb test 9C1567A6 LICENSE.md md license D41C05CF