module IsItWorking # Rack handler that will run a set of status checks on the application and report the # results. The results are formatted in plain text. If any of the checks fails, the # response code will be 417 Expectation Failed. # # The checks to perform are defined in the initialization block. Each check needs a name # and can either be a predefined check, block, or an object that responds to the +call+ # method. When a check is called, its +call+ method will be called with a Status object. # # === Example # # do |h| # # Predefined check to determine if a directory is accessible # h.check :directory, "/var/myapp", :read, :write # # # Custom check using a block # h.check :solr do # SolrServer.available? ? ok("solr is up") : fail("solr is down") # end # end class </is_it_working) so # it can be used with the rackup +use+ method or in Rails.middleware. def initialize(app=nil, route_path="/is_it_working", &block) @app = app @route_path = route_path @hostname = `hostname`.chomp @filters = [] @mutex = yield self if block_given? end def call(env) IsItWorking.request = if @app.nil? || env[PATH_INFO] == @route_path statuses = [] t = statuses = Filter.run_filters(@filters) render(statuses, - t) else end end # Set the hostname reported the the application is running on. By default this is set # the system hostname. You should override it if the value reported as the hostname by # the system is not useful or if exposing it publicly would create a security risk. def hostname=(val) @hostname = val end # Add a status check to the handler. # # If a block is given, it will be used as the status check and will be yielded to # with a Status object. # # If the name matches one of the pre-defined status check classes, a new instance will # be created using the rest of the arguments as the arguments to the initializer. The # pre-defined classes are: # # * :action_mailer - Check if the send mail configuration used by ActionMailer is available # * :active_record - Check if the database connection for an ActiveRecord class is up # * :dalli - DalliCheck checks if all the servers in a MemCache cluster are available using dalli # * :directory - DirectoryCheck checks for the accessibilty of a file system directory # * :memcache - MemcacheCheck checks if all the servers in a MemCache cluster are available using memcache-client # * :ping - Check if a host is reachable and accepting connections on a port # * :url - Check if a getting a URL returns a success response def check (name, *options_or_check, &block) raise ArgumentError("Too many arguments to #{}#check") if options_or_check.size > 2 check = nil options = {:async => true} unless options_or_check.empty? if options_or_check[0].is_a?(Hash) options = options.merge(options_or_check[0]) else check = options_or_check[0] end if options_or_check[1].is_a?(Hash) options = options.merge(options_or_check[1]) end end unless check if block check = block else check = lookup_check(name, options) end end @filters <<, check, options[:async]) end # Helper method to synchronize a block of code so it can be thread safe. # This method uses a Mutex and is not re-entrant. The synchronization will # be only on calls to this handler. def synchronize @mutex.synchronize do yield end end protected # Lookup a status check filter from the name and arguments def lookup_check(name, options) #:nodoc: check_class_name = "#{name.to_s.gsub(/(^|_)([a-z])/){|m| m.sub('_', '').upcase}}Check" check = nil if IsItWorking.const_defined?(check_class_name) check_class = IsItWorking.const_get(check_class_name) check = else raise"Check not defined #{check_class_name}") end check end # Output the plain text response from calling all the filters. def render(statuses, elapsed_time) #:nodoc: fail = statuses.all?{|s| s.success?} headers = { "Content-Type" => "text/plain; charset=utf8", "Cache-Control" => "no-cache", "Date" =>, } messages = [] statuses.each do |status| status.messages.each do |m| messages << "#{sprintf '%-5s', m.state.to_s.upcase}: #{} - #{m.message} (#{status.time ? sprintf('%0.000f', status.time * 1000) : '?'}ms)" end end info = [] info << "Host: #{@hostname}" unless @hostname.size == 0 info << "PID: #{$$}" info << "Timestamp: #{}" info << "Elapsed Time: #{(elapsed_time * 1000).round}ms" code = (fail ? 200 : 417) [code, headers, [info.join("\n"), "\n\n", messages.join("\n")]] end end end