require 'active_support/inflector' module IntercomRails class ConfigSingleton def self.config_accessor(*args, &block) config_reader(*args) config_writer(*args, &block) end def self.meta_class class << self; self end end def self.config_reader(name) meta_class.send(:define_method, name) do instance_variable_get("@#{name}") end end def self.config_writer(name, &block) meta_class.send(:define_method, "#{name}=") do |value| if block && (block.arity <= 1) if block && (block.arity > 1) field_name = underscored_class_name ? "#{underscored_class_name}.#{name}" : name, field_name) end instance_variable_set("@#{name}", value) end end def self.config_group(name, &block) camelized_name = name.to_s.classify group = self.const_set(camelized_name, meta_class.send(:define_method, name) do group end group.send(:instance_variable_set, :@underscored_class_name, name) group.instance_eval(&block) end private def self.underscored_class_name @underscored_class_name end end class Config < ConfigSingleton CUSTOM_DATA_VALIDATOR = do |custom_data, field_name| raise ArgumentError, "#{field_name} custom_data should be a hash" unless custom_data.kind_of?(Hash) unless custom_data.values.all? { |value| value.kind_of?(Proc) || value.kind_of?(Symbol) } raise ArgumentError, "all custom_data attributes should be either a Proc or a symbol" end end ARRAY_VALIDATOR = do |data, field_name| raise ArgumentError, "#{field_name} data should be an Array" unless data.kind_of?(Array) end IS_PROC_VALIDATOR = do |value, field_name| raise ArgumentError, "#{field_name} is not a proc" unless value.kind_of?(Proc) end def self.reset! to_reset = {|c| const_get c} to_reset << self to_reset.each do |configer| configer.instance_variables.each do |var| configer.send(:remove_instance_variable, var) end end end config_accessor :app_id config_accessor :api_secret config_accessor :api_key config_accessor :library_url config_accessor :enabled_environments, &ARRAY_VALIDATOR config_group :user do config_accessor :current, &IS_PROC_VALIDATOR config_accessor :exclude_if, &IS_PROC_VALIDATOR config_accessor :model, &IS_PROC_VALIDATOR config_accessor :company_association, &IS_PROC_VALIDATOR config_accessor :custom_data, &CUSTOM_DATA_VALIDATOR end config_group :company do config_accessor :current, &IS_PROC_VALIDATOR config_accessor :plan, &IS_PROC_VALIDATOR config_accessor :monthly_spend, &IS_PROC_VALIDATOR config_accessor :custom_data, &CUSTOM_DATA_VALIDATOR end config_group :inbox do config_accessor :counter # Keep this for backwards compatibility config_accessor :style do |value| raise ArgumentError, " must be one of :default or :custom" unless [:default, :custom].include?(value) end end end end