require 'spec_helper' ## # Integration testing for the Baron Blog Engine to make sure things are # working end-to-end shared_examples_for "Server Response" do it "should be valid" do @response.status.should == 200 @response.body.length.should > 0 end end shared_examples_for "Server HTML Response" do it "should be instrumented" do @response.body.should include(GOOGLE_ANALYTICS) unless GOOGLE_ANALYTICS.empty? end it "should generate valid HTML" do @response.body.scan(//).count.should == 1 @response.body.scan(//).count.should == 1 @response.body.scan(/<\/head>/).count.should == 1 @response.body.scan(//).count.should == 1 end end describe "Baron" do before :all do @config = load_config @baron = end describe "GET /" do before :all do @response = @baron.get('/') end it_behaves_like "Server Response" it_behaves_like "Server HTML Response" it "is instrumented for Google Webmaster Tools" do @response.body.should include(GOOGLE_WEBMASTER) unless GOOGLE_WEBMASTER.empty? end end describe "GET /archives" do before :all do @response = @baron.get('/archives') end it_behaves_like "Server Response" it_behaves_like "Server HTML Response" end describe "GET custom page" do before :all do @response = @baron.get('/about') end it_behaves_like "Server Response" it_behaves_like "Server HTML Response" end describe "GET category home page" do before :all do @response = @baron.get('/north-of-boston/') end it_behaves_like "Server Response" it_behaves_like "Server HTML Response" end describe "GET single article" do before :all do @response = @baron.get('/poems/the-road-not-taken') end it_behaves_like "Server Response" it_behaves_like "Server HTML Response" end describe "GET pagination" do before :all do config = load_config() config.set(:article_max, 2) @baron = end it "should not render a page out of bounds" do @baron.get('/page/0/').status.should == 404 @baron.get('/page/100/').status.should == 404 end it "should not render a mal-formed URL" do @baron.get('/page/foobar/').status.should == 404 end it "should render a valid request" do response = @baron.get('/page/2/') response.status.should == 200 response.body.length.should > 0 response.body.should include(GOOGLE_WEBMASTER) unless GOOGLE_WEBMASTER.empty? end end describe "GET error page" do it "returns proper error data" do response = @baron.get('/fake-url-of-impossible-page-give-me-your-404-error') response.status.should == 404 response.body.should include('Page not found') response.body.should include('404') # should not render in the layout.rhtml if ") end end describe "GET /feed.rss" do before :all do @response = @baron.get('/feed.rss') end it_behaves_like "Server Response" it "returns expected content" do @response.body.should include(@config[:title]) @response.body.should include("#{@config[:url]}/feed.rss") @response.body.scan(//).count.should == 5 @response.body.scan(/<\/entry>/).count.should == 5 @response.body.should include('') end end describe "GET /robots.txt" do before :all do @response = @baron.get('/robots.txt') end it_behaves_like "Server Response" it "renders expected parameters" do @response.body.should include("#{@config[:url]}/feed.rss") end end describe "Redirect URLs" do it "should canonicalize pagination at page 1" do @response = @baron.get('/page/1/') @response.status.should == 301 @response['Location'].should == '/' @response = @baron.get('/page/1') @response.status.should == 301 @response['Location'].should == '/' end end describe "Helper Functions" do it "should return a titleized string" do "the quick red fox".titleize.should == "The Quick Red Fox" end end end