// Copyright (C) 2003 Davis E. King (davis@dlib.net) // License: Boost Software License See LICENSE.txt for the full license. #ifndef DLIB_SERVER_KERNEL_1_ #define DLIB_SERVER_KERNEL_1_ #include "server_kernel_abstract.h" #include "../threads.h" #include "../sockets.h" #include #include "../algs.h" #include "../set.h" #include "../logger.h" #include "../smart_pointers.h" namespace dlib { // These forward declarations are here so we can use them in the typedefs in the server // class. The reason for this is for backwards compatibility with previous versions of // dlib. class server_http; class server_iostream; class server { /*! INITIAL VALUE listening_port == 0 listening_ip == "" running == false shutting_down == false cons.size() == 0 listening_port_mutex == a mutex listening_ip_mutex == a mutex running_mutex == a mutex running_signaler == a signaler associated with running_mutex shutting_down_mutex == a mutex cons_mutex == a mutex thread_count == 0 thread_count_mutex == a mutex thread_count_signaler == a signaler associated with thread_count_mutex thread_count_zero == a signaler associated with thread_count_mutex max_connections == 1000 max_connections_mutex == a mutex for max_connections and graceful_close_timeout graceful_close_timeout == 500 CONVENTION listening_port == get_listening_port() listening_ip == get_listening_ip() running == is_running() shutting_down == true while clear() is running. this bool is used to tell the thread blocked on accept that it should terminate cons == a set containing all open connections listening_port_mutex == a mutex for listening_port listening_ip_mutex == a mutex for listening_ip running_mutex == a mutex for running running_signaler == a signaler for running and is associated with running_mutex. it is used to signal when running is false shutting_down_mutex == a mutex for shutting_down cons_mutex == a mutex for cons thread_count == the number of threads currently running thread_count_mutex == a mutex for thread_count thread_count_signaler == a signaler for thread_count and is associated with thread_count_mutex. it is used to signal when thread_count is decremented thread_count_zero == a signaler for thread_count and is associated with thread_count_mutex. it is used to signal when thread_count becomes zero max_connections == get_max_connections() max_connections_mutex == a mutex for max_connections !*/ typedef set::kernel_1a set_of_connections; // this structure is used to pass parameters to new threads struct param { param ( server& server_, connection& new_connection_, unsigned long graceful_close_timeout_ ) : the_server(server_), new_connection(new_connection_), graceful_close_timeout(graceful_close_timeout_) {} server& the_server; connection& new_connection; unsigned long graceful_close_timeout; }; public: // These typedefs are here for backward compatibility with previous versions of dlib typedef server kernel_1a; typedef server kernel_1a_c; typedef server_iostream iostream_1a; typedef server_iostream iostream_1a_c; typedef server_http http_1a; typedef server_http http_1a_c; server( ); virtual ~server( ); void clear( ); void start ( ); bool is_running ( ) const; const std::string get_listening_ip ( ) const; int get_listening_port ( ) const; void set_listening_port ( int port ); void set_listening_ip ( const std::string& ip ); void set_max_connections ( int max ); int get_max_connections ( ) const; void start_async ( ); void set_graceful_close_timeout ( unsigned long timeout ); unsigned long get_graceful_close_timeout ( ) const; private: void start_async_helper ( ); void start_accepting_connections ( ); void open_listening_socket ( ); virtual void on_connect ( connection& new_connection )=0; virtual void on_listening_port_assigned ( ) {} const static logger sdlog; static void service_connection( void* item ); /*! requires item is a pointer to a param struct ensures services the new connection will take care of closing the connection and adding the connection to cons when it first starts and remove the connection from cons and signal that it has done so when it ends !*/ // data members int listening_port; std::string listening_ip; bool running; bool shutting_down; set_of_connections cons; mutex listening_port_mutex; mutex listening_ip_mutex; rmutex running_mutex; rsignaler running_signaler; mutex shutting_down_mutex; mutex cons_mutex; int thread_count; mutex thread_count_mutex; signaler thread_count_signaler; int max_connections; mutex max_connections_mutex; signaler thread_count_zero; scoped_ptr async_start_thread; scoped_ptr sock; unsigned long graceful_close_timeout; // restricted functions server(server&); server& operator= ( server& ); }; // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- } #ifdef NO_MAKEFILE #include "server_kernel.cpp" #endif #endif // DLIB_SERVER_KERNEL_1_