require "git" class Gitscape::Base def initialize # Always add a merge commit at the end of a merge @merge_options = "--no-ff" # Setup additional merge options based on the version of Git we have if git_version_at_least "" @merge_options += " -s recursive -Xignore-space-change" else warn "Ignoring whitespace changes in merges is only available on Git 1.7.4+" end @env_branch_by_dev_branch = do |h, k| case k when "master" "staging" when /release\/i\d+/ "qa" when "live" "live" end end end def git_working_copy_is_clean puts_changes=true # Check if the working copy is clean, if not, exit changes = `git status -uno --ignore-submodules=all --porcelain` working_copy_clean = changes.length == 0 if !working_copy_clean && puts_changes puts "*** Your working copy is not clean, either commit, stash, or reset your changes then try again. ***" puts changes end working_copy_clean end # Assume the highest branch already merged into live of the form # release/i[\d]+ is the live branch def live_iteration live_iteration_tag_regex = /^live\/i(\d+)/ toRet = `git tag`.split("\n").select { |tag| live_iteration_tag_regex.match tag }.map { |tag| tag.scan(live_iteration_tag_regex).flatten[0].to_i }.sort.last # A bit of a chicken-and-egg problem. You might not have any tags for live, so look for something else... if toRet.nil? toRet = `git branch -a --merged origin/live`.split("\n").select{|b| /release\/i(\d+)$/.match b}.map{|b| b.scan(/release\/i(\d+)$/).flatten[0].to_i}.sort.last end toRet end def current_branch_name toRet = `git branch`.scan(/\* (.*)$/).flatten[0] toRet end def current_release_branch_number unmerged_into_live_branch_names = `git branch -a --no-merged origin/live`.split("\n") release_branch_regex = /release\/i(\d+)$/ candidates ={ |b| release_branch_regex.match b}.map{|b| b.scan(release_branch_regex).flatten[0].to_i}.sort candidates.last end def current_release_branch_name release_number = current_release_branch_number if !release_number.nil? "release/i#{current_release_branch_number}" else nil end end def git_has_conflicts puts_conflicts=true conflicts_status = `git status --porcelain` has_conflicts = conflicts_status.scan(/[AUD]{2}/).count > 0 puts conflicts_status if has_conflicts && puts_conflicts has_conflicts end def generic_branch_start branch_type, from_branch, new_branch, options # option defaults options[:push] = false if options[:push].nil? # Check that the working copy is clean exit 1 unless git_working_copy_is_clean if new_branch.to_s.length == 0 raise "*** Improper Usage ***\nExpected Usage: #{branch_type}_start <#{branch_type}_name> [--[no-]push]" end puts `git checkout #{from_branch}` puts `git pull origin #{from_branch}` new_branch = "#{branch_type}/#{new_branch}" puts "=== Creating #{branch_type} branch '#{new_branch}' ===" puts `git checkout -b #{new_branch}` puts `git push origin #{new_branch}` if options[:push] end def hotfix_start new_branch=nil, options={:push=>false} generic_branch_start 'hotfix', 'live', new_branch, options end def bugfix_start new_branch=nil, options={:push=>false} name = current_release_branch_name if name.nil? puts 'There is not a current release branch. You cannot use this command.' else generic_branch_start 'bugfix', name, new_branch, options end end def feature_start new_branch=nil, options={:push=>false} generic_branch_start 'feature', 'master', new_branch, options end def hotfix_finish branch_name=nil, options={:env_depth=>:staging, :push=>true, :update_env=>false} generic_branch_finish 'hotfix', branch_name, options end def bugfix_finish branch_name=nil, options={:env_depth=>:staging, :push=>true, :update_env=>false} generic_branch_finish 'bugfix', branch_name, options end def feature_finish branch_name=nil, options={:env_depth=>:staging, :push=>true, :update_env=>false} generic_branch_finish 'feature', branch_name, options end def generic_branch_finish branch_type, source_name, options # option defaults options[:env_depth] = :staging if options[:env_depth].nil? options[:push] = true if options[:push].nil? options[:update_env] = false if options[:update_env].nil? if (options[:env_depth] == :qa) && branch_type == 'feature' puts "*** --qa may not be used with feature branches" exit 1 end if (options[:env_depth] == :live) && branch_type != 'hotfix' puts "*** --live may only be used with hotfix branches" exit 1 end # Check that the working copy is clean exit 1 unless git_working_copy_is_clean source_branch = "#{branch_type}/#{source_branch}" previous_branch = current_branch_name if previous_branch.to_s.start_with? "#{branch_type}/" source_branch = previous_branch end if source_branch.to_s.empty? puts "!!! Not currently on a #{branch_type} branch, and no branch name was provided as an argument !!!" puts finish_usage_string(branch_type) exit 1 end # Collect the set of branches we'd like to merge the hotfix into merge_branches = ["master"] if %w{bugfix hotfix}.include?(branch_type) if current_release_branch_name.nil? puts "!!! There is no current release branch: the command will bypass the release and qa branches" else merge_branches << current_release_branch_name if [:qa, :live].include?(options[:env_depth]) end end if %w{hotfix}.include?(branch_type) merge_branches << "live" if options[:env_depth] == :live end # Merge the source branch into merge_branches puts "=== Merging #{branch_type} into branches #{merge_branches} ===" for branch in merge_branches # Calculate merge_options merge_options = @merge_options merge_options += " --log" if branch == "master" # Attempt merge puts `git checkout #{branch}` puts `git pull` puts `git merge #{merge_options} #{source_branch}` # Bail on failures exit 1 if !$?.success? raise "Merge failure(s) on #{branch}.\nResolve conflicts, and run the script again." if git_has_conflicts puts `git push origin #{branch}` if options[:push] puts `git push origin #{branch}:#{@env_branch_by_dev_branch[branch]}` if options[:update_env] # If we just merged the live branch, tag this revision, and push that tag to origin if branch == "live" puts `git tag live/i#{live_iteration}/#{source_branch}` puts `git push --tags` end end # Checkout previous branch for user convenience `git checkout #{previous_branch}` end def release_start options={:push=>true, :update_env=>true} # Handle default options options[:push] = true if options[:push].nil? options[:update_env] = true if options[:update_env].nil? # Switch to master branch puts `git checkout master` puts `git pull origin master` # Check that the working copy is clean exit 1 unless git_working_copy_is_clean new_version_number = live_iteration + 1 release_branch_name = "release/i#{new_version_number}" # Cut the branch puts `git checkout -b "#{release_branch_name}" master` exit 1 unless $?.exitstatus == 0 # Bump the version number `echo "i#{new_version_number}" > ./version` exit 1 unless $?.exitstatus == 0 # Commit the bump puts `git commit -a -m "Begin i#{new_version_number} release candidate"` exit 1 unless $?.exitstatus == 0 # Push to origin if options[:push] puts `git push origin -u "#{release_branch_name}"` exit 1 unless $?.exitstatus == 0 end # Update qa to the new commit if options[:update_env] puts `git push origin "#{release_branch_name}:qa"` exit 1 unless $?.exitstatus == 0 end end def release_finish options={:push=>true, :update_env=>true} # Handle default options options[:push] = true if options[:push].nil? options[:update_env] = true if options[:update_env].nil? # Check if the working copy is clean, if not, exit exit 1 unless git_working_copy_is_clean # Do a git fetch to ensure everything all refs are sync with origin puts `git fetch` # Get the right release_branch_name to merge current_version_number = live_iteration new_version_number = current_version_number + 1 release_branch = "release/i#{new_version_number}" # Fetch in order to have the latest branch revisions # Get branch information for checks branch_keys = ["name", "revision", "message"] branch_values = `git branch -av`.scan(/^[ \*]*([^ \*]+) +([^ ]+) +(.*)$/) branches = {|components| Hash[ components ] } branch_revisions = Hash[ {|branch| [branch["name"], branch["revision"]] } ] # Check if the required branches in sync required_synced_branches = [[release_branch, "remotes/origin/qa"]] required_synced_branches.each do |branch_pair| if branch_revisions[ branch_pair[0] ] != branch_revisions[ branch_pair[0] ] puts "*** ERROR: The #{branch_pair[0]} branch is not the same as the #{branch_pair[1]} branch. \tPlease resolve this and try again." exit 3 end end # Checkout and pull release_branch puts `git checkout #{release_branch}` puts `git pull origin #{release_branch}` # Checkout and pull live puts `git checkout live` puts `git pull origin live` merge_options = "--no-ff -s recursive -Xignore-space-change" # Merge the release branch into live puts `git merge #{merge_options} #{release_branch}` # Error and conflict checking if !$?.success? then exit 4 end if git_has_conflicts then puts "Merge conflicts when pulling #{release_branch} into live" puts "Please report a problem if you see this message :)" exit 2 end # Ensure there is zero diff between what was tested on origin/qa and the new live critical_diff = `git diff live origin/qa` if critical_diff.length > 0 puts "\n!!! This live merge has code that was not on the qa branch !!!\nDiff:" puts critical_diff puts "!!! Run the command 'git reset --hard' to undo the merge, and raise this error with QA and others involved to determine next step !!!" exit 3 end # Record the revision of live used for the release tag live_release_revision = `git log -n1 --oneline`.scan(/(^[^ ]+) .*$/).flatten[0] # Merge the release branch into master puts `git checkout master` puts `git pull origin master` puts `git merge #{merge_options} #{release_branch}` # Error and conflict checking if !$?.success? then exit 4 end if git_has_conflicts then puts "Merge conflicts when pulling #{release_branch} into master" puts "Please report a problem if you see this message :)" exit 2 end # Tag the state of live for both release and rollback puts `git tag rollback-to/i#{current_version_number} live~` if !$?.success? then puts "=== WARNING: Failed to create rollback-to/i#{current_version_number} tag" end `git tag live/i#{new_version_number}/release #{live_release_revision}` if !$?.success? then puts "=== WARNING: Failed to create live/i#{new_version_number}/release" puts `git tag -d rollback-to/i#{current_version_number}` exit 4 end if options[:push] && options[:update_env] puts `git push origin live --tags` puts `git push origin master` end end def tag_cleanup options # Handle default options options[:push] = false if options[:push].nil? # Do a fetch in order to ensure we have all the latest tags `git fetch` # Select which tags to keep. # We currently keep tags which fulfill any of the following # 1. starts with 'service/' # 2. starts with 'rollback-to/' or 'live/', and has an iteration number >= the live_iteration number - 3 tags = `git tag`.split "\n" tags_to_delete = { |tag| !(!/^service\//.match(tag).nil? || /^(?:live|rollback-to)\/i(\d+)/.match(tag).to_a[1].to_i >= live_iteration - 3) } puts "Deleting the following tags.\nThese changes #{options[:push] ? "will" : "will not"} be pushed to origin.\n" tags_to_delete.each { |tag| puts `git tag -d #{tag}` } tags_to_delete.each { |tag| puts `git push origin :refs/tags/#{tag}` } if options[:push] end # Returns true if the supplied Git commit hash or reference exists def self.commit_exists?(commit_id) `git rev-parse #{commit_id}` if $? == 0 true else raise "Invalid commit/ref ID: #{commit_id}" end end # Get the system's current git version def git_version @git_version ||= `git --version`.strip.split(" ").last end # Check if the system's git version is at least as recent as the version specified def git_version_at_least(min_version) def split_version(v) v.split(".").map { |x| x.to_i } end local_version = split_version(git_version) min_version = split_version(min_version) raise "Git version string must have 4 parts" if min_version.size != 4 4.times do |i| next if local_version[i] == min_version[i] return local_version[i] > min_version[i] end true # If you get all the way here, all 4 positions match precisely end def finish_usage_string(branch_type) "expected usage: #{branch_type}_finish [<#{branch_type}_branch>] #{branch_type}_branch: the name of the #{branch_type} branch to finish. if omitted, you must currently be on a #{branch_type} branch" end end