/* * # Semantic - Steps * http://github.com/jlukic/semantic-ui/ * * * Copyright 2014 Contributor * Released under the MIT license * http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT * */ /******************************* Theme *******************************/ @type : 'element'; @element : 'step'; @import '../../theme.config'; /******************************* Step *******************************/ .ui.steps .step { display: inline-block; position: relative; margin: @verticalMargin @horizontalMargin; padding: @verticalPadding @horizontalPadding @verticalPadding @leftPadding; vertical-align: top; background: @background; color: @textColor; box-shadow: @boxShadow; border-radius: @borderRadius; } .ui.steps .step:after { position: absolute; z-index: 2; content: ''; top: @arrowTopOffset; right: @arrowRightOffset; border: medium none; background-color: @arrowBackgroundColor; width: @arrowSize; height: @arrowSize; border-bottom: 1px solid @arrowBorderColor; border-right: 1px solid @arrowBorderColor; transform: translateY(-50%) translateX(50%) rotate(-45deg); } .ui.steps .step, .ui.steps .step:after { transition: @transition; } /******************************* Content *******************************/ /* Title */ .ui.steps .step .title { font-family: @titleFontFamily; font-size: @titleFontSize; font-weight: @titleFontWeight; } /* Description */ .ui.steps .step .description { font-weight: @descriptionFontWeight; font-size: @descriptionFontSize; color: @descriptionColor; } .ui.steps .step .title ~ .description { margin-top: @descriptionDistance; } /* Icon */ .ui.steps .step > .icon, .ui.steps .step > .icon ~ .content { display: table-cell; vertical-align: @iconVerticalAlign; } .ui.steps .step > .icon { font-size: @iconSize; margin: 0em; padding-right: @iconDistance; } /* Link */ .ui.steps .link.step, .ui.steps a.step { cursor: pointer; } /******************************* Types *******************************/ /*-------------- Ordered ---------------*/ .ui.ordered.steps { counter-reset: ordered; } .ui.ordered.steps .step:before { display: table-cell; position: static; text-align: center; content: counters(ordered, "."); vertical-align: @iconVerticalAlign; padding-right: @iconDistance; font-size: @iconSize; counter-increment: ordered; } .ui.ordered.steps .step > * { display: table-cell; vertical-align: @iconVerticalAlign; } /*-------------- Vertical ---------------*/ .ui.vertical.steps { overflow: visible; } .ui.vertical.steps .step { display: block; border-radius: @borderRadius; padding: @verticalPadding @horizontalPadding; } .ui.vertical.steps .step:first-child { padding: @verticalPadding @horizontalPadding; border-radius: @stepsBorderRadius @stepsBorderRadius 0em 0em; } .ui.vertical.steps .step:last-child { border-radius: 0em 0em @stepsBorderRadius @stepsBorderRadius; } /* Arrow */ .ui.vertical.steps .step:after { display: none; } /* Active Arrow */ .ui.vertical.steps .active.step:after { display: block; } /*--------------- Responsive ----------------*/ /* Mobile (Default) */ @media only screen and (max-width: (@largestMobileScreen)) { .ui.steps { overflow: visible; } .ui.steps .step { display: block; border-radius: @borderRadius; padding: @verticalPadding @horizontalPadding; } .ui.steps .step:first-child { padding: @verticalPadding @horizontalPadding; border-radius: @stepsBorderRadius @stepsBorderRadius 0em 0em; } .ui.steps .step:last-child { border-radius: 0em 0em @stepsBorderRadius @stepsBorderRadius; } /* Arrow */ .ui.steps .step:after { display: none; } } /******************************* Group *******************************/ .ui.steps { display: inline-block; font-size: 0em; background: @stepsBackground; box-shadow: @stepsBoxShadow; line-height: @lineHeight; box-sizing: border-box; border-radius: @stepsBorderRadius; } .ui.steps .step:first-child { padding-left: @horizontalPadding; border-radius: @stepsBorderRadius 0em 0em @stepsBorderRadius; } .ui.steps .step:last-child { border-radius: 0em @stepsBorderRadius @stepsBorderRadius 0em; } .ui.steps .step:only-child { -webkit-border-radius: @stepsBorderRadius; -moz-border-radius: @stepsBorderRadius; border-radius: @stepsBorderRadius; } .ui.steps .step:last-child { margin-right: 0em; } .ui.steps .step:last-child:after { display: none; } /******************************* States *******************************/ /* Link Hover */ .ui.steps .link.step:hover::after, .ui.steps .link.step:hover, .ui.steps a.step:hover::after, .ui.steps a.step:hover { background: @hoverBackground; color: @hoverColor; } /* Link Down */ .ui.steps .link.step:active::after, .ui.steps .link.step:active, .ui.steps a.step:active::after, .ui.steps a.step:active { background: @downBackground; color: @downColor; } /* Active */ .ui.steps .step.active { cursor: auto; background: @activeBackground; } .ui.steps .step.active:after { background: @activeBackground; } .ui.steps .step.active .title { color: @activeColor; } .ui.ordered.steps .step.active:before, .ui.steps .active.step .icon { color: @activeIconColor; } /* Active Hover */ .ui.steps .link.active.step:hover::after, .ui.steps .link.active.step:hover, .ui.steps a.active.step:hover::after, .ui.steps a.active.step:hover { cursor: pointer; background: @activeHoverBackground; color: @activeHoverColor; } /* Completed */ .ui.steps .step.completed > .icon:before, .ui.ordered.steps .step.completed:before { color: @completedColor; } /* Disabled */ .ui.steps .disabled.step { cursor: auto; background: @disabledBackground; pointer-events: none; } .ui.steps .disabled.step, .ui.steps .disabled.step .title, .ui.steps .disabled.step .description { color: @disabledColor; } .ui.steps .disabled.step:after { background: @disabledBackground; } /******************************* Variations *******************************/ /*-------------- Stackable ---------------*/ /* Tablet Or Below */ @media only screen and (min-width: @computerBreakpoint) { .ui[class*="tablet stackable"].steps { overflow: visible; } .ui[class*="tablet stackable"].steps .step { display: block; border-radius: @borderRadius; padding: @verticalPadding @horizontalPadding; } .ui[class*="tablet stackable"].steps .step:first-child { padding: @verticalPadding @horizontalPadding; border-radius: @stepsBorderRadius @stepsBorderRadius 0em 0em; } .ui[class*="tablet stackable"].steps .step:last-child { border-radius: 0em 0em @stepsBorderRadius @stepsBorderRadius; } /* Arrow */ .ui[class*="tablet stackable"].steps .step:after { display: none; } } /*-------------- Fluid ---------------*/ /* Fluid */ .ui.fluid.steps { width: 100%; } /*-------------- Attached ---------------*/ /* Top */ .attached.ui.steps { margin: @attachedTopMargin; border-radius: @stepsBorderRadius @stepsBorderRadius 0em 0em; } .attached.ui.steps .step:first-child { border-radius: @stepsBorderRadius 0em 0em 0em; } .attached.ui.steps .step:last-child { border-radius: 0em @stepsBorderRadius 0em 0em; } /* Bottom */ .bottom.attached.ui.steps { margin: @attachedBottomMargin; border-radius: 0em 0em @stepsBorderRadius @stepsBorderRadius; } .bottom.attached.ui.steps .step:first-child { border-radius: 0em 0em 0em @stepsBorderRadius; } .bottom.attached.ui.steps .step:last-child { border-radius: 0em 0em @stepsBorderRadius 0em; } /*------------------- Evenly Divided --------------------*/ .ui.one.steps, .ui.two.steps, .ui.three.steps, .ui.four.steps, .ui.five.steps, .ui.six.steps, .ui.seven.steps, .ui.eight.steps { display: block; } .ui.one.steps > .step { width: 100%; } .ui.two.steps > .step { width: 50%; } .ui.three.steps > .step { width: 33.333%; } .ui.four.steps > .step { width: 25%; } .ui.five.steps > .step { width: 20%; } .ui.six.steps > .step { width: 16.666%; } .ui.seven.steps > .step { width: 14.285%; } .ui.eight.steps > .step { width: 12.500%; } /*------------------- Sizes --------------------*/ .ui.small.step, .ui.small.steps .step { font-size: @small; } .ui.step, .ui.steps .step { font-size: @medium; } .ui.large.step, .ui.large.steps .step { font-size: @large; } .loadUIOverrides();