o: ActiveSupport::Cache::Entry :@compressedF:@expires_in0:@created_atf1323549772.8684008“á: @value{ I" length:EFi&I" digest; F"%3f8bf4faf2a39238545b214123f4662bI" source; FI"&var SurveySays = window.SurveySays || {}; // If we already have the Question namespace don't override if (typeof SurveySays.Question == "undefined") { SurveySays.Question = {}; } // If we already have the purchaseOrder object don't override if (typeof SurveySays.Question.answer == "undefined") { SurveySays.Question.answer = { //test : null, initialize : function( ) { jQuery('.add_association').bind('click', function(){ var assoc = $(this).attr('data-association'); var content = $('#' + assoc + '_fields_template').html(); var regexp = new RegExp('new_' + assoc, 'g'); var new_id = new Date().getTime(); $(this).parent().before(content.replace(regexp, new_id)); return false; }); $('form a.remove_child').live('click', function() { var hidden_field = $(this).prev('input[type=hidden]')[0]; if(hidden_field) { hidden_field.value = '1'; } $(this).parents('.new_fields').remove(); $(this).parents('.fields').hide(); return false; }); }, prefillCost : function() { } }; jQuery(function() { SurveySays.Question.answer.initialize(); }); } ; ; FI" _version; F"%f5facb91e168b8e0d49904b41c6aa526