# frozen_string_literal: true require 'puma/runner' require 'puma/detect' require 'puma/plugin' module Puma # This class is instantiated by the `Puma::Launcher` and used # to boot and serve a Ruby application when no puma "workers" are needed # i.e. only using "threaded" mode. For example `$ puma -t 1:5` # # At the core of this class is running an instance of `Puma::Server` which # gets created via the `start_server` method from the `Puma::Runner` class # that this inherits from. class Single < Runner def stats b = @server.backlog || 0 r = @server.running || 0 t = @server.pool_capacity || 0 m = @server.max_threads || 0 %Q!{ "backlog": #{b}, "running": #{r}, "pool_capacity": #{t}, "max_threads": #{m} }! end def restart @server.begin_restart end def stop @server.stop(false) if @server end def halt @server.halt end def stop_blocked log "- Gracefully stopping, waiting for requests to finish" @control.stop(true) if @control @server.stop(true) if @server end def jruby_daemon? daemon? and Puma.jruby? end def jruby_daemon_start require 'puma/jruby_restart' JRubyRestart.daemon_start(@restart_dir, @launcher.restart_args) end def run already_daemon = false if jruby_daemon? require 'puma/jruby_restart' if JRubyRestart.daemon? # load and bind before redirecting IO so errors show up on stdout/stderr load_and_bind redirect_io end already_daemon = JRubyRestart.daemon_init end output_header "single" if jruby_daemon? if already_daemon JRubyRestart.perm_daemonize else pid = nil Signal.trap "SIGUSR2" do log "* Started new process #{pid} as daemon..." # Must use exit! so we don't unwind and run the ensures # that will be run by the new child (such as deleting the # pidfile) exit!(true) end Signal.trap "SIGCHLD" do log "! Error starting new process as daemon, exiting" exit 1 end jruby_daemon_start sleep end else if daemon? log "* Daemonizing..." Process.daemon(true) redirect_io end load_and_bind end Plugins.fire_background @launcher.write_state start_control @server = server = start_server unless daemon? log "Use Ctrl-C to stop" redirect_io end @launcher.events.fire_on_booted! begin server.run.join rescue Interrupt # Swallow it end end end end