require 'bindata/base_primitive' module BinData # Defines a number of classes that contain an integer. The integer # is defined by endian, signedness and number of bytes. module Int #:nodoc: all class << self def define_class(nbits, endian, signed) name = class_name(nbits, endian, signed) return if BinData.const_defined?(name) int_type = (signed == :signed) ? 'int' : 'uint' creation_method = "create_#{int_type}_methods" BinData.module_eval <<-END class #{name} < BinData::BasePrimitive register(, self) Int.#{creation_method}(self, #{nbits}, :#{endian.to_s}) end END end def class_name(nbits, endian, signed) endian_str = (endian == :big) ? "be" : "le" base = (signed == :signed) ? "Int" : "Uint" "#{base}#{nbits}#{endian_str}" end def create_uint_methods(int_class, nbits, endian) raise "nbits must be divisible by 8" unless (nbits % 8).zero? min = 0 max = (1 << nbits) - 1 clamp = create_clamp_code(min, max) read = create_read_code(nbits, endian) to_binary_s = create_to_binary_s_code(nbits, endian) define_methods(int_class, nbits / 8, clamp, read, to_binary_s) end def create_int_methods(int_class, nbits, endian) raise "nbits must be divisible by 8" unless (nbits % 8).zero? max = (1 << (nbits - 1)) - 1 min = -(max + 1) clamp = create_clamp_code(min, max) read = create_read_code(nbits, endian) to_binary_s = create_to_binary_s_code(nbits, endian) int2uint = create_int2uint_code(nbits) uint2int = create_uint2int_code(nbits) define_methods(int_class, nbits / 8, clamp, read, to_binary_s, int2uint, uint2int) end def create_clamp_code(min, max) "val = (val < #{min}) ? #{min} : (val > #{max}) ? #{max} : val" end def create_int2uint_code(nbits) "val = val & #{(1 << nbits) - 1}" end def create_uint2int_code(nbits) mask = (1 << (nbits - 1)) - 1 "val = ((val & #{1 << (nbits - 1)}).zero?) ? " + "val & #{mask} : -(((~val) & #{mask}) + 1)" end def create_read_code(nbits, endian) # determine "word" size and unpack directive if (nbits % 32).zero? bytes_per_word = 4 d = (endian == :big) ? 'N' : 'V' elsif (nbits % 16).zero? bytes_per_word = 2 d = (endian == :big) ? 'n' : 'v' else bytes_per_word = 1 d = 'C' end bits_per_word = bytes_per_word * 8 nwords = nbits / bits_per_word nbytes = nbits / 8 idx = (0 ... nwords).to_a idx.reverse! if (endian == :big) unpack_str = "a = io.readbytes(#{nbytes}).unpack('#{d * nwords}')" parts = (0 ... nwords).collect do |i| ? "{idx[i]})" : "({idx[i]}) << #{bits_per_word * i})" end assemble_str = parts.join(" + ") "(#{unpack_str}; #{assemble_str})" end def create_to_binary_s_code(nbits, endian) # special case 8bit integers for speed return "val.chr" if nbits == 8 # determine "word" size and pack directive if (nbits % 32).zero? bytes_per_word = 4 d = (endian == :big) ? 'N' : 'V' elsif (nbits % 16).zero? bytes_per_word = 2 d = (endian == :big) ? 'n' : 'v' else bytes_per_word = 1 d = 'C' end bits_per_word = bytes_per_word * 8 nwords = nbits / bits_per_word mask = (1 << bits_per_word) - 1 vals = (0 ... nwords).collect do |i| ? "val" : "(val >> #{bits_per_word * i})" end vals.reverse! if (endian == :big) parts = (0 ... nwords).collect { |i| "#{vals[i]} & #{mask}" } array_str = "[" + parts.join(", ") + "]" "#{array_str}.pack('#{d * nwords}')" end def define_methods(int_class, nbytes, clamp, read, to_binary_s, int2uint = nil, uint2int = nil) int_class.module_eval <<-END #--------------- private def _assign(val) #{clamp} super(val) end def _do_num_bytes #{nbytes} end def sensible_default 0 end def value_to_binary_string(val) #{clamp} #{int2uint unless int2uint.nil?} #{to_binary_s} end def read_and_return_value(io) val = #{read} #{uint2int unless uint2int.nil?} end END end end end # Unsigned 1 byte integer. class Uint8 < BinData::BasePrimitive register(, self) Int.create_uint_methods(self, 8, :little) end # Signed 1 byte integer. class Int8 < BinData::BasePrimitive register(, self) Int.create_int_methods(self, 8, :little) end # Create commonly used integers [8, 16, 32, 64, 128].each do |nbits| Int.define_class(nbits, :little, :unsigned) Int.define_class(nbits, :little, :signed) Int.define_class(nbits, :big, :unsigned) Int.define_class(nbits, :big, :signed) end end