module ChildProcess module Unix class ForkExecProcess < Process private def launch_process if @io stdout = @io.stdout stderr = @io.stderr end # pipe used to detect exec() failure exec_r, exec_w = ::IO.pipe ChildProcess.close_on_exec exec_w if duplex? reader, writer = ::IO.pipe end @pid = fork { if @cwd Dir.chdir(@cwd) end exec_r.close set_env STDOUT.reopen(stdout || "/dev/null") STDERR.reopen(stderr || "/dev/null") if duplex? STDIN.reopen(reader) writer.close end executable, *args = @args begin exec([executable, executable], *args) rescue SystemCallError => ex exec_w << ex.message end } exec_w.close if duplex? io._stdin = writer reader.close end # if we don't eventually get EOF, exec() failed unless exec_r.eof? raise LaunchError, || "executing command with #{@args.inspect} failed" end ::Process.detach(@pid) if detach? end def set_env @environment.each { |k, v| ENV[k.to_s] = v.nil? ? nil : v.to_s } end end # Process end # Unix end # ChildProcess