# typed: strict # frozen_string_literal: true require "json" require "open3" module RubyLsp module Rails class RunnerClient class << self extend T::Sig sig { returns(RunnerClient) } def create_client if File.exist?("bin/rails") new else $stderr.puts(<<~MSG) Ruby LSP Rails failed to locate bin/rails in the current directory: #{Dir.pwd}" MSG $stderr.puts("Server dependent features will not be available") NullClient.new end rescue Errno::ENOENT, StandardError => e # rubocop:disable Lint/ShadowedException $stderr.puts("Ruby LSP Rails failed to initialize server: #{e.message}\n#{e.backtrace&.join("\n")}") $stderr.puts("Server dependent features will not be available") NullClient.new end end class InitializationError < StandardError; end class IncompleteMessageError < StandardError; end class EmptyMessageError < StandardError; end MAX_RETRIES = 5 extend T::Sig sig { void } def initialize # Spring needs a Process session ID. It uses this ID to "attach" itself to the parent process, so that when the # parent ends, the spring process ends as well. If this is not set, Spring will throw an error while trying to # set its own session ID begin Process.setpgrp Process.setsid rescue Errno::EPERM # If we can't set the session ID, continue rescue NotImplementedError # setpgrp() may be unimplemented on some platform # https://github.com/Shopify/ruby-lsp-rails/issues/348 end stdin, stdout, stderr, wait_thread = Bundler.with_original_env do Open3.popen3("bundle", "exec", "rails", "runner", "#{__dir__}/server.rb", "start") end @stdin = T.let(stdin, IO) @stdout = T.let(stdout, IO) @stderr = T.let(stderr, IO) @wait_thread = T.let(wait_thread, Process::Waiter) @stdin.binmode # for Windows compatibility @stdout.binmode # for Windows compatibility $stderr.puts("Ruby LSP Rails booting server") count = 0 begin count += 1 read_response rescue EmptyMessageError $stderr.puts("Ruby LSP Rails is retrying initialize (#{count})") retry if count < MAX_RETRIES end $stderr.puts("Finished booting Ruby LSP Rails server") unless ENV["RAILS_ENV"] == "test" at_exit do if @wait_thread.alive? $stderr.puts("Ruby LSP Rails is force killing the server") sleep(0.5) # give the server a bit of time if we already issued a shutdown notification # Windows does not support the `TERM` signal, so we're forced to use `KILL` here Process.kill(T.must(Signal.list["KILL"]), @wait_thread.pid) end end end rescue Errno::EPIPE, IncompleteMessageError raise InitializationError, @stderr.read end sig { params(name: String).returns(T.nilable(T::Hash[Symbol, T.untyped])) } def model(name) make_request("model", name: name) rescue IncompleteMessageError $stderr.puts("Ruby LSP Rails failed to get model information: #{@stderr.read}") nil end sig { params(name: String).returns(T.nilable(T::Hash[Symbol, T.untyped])) } def route_location(name) make_request("route_location", name: name) rescue IncompleteMessageError $stderr.puts("Ruby LSP Rails failed to get route location: #{@stderr.read}") nil end sig { void } def trigger_reload $stderr.puts("Reloading Rails application") send_notification("reload") rescue IncompleteMessageError $stderr.puts("Ruby LSP Rails failed to trigger reload") nil end sig { void } def shutdown $stderr.puts("Ruby LSP Rails shutting down server") send_message("shutdown") sleep(0.5) # give the server a bit of time to shutdown [@stdin, @stdout, @stderr].each(&:close) end sig { returns(T::Boolean) } def stopped? [@stdin, @stdout, @stderr].all?(&:closed?) && !@wait_thread.alive? end private sig do params( request: String, params: T.nilable(T::Hash[Symbol, T.untyped]), ).returns(T.nilable(T::Hash[Symbol, T.untyped])) end def make_request(request, params = nil) send_message(request, params) read_response end sig { params(request: String, params: T.nilable(T::Hash[Symbol, T.untyped])).void } def send_message(request, params = nil) message = { method: request } message[:params] = params if params json = message.to_json @stdin.write("Content-Length: #{json.length}\r\n\r\n", json) end alias_method :send_notification, :send_message sig { returns(T.nilable(T::Hash[Symbol, T.untyped])) } def read_response headers = @stdout.gets("\r\n\r\n") raise IncompleteMessageError unless headers content_length = headers[/Content-Length: (\d+)/i, 1].to_i raise EmptyMessageError if content_length.zero? raw_response = @stdout.read(content_length) response = JSON.parse(T.must(raw_response), symbolize_names: true) if response[:error] $stderr.puts("Ruby LSP Rails error: " + response[:error]) return end response.fetch(:result) end end class NullClient < RunnerClient extend T::Sig sig { void } def initialize # rubocop:disable Lint/MissingSuper end sig { override.void } def shutdown # no-op end sig { override.returns(T::Boolean) } def stopped? true end private sig { override.params(request: String, params: T.nilable(T::Hash[Symbol, T.untyped])).void } def send_message(request, params = nil) # no-op end sig { override.returns(T.nilable(T::Hash[Symbol, T.untyped])) } def read_response # no-op end end end end