require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../spec_helper' describe Creditcard do context 'validation' do it { should have_valid_factory(:creditcard) } end let(:valid_creditcard_attributes) { {:number => '4111111111111111', :verification_value => '123', :month => 12, :year => 2014} } let(:order) { mock_model(Order, :update! => nil, :payments => []) } before(:each) do order.stub_chain(:payments, :reload => []) @creditcard = @payment = Payment.create(:amount => 100, :order => order) @success_response = mock('gateway_response', :success? => true, :authorization => '123', :avs_result => {'code' => 'avs-code'}) @fail_response = mock('gateway_response', :success? => false) @payment_gateway = mock_model(PaymentMethod, :payment_profiles_supported? => true, :authorize => @success_response, :purchase => @success_response, :capture => @success_response, :void => @success_response, :credit => @success_response, :environment => 'test' ) @payment.stub :payment_method => @payment_gateway @creditcard.stub!(:gateway_options).and_return({}) @creditcard.stub!(:minimal_gateway_options).and_return({}) end context "#process!" do it "should purchase if with auto_capture" do Spree::Config.stub("[]").and_return(true) @creditcard.should_receive(:purchase) @creditcard.process!(@payment) end it "should authorize without auto_capture" do Spree::Config.stub("[]").and_return(false) @creditcard.should_receive(:authorize) @creditcard.process!(@payment) end end context "#authorize" do it "should call authorize on the gateway with the payment amount" do @payment_gateway.should_receive(:authorize).with(10000, @creditcard, {}) @creditcard.authorize(100, @payment) end it "should log the response" do @payment.log_entries.should_receive(:create).with(:details => anything) @creditcard.authorize(100, @payment) end context "when gateway does not match the environment" do it "should raise an exception" do @payment_gateway.stub :environment => "foo" lambda {@creditcard.authorize(100, @payment)}.should raise_error(Spree::GatewayError) end end context "if sucesssfull" do it "should store the response_code and avs_response" do @creditcard.authorize(100, @payment) @payment.response_code.should == '123' @payment.avs_response.should == 'avs-code' end it "should make payment pending" do @payment.should_receive(:pend) @creditcard.authorize(100, @payment) end end context "if unsuccessful" do it "should make payment failed" do @payment_gateway.stub(:authorize).and_return(@fail_response) @payment.should_receive(:fail) @payment.should_not_receive(:pend) lambda{ @creditcard.authorize(100, @payment) }.should raise_error(Spree::GatewayError) end end end context "#purchase" do it "should call purchase on the gateway with the payment amount" do @payment_gateway.should_receive(:purchase).with(10000, @creditcard, {}) @creditcard.purchase(100, @payment) end it "should log the response" do @payment.log_entries.should_receive(:create).with(:details => anything) @creditcard.purchase(100, @payment) end context "when gateway does not match the environment" do it "should raise an exception" do @payment_gateway.stub :environment => "foo" lambda {@creditcard.purchase(100, @payment)}.should raise_error(Spree::GatewayError) end end context "if successful" do before do @payment_gateway.stub(:purchase).and_return(@success_response) end it "should store the response_code and avs_response" do @creditcard.purchase(100, @payment) @payment.response_code.should == '123' @payment.avs_response.should == 'avs-code' end it "should make payment complete" do @payment.should_receive(:complete) @creditcard.purchase(100, @payment) end end context "if unsuccessful" do it "should make payment failed" do @payment_gateway.stub(:purchase).and_return(@fail_response) @payment.should_receive(:fail) @payment.should_not_receive(:pend) lambda{ @creditcard.purchase(100, @payment) }.should raise_error(Spree::GatewayError) end end end context "#capture" do before do @payment.stub(:complete).and_return(true) end context "when payment is pending" do before do @payment.state = 'pending' end it "should call capture on the gateway with the self as the authorization" do @payment_gateway.should_receive(:capture).with(@payment, @creditcard, {}) @creditcard.capture(@payment) end it "should log the response" do @payment.log_entries.should_receive(:create).with(:details => anything) @creditcard.capture(@payment) end context "when gateway does not match the environment" do it "should raise an exception" do @payment_gateway.stub :environment => "foo" lambda {@creditcard.capture(@payment)}.should raise_error(Spree::GatewayError) end end context "if successful" do it "should make payment complete" do @payment.should_receive(:complete) @creditcard.capture(@payment) end it "should store the response_code" do @creditcard.capture(@payment) @payment.response_code.should == '123' end end context "if unsuccessful" do it "should not make payment complete" do @payment_gateway.stub(:capture).and_return(@fail_response) @payment.should_receive(:fail) @payment.should_not_receive(:complete) lambda{ @creditcard.capture(@payment) }.should raise_error(Spree::GatewayError) end end end context "when payment is not pending" do before do @payment.state = 'checkout' end it "should not call capture on the gateway" do @payment_gateway.should_not_receive(:capture).with(@payment, @creditcard, {}) @creditcard.capture(@payment) end end end context "#void" do before do @payment.response_code = '123' @payment.state = 'pending' end it "should call payment_gateway.void with the payment's response_code" do @payment_gateway.should_receive(:void).with('123', {}) @creditcard.void(@payment) end it "should log the response" do @payment.log_entries.should_receive(:create).with(:details => anything) @creditcard.void(@payment) end context "when gateway does not match the environment" do it "should raise an exception" do @payment_gateway.stub :environment => "foo" lambda {@creditcard.void(@payment)}.should raise_error(Spree::GatewayError) end end context "if successful" do it "should update the response_code with the authorization from the gateway" do @payment.response_code = 'abc' @creditcard.void(@payment) @payment.response_code.should == '123' end it "should void the payment" do @creditcard.should_receive(:void) @creditcard.void(@payment) end end context "if unsuccessful" do it "should not void the payment" do @payment_gateway.stub(:void).and_return(@fail_response) @payment.should_not_receive(:void) lambda { @creditcard.void(@payment) }.should raise_error(Spree::GatewayError) end end end context "#credit" do before do @payment.state = 'complete' @payment.response_code = '123' @payment.stub(:order).and_return(mock_model(Order, :outstanding_balance => 10)) end context "when outstanding_balance is less than payment amount" do it "should call credit on the gateway with the credit amount and response_code" do @payment_gateway.should_receive(:credit).with(1000, @creditcard, '123', {}) end end context "when outstanding_balance is equal to payment amount" do before { @payment.stub(:order).and_return(mock_model(Order, :outstanding_balance => 100)) } it "should call credit on the gateway with the credit amount and response_code" do @payment_gateway.should_receive(:credit).with(10000, @creditcard, '123', {}) end end context "when outstanding_balance is greater than payment amount" do before { @payment.stub(:order).and_return(mock_model(Order, :outstanding_balance => 101)) } it "should call credit on the gateway with the original payment amount and response_code" do @payment_gateway.should_receive(:credit).with(10000, @creditcard, '123', {}) end end it "should log the response" do @payment.log_entries.should_receive(:create).with(:details => anything) end context "when gateway does not match the environment" do it "should raise an exception" do @payment_gateway.stub :environment => "foo" lambda {}.should raise_error(Spree::GatewayError) end end context "when response is sucesssful" do it "should create an offsetting payment" do Payment.should_receive(:create) end context "resulting payment" do before do @offsetting_payment = end it "should be the supplied amount" do @offsetting_payment.amount.should == -10 end it "should be in the complete state" do @offsetting_payment.should be_completed end it "has response_code from the transaction" do @offsetting_payment.response_code.should == '123' end it "has original payment as its source" do @offsetting_payment.source.should == @payment end end end context "when response is unsuccessful" do it "should not create a payment" do @payment_gateway.stub(:credit).and_return(@fail_response) Payment.should_not_receive(:create) lambda { }.should raise_error(Spree::GatewayError) end end end let(:creditcard) { } context "#can_capture?" do it "should be true if payment state is pending" do payment = mock_model(Payment, :state => 'pending', :created_at => creditcard.can_capture?(payment).should be_true end (PAYMENT_STATES - ['pending']).each do |state| it "should be false if payment state is #{state}" do payment = mock_model(Payment, :state => state, :created_at => creditcard.can_capture?(payment).should be_false end end end context "when transaction is more than 12 hours old" do let(:payment) { mock_model(Payment, :state => "completed", :created_at => - 14.hours, :amount => 99.00, :credit_allowed => 100.00, :order => mock_model(Order, :payment_state => 'credit_owed')) } context "#can_credit?" do it "should be true when payment state is 'completed' and order payment_state is 'credit_owed' and credit_allowed is greater than amount" do creditcard.can_credit?(payment).should be_true end it "should be false when order payment_state is not 'credit_owed'" do payment.order.stub(:payment_state => 'paid') creditcard.can_credit?(payment).should be_false end it "should be false when credit_allowed is zero" do payment.stub(:credit_allowed => 0) creditcard.can_credit?(payment).should be_false end (PAYMENT_STATES - ['completed']).each do |state| it "should be false if payment state is #{state}" do payment.stub :state => state creditcard.can_credit?(payment).should be_false end end end context "#can_void?" do (PAYMENT_STATES - ['void']).each do |state| it "should be true if payment state is #{state}" do payment.stub :state => state payment.stub :void? => false creditcard.can_void?(payment).should be_true end end it "should be valse if payment state is void" do payment.stub :state => 'void' creditcard.can_void?(payment).should be_false end end end context "when transaction is less than 12 hours old" do let(:payment) { mock_model(Payment, :state => 'completed') } context "#can_void?" do (PAYMENT_STATES - ['void']).each do |state| it "should be true if payment state is #{state}" do payment.stub :state => state creditcard.can_void?(payment).should be_true end end it "should be false if payment state is void" do payment.stub :state => 'void' creditcard.can_void?(payment).should be_false end end end context "#valid?" do it "should validate presence of number" do @creditcard.attributes = valid_creditcard_attributes.except(:number) @creditcard.should_not be_valid @creditcard.errors[:number].should == ["can't be blank"] end it "should validate presence of security code" do @creditcard.attributes = valid_creditcard_attributes.except(:verification_value) @creditcard.should_not be_valid @creditcard.errors[:verification_value].should == ["can't be blank"] end it "should only validate on create" do @creditcard.attributes = valid_creditcard_attributes @creditcard = Creditcard.find( @creditcard.should be_valid end end context "#save" do before do @creditcard.attributes = valid_creditcard_attributes @creditcard = Creditcard.find( end it "should not actually store the number" do @creditcard.number.should be_blank end it "should not actually store the security code" do @creditcard.verification_value.should be_blank end end context "#spree_cc_type" do before do @creditcard.attributes = valid_creditcard_attributes end context "in development mode" do before do Rails.env = "development" end it "should return visa" do @creditcard.spree_cc_type.should == "visa" end after do Rails.env = "test" end end context "in production mode" do before do Rails.env = "production" end it "should return the actual cc_type for a valid number" do @creditcard.number = "378282246310005" @creditcard.spree_cc_type.should == "american_express" end after do Rails.env = "test" end end end context "#set_card_type" do before :each do Rails.env = "production" @creditcard.attributes = valid_creditcard_attributes end it "stores the creditcard type after validation" do @creditcard.number = "6011000990139424" @creditcard.spree_cc_type.should == "discover" end it "does not overwrite the creditcard type when loaded and saved" do @creditcard.number = "5105105105105100" @creditcard.number = "XXXXXXXXXXXX5100" @creditcard.spree_cc_type.should == "master" end after do Rails.env = "test" end end end