
  %h3= link_to_style_guide('components', 'property')

  %p Handles the presentation form control.

  %p should not visually separate singular properties:
      = label_tag 'property_1', 'Label One', class: 'property__name'
      = text_field_tag 'property_1', 'Input', class: 'text-box'

  %p should visually separate adjacent properties, margin between and after:
      = label_tag 'property_2', 'Label One', class: 'property__name'
      = text_field_tag 'property_2', 'Input', class: 'text-box'
      = label_tag 'property_3', 'Label Two', class: 'property__name'
      = text_field_tag 'property_3', 'Input', class: 'text-box'

  %p should properly style the name (<code>label</code>) of form control:
      = label_tag 'property_4', 'Label One', class: 'property__name'
      = text_field_tag 'property_4', 'Input', class: 'text-box'
      = label_tag 'property_5', 'Label Three', class: 'property__name'
      = select_tag 'property_5', options_for_select(['Select Option', 'Select Option', 'Select Option'])
      = check_box_tag 'property_6'
      = label_tag 'property_6', 'Checkbox', class: 'property__name'
      = radio_button_tag 'property_7', '1', false
      = label_tag 'property_7_1', 'Radio Button', class: 'property__name'

  %p should support notes:
      = label_tag 'property_8', 'Label One', class: 'property__name'
      = text_field_tag 'property_8', 'Input', class: 'text-box'
      %span.property__note Property Note
      %span.property__note.property__note--error Property Error Note
      = check_box_tag 'property_9'
      = label_tag 'property_9', 'Checkbox', class: 'property__name'
      %span.property__note Property Note
      %span.property__note.property__note--error Property Error Note


  %h3= link_to_style_guide('components', 'property__required')

  %p Visually indicates a form control is required.

  %p should add a required indicator to the <code>property__name</code>:
      = label_tag 'property_required_1', 'Label One', class: 'property__name'
      = text_field_tag 'property_required_1', 'Input', class: 'text-box'
      = check_box_tag 'property_required_2'
      = label_tag 'property_required_2', 'Checkbox', class: 'property__name'


  %h3= link_to_style_guide('components', 'property__invalid')

  %p Visually indicates when a property is invalid

  %p should change the property name's color:
      %span.property__name Property Name

  %p should change and persist the focus ring color around form elements:
      %input{ value: 'Text Box Input', type: 'text', class: 'text-box' }
      %input{ value: 'Input', type: 'text' }
      %textarea Textarea
        %option Select Option


  %h3= link_to_style_guide('components', 'property__inline')

  %p Intended to be used within a sentence UI. <code>property__name</code> elements should be omitted in favor of <code>title</code> attributes on the field. When used within a <code>p</code> tag, the classes should be applied to a <code>span</code> tag.

  %p should display inline within a paragraph:
      Hacker knife shoes physical shanty town rifle artisanal
        = text_field_tag 'property_inline', 'Input', class: 'text-box', title: 'Property Name'
      semiotics jeans Kowloon boy sprawl pre-towards voodoo god realism.

  %p should work with <code>property--invalid</code>:
      Hacker knife shoes physical shanty town rifle artisanal
        = text_field_tag 'property_inline_invalid_1', 'Input', class: 'text-box text-box--invalid', title: 'Property Name'
      semiotics jeans Kowloon boy sprawl pre-towards voodoo god realism.

  %p should not allow <code>property__note</code> or <code>property__name</code> elements, which break layout:
      Hacker knife shoes physical shanty town rifle artisanal
        = label_tag 'property_inline_invalid_2', 'Label One', class: 'property__name'
        = text_field_tag 'property_inline_invalid_2', 'Input', class: 'text-box'
        %span.property__note Property Note
        %span.property__note.property__note--error Property Error Note
      semiotics jeans Kowloon boy sprawl pre-towards voodoo god realism.


  %h3= link_to_style_guide('components', 'property__no_margin')

  %p Removes all margin from component.

  %p should remove margin:
      = label_tag 'property_no_margin_1', 'Label One', class: 'property__name'
      = text_field_tag 'property_no_margin_1', 'Input', class: 'text-box'
      = label_tag 'property_no_margin_2', 'Label One', class: 'property__name'
      = text_field_tag 'property_no_margin_2', 'Input', class: 'text-box'