class Fixtures def transaction { amount: 1000 } end def boleto { payment_method: 'boleto' } end def transfer { amount: 1000 } end def card { card_number: '4901720080344448', card_holder_name: 'Jose da Silva', card_expiration_month: '10', card_expiration_year: valid_expiration_year, card_cvv: '314' } end def split_rule(recipient_id, percentage) { recipient_id: recipient_id, percentage: percentage } end def split_rules { split_rules: [ split_rule(persistent_recipient_ids[0], 10), split_rule(persistent_recipient_ids[1], 20), split_rule(persistent_recipient_ids[2], 30), split_rule(persistent_recipient_ids[3], 40) ] } end def invalid_split_rules { split_rules: [ { percentage: 10 }, split_rule(persistent_recipient_ids[1], 20), split_rule(persistent_recipient_ids[2], 30), split_rule(persistent_recipient_ids[3], 40) ] } end def refused_card # In test environment CVV's that starts with digit 6 are refused by acquirer card.merge card_cvv: '600' end def plan { days: 30, name: 'Plano gold', amount: 3000, trial_days: 5 } end def other_plan { name: 'Plano Silver', days: 30, amount: 3000 } end def no_trial_plan { name: 'Plano Sem Trial', days: 30, amount: 3000, trial_days: 0 } end def bank_account { bank_code: '237', agencia: '1935', agencia_dv: '9', conta: '23398', conta_dv: '9', legal_name: 'foo bar loem', document_number: '00000000000000' } end def nested_bank_account { bank_account: bank_account } end def refund_bank_account { bank_account: { bank_code: '399', agencia: '1234', conta: '1234567', conta_dv: '1', legal_name: 'Jose da Silva', document_number: '68782915423' } } end def recipient { transfer_day: 3, transfer_enabled: true, transfer_interval: 'daily' } end def postback { postback_url: '' } end def postback_response { id: 194330, event: 'transaction_status_changed', fingerprint: 'f8eb5ce941d70473ea691959ea4bfdeb79d48e2c', desired_status: 'paid', current_status: 'paid', object: 'transaction', old_status: 'processing' } end def subscription card.merge customer: { email: '' } end def customer { customer: { name: 'Jose da Silva', document_number: '84931126235', email: '', gender: 'M', born_at: '1970-10-11', phone: { ddd: '21', number: '922334455' }, address: { street: 'Av. Brigadeiro Faria Lima', neighborhood: 'Itaim bibi', zipcode: '01452000', street_number: '2941' } } } end def invalid_expiration_year { card_expiration_year: _invalid_expiration_year } end def anticipations_limits { timeframe: :end, payment_date: ( + 7) } end def respond_to?(method_name) return true if super(method_name) method_name.to_s.split(/_with_/).all?{ |m| super(m) } end def valid_expiration_year ( ).to_s[2..-1] end def persistent_recipient_ids VCR.use_cassette('fixtures/persistent_recipients') do do PagarMe::Recipient.create(recipient_with_nested_bank_account).id end end end def self.persistent_recipient_ids new.persistent_recipient_ids end protected def _invalid_expiration_year ( ).to_s[2..-1] end def method_missing(name, *args, &block) if respond_to?(name) name.to_s.split(/_with_/).map{ |m| public_send m }.inject, &:merge else super name, *args, &block end end module Helpers protected def fixtures @fixtures ||= end def method_missing(name, *args, &block) match = name.to_s.match /\_params\Z/ if match && fixtures.respond_to?(match.pre_match) && args.count < 2 if args.empty? fixtures.public_send match.pre_match else fixtures.public_send(match.pre_match).merge args.first end else super name, *args, &block end end end end