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Even though they each have their own design goals, the core features mostly overlap. They typically provide a way to represent resources (entities), and resource collections, consisting of * Data in key-value format, possibly with composite values * Embedded resources * Links to related resources * Outbound links that have a specific relation to the resource They might also contain extra control data to specify possible future interactions, not unlike HTML forms. These different media types for Hypermedia clients and servers base themselves on the same set of internet standards, such as [RFC4288 Media types](http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc4288), [RFC5988 Web Linking](http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc5988), [RFC6906 The "profile" link relation](http://tools.ietf.org/search/rfc6906) and [RFC6570 URI Templates](http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6570). ## Yaks Resources At the core of Yaks is the concept of a Resource, consisting of key-value attributes, RFC5988 style links, and embedded sub-resources. To build an API you create 'mappers' that turn your domain models into resources. Then you pick a media type 'serializer', which can turn the resource into a hypermedia message. The web linking standard which defines link relations like 'self', 'next' or 'alternate' is embraced as far as practically possible, for instance to find the URI that uniquely defines a resource, we look at the 'self' link. To distinguish different types of resources we use the 'profile' link. ## Mappers To turn your domain models into resources, you define mappers, for example : ```ruby class PostMapper < Yaks::Mapper link :self, '/api/posts/{id}' attributes :id, :title has_one :author has_many :comments end ``` Configure a Yaks instance and start serializing! ```ruby yaks = Yaks.new yaks.serialize(post) ``` or a bit more elaborate ```ruby yaks = Yaks.new do default_format :json_api rel_template 'http://api.example.com/rels/{association_name}' format_options(:hal, plural_links: [:copyright]) end yaks.serialize(post, mapper: PostMapper, format: :hal) ``` Yaks by default will find your mappers for you if they follow the naming convention of appending 'Mapper' to the model class name. This (and all other "conventions") can be easily redefined though, see below. If you have your mappers inside a module, use `mapper_namespace`. ```ruby module API module Mappers class PostMapper < Yaks::Mapper #... end end end yaks = Yaks.new do mapper_namespace API::Mappers end ``` ### Attributes Use the `attributes` DSL method to specify which attributes of your model you want to expose, as in the example above. You can override the `load_attribute` method to change how attributes are fetched from the model. For example, if you are representing data that is stored in a Hash, you could do ```ruby class PostHashMapper < Yaks::Mapper attributes :id, :body # @param name [Symbol] def load_attribute(name) object[name] end end ``` The default implementation will first try to find a matching method for an attribute on the mapper itself, and will then fall back to calling the actual model. So you can add extra 'virtual' attributes like so : ```ruby class CommentMapper < Yaks::Mapper attributes :id, :body, :date def date object.created_at.strftime("at %I:%M%p") end end ``` #### Filtering Implement `filter(attrs)` to filter out specific attributes, e.g. based on options. ```ruby def filter(attrs) attrs.reject{|attr| options[:exclude].include? attr } end ``` ### Links You can specify link templates that will be expanded with model attributes. The link relation name should be a registered [IANA link relation](http://www.iana.org/assignments/link-relations/link-relations.xhtml) or a URL. The template syntax follows [RFC6570 URI templates](http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6570). ```ruby class FooMapper < Yaks::Mapper link :self, '/api/foo/{id}' link 'http://api.foo.com/rels/comments', '/api/foo/{id}/comments' end ``` To prevent a link to be expanded, add `expand: false` as an option. Now the actual template will be rendered in the result, so clients can use it to generate links from. To partially expand the template, pass an array with field names to expand. e.g. ```ruby class ProductMapper < Yaks::Mapper link 'http://api.foo.com/rels/line_item', '/api/line_items?product_id={product_id}&quantity={quantity}', expand: [:product_id] end # "_links": { # "http://api.foo.com/rels/line_item": { # "href": "/api/line_items?product_id=273&quantity={quantity}", # "templated": true # } # } ``` You can pass a symbol instead of a template, in that case the symbol will be used as a method name on the object to retrieve the link. You can override this behavior just like with attributes. ```ruby class FooMapper < Yaks::Mapper link 'http://api.foo.com/rels/go_home', :home_url # by default calls object.home_url def home_url object.setting('home_url') end end ``` ### Associations Use `has_one` for an association that returns a single object, or `has_many` for embedding a collection. Options * `:mapper` : Use a specific for each instance, will be derived from the class name if omitted (see Policy vs Configuration) * `:collection_mapper` : For mapping the collection as a whole, this defaults to Yaks::CollectionMapper, but you can subclass it for example to add links or attributes on the collection itself * `:rel` : Set the relation (symbol or URI) this association has with the object. Will be derived from the association name and the configured rel_template if ommitted ## Custom attribute/link/subresource handling When inheriting from `Yaks::Mapper`, you can override `map_attributes`, `map_links` and `map_resources` to skip (or augment) above methods, and instead implement your own custom mechanism. For example ```ruby class ErrorMapper < Yaks::Mapper link :profile, '/api/error' def map_attributes attrs = { http_code: 500, message: object.to_s, type: object.class.name.underscore } case object when AllocationException attrs[:http_code] = 422 when ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound attrs[:http_code] = 404 attrs[:type] = "record_not_found" end attrs end end ``` ## Resources and Serializers Yaks uses an intermediate "Resource" representation to support multiple output formats. A mapper turns a domain model into a `Yaks::Resource`. A serializer (e.g. `Yaks::Serializer::Hal`) takes the resource and outputs the structure of the target format. Since version 0.4 the recommended API is through `Yaks.new {...}.serialize`. This will give you back a composite value consisting of primitives that have a mapping to JSON, so you can use your favorite JSON encoder to turn this into a character stream. ```ruby my_yaks = Yaks.new hal = my_yaks.serialize(model) puts JSON.dump(hal) ``` There are at least a handful of JSON libraries and implementations for Ruby out there, with different trade-offs. Yaks does not impose an opinion on which one to use ### HAL This is the default. In HAL one decides when building an API which links can only be singular (e.g. self), and which are always represented as an array. Yaks defaults to singular as I've found it to be the most common case. If you want specific links to be plural, then configure their rel href as such. ```ruby hal = Yaks.new do format_options :hal, plural_links: ['http://api.example.com/rels/foo'] end ``` CURIEs are not explicitly supported (yet), but it's possible to use them with some effort, see `examples/hal01.rb` for an example. The line between a singular resource and a collection is fuzzy in HAL. To stick close to the spec you're best to create your own singular types that represent collections, rather than rendering a top level CollectionResource. ### JSON-API ```ruby default_format :json_api ``` JSON-API has no concept of outbound links, so these will not be rendered. Instead the key will be inferred from the mapper class name by default. This can be changed per mapper: ```ruby class AnimalMapper key :pet end ``` Or the policy can be overridden: ```ruby yaks = Yaks.new do derive_type_from_mapper_class do |mapper_class| piglatinize(mapper_class.to_s.sub(/Mapper$/, '')) end end ``` ### Collection+JSON ```ruby default_format :collection_json ``` Subresources aren't mapped because Collection+JSON doesn't really have that concept, and the other way around templates and queries don't exist (yet) in Yaks. ### More formats Are planned... at the moment HAL is the only format I actually use, so it's the one that's best supported. Adding formats that follow the resource=(attributes, links, subresources) structure or a subset thereof is straightforward. More features, e.g. forms/actions such as used in Mason might be added in the future. ## Policy over Configuration It's an old adage in the Ruby/Rails world to have "Convention over Configuration", mostly to derive values that were not given explicitly. Typically based on things having similar names and a 1-1 derivable relationship. This saves a lot of typing, but for the uninitiated it can also create confusion, the implicitness makes it hard to follow what's going on. What's worse, is that often the Configuration part is skipped entirely, making it very hard to deviate from the Golden Standard. There is another old adage, "Policy vs Mechanism". Implement the mechanisms, but don't dictate the policy. In Yaks whenever missing values need to be inferred, like finding an unspecified mapper for a relation, this is handled by a policy object. The default is `Yaks::DefaultPolicy`, you can go there to find all the rules of inference. Single rules of inference can be redefined directly in the Yaks configuration: ```ruby yaks = Yaks.new do derive_mapper_from_object do |model| # ... end derive_type_from_mapper_class do |mapper_class| # ... end derive_mapper_from_association do |association| # ... end derive_rel_from_association do |mapper, association| # ... end end ``` You can also subclass or create from scratch your own policy class ```ruby class MyPolicy < DefaultPolicy #... end yaks = Yaks.new do policy MyPolicy end ``` ## Primitives For JSON based formats, a final step in serializing is to turn the nested data into primitives that have a JSON equivalent. For example, JSON has no notion of symbols or dates. If your mappers return these types as attributes, then Yaks needs to know how to turn these into primitives. To add extra types, use `map_to_primitive` ```ruby Yaks.new do map_to_primitive Date, Time, DateTime do object.iso8601 end end ``` This can also be used to transform alternative data structures, like those from Hamster, into Ruby arrays and hashes. Use `call()` to recursively turn things into primitives. ```ruby Yaks.new do map_to_primitive Hamster::Vector, Hamster::List do object.map do |item| call(item) end end end ``` ## Usage Yaks is used in production by [Ticketsolve](http://www.ticketsolve.com/). You can find an example API endpoint [here](http://leicestersquaretheatre.ticketsolve.com/api). Get in touch if you like to see your name and API here. ## Acknowledgment The mapper syntax is largely borrowed from ActiveModel::Serializers, which in turn closely mimics the syntax of ActiveRecord models. It's a great concise syntax that still offers plenty of flexibility, so to not reinvent the wheel I've stuck to the existing syntax as far as practical, although there are several extensions and deviations. ## Lightweight Yaks is a lean library. It only depends on a few other tiny libraries (inflection, concord, uri_template). It has no core extensions (monkey patches). There is deliberately no built-in "integration" with existing frameworks, since the API is simply enough. You just call it. If this approach sounds appealing, have a look at [microrb.com](http://microrb.com/). ## Is it any good [Yes](https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=3067434) ## How to contribute Run the tests, the examples, try it with your own stuff and leave your impressions in the issues. Or discuss on API-craft. To fix a bug 1. Fork the repo 2. Fix the bug, add tests for it 3. Push it to a named branch 4. Add a PR To add a feature 1. Open an issue as soon as possible to gather feedback 2. Same as above, fork, push to named branch, make a pull-request Yaks uses [Mutation Testing](https://github.com/mbj/mutant). Run `rake mutant` and look for percentage coverage. In general this should only go up. ## License MIT License (Expat License), see [LICENSE](./LICENSE) ![](shaved_yak.gif)