/** * @ngdoc object * @name Bastion.content-hosts.controller:ContentHostsBulkPackagesModalController * * @requires $scope * @resource $location * @resource $timeout * @resource $window * @requires $uibModalInstance * @requires HostBulkAction * @requires CurrentOrganization * @requires translate * @requires Notification * @requires BastionConfig * @requires hostIds * * @description * A controller for providing bulk action functionality to the content hosts page. */ angular.module('Bastion.content-hosts').controller('ContentHostsBulkPackagesModalController', ['$scope', '$location', '$timeout', '$window', '$uibModalInstance', 'HostBulkAction', 'CurrentOrganization', 'translate', 'Notification', 'BastionConfig', 'hostIds', function ($scope, $location, $timeout, $window, $uibModalInstance, HostBulkAction, CurrentOrganization, translate, Notification, BastionConfig, hostIds) { function successMessage(type) { var messages = { install: translate("Successfully scheduled package installation"), update: translate("Successfully scheduled package update"), remove: translate("Successfully scheduled package removal"), "update all": translate("Successfully scheduled an update of all packages") }; return messages[type]; } function installParams() { var params = hostIds; params['content_type'] = $scope.content.contentType; if ($scope.content.action === "update all") { params['update_all'] = true; params.content = null; } else { params.content = $scope.content.content.split(/ *, */); } params['organization_id'] = CurrentOrganization; return params; } $scope.remoteExecutionPresent = BastionConfig.remoteExecutionPresent; $scope.remoteExecutionByDefault = BastionConfig.remoteExecutionByDefault; $scope.packageActionFormValues = { authenticityToken: $window.AUTH_TOKEN.replace(/"/g, '') }; $scope.content = { confirm: false, placeholder: translate('Enter Package Name(s)...'), contentType: 'package' }; $scope.updatePlaceholder = function (contentType) { if (contentType === "package") { $scope.content.placeholder = translate('Enter Package Name(s)...'); } else if (contentType === "package_group") { $scope.content.placeholder = translate('Enter Package Group Name(s)...'); } }; $scope.confirmContentAction = function (action, actionInput) { $scope.content.confirm = true; $scope.content.action = action; $scope.content.actionInput = actionInput; }; $scope.performContentAction = function () { if ($scope.remoteExecutionByDefault) { $scope.performViaRemoteExecution(); } else { $scope.performViaKatelloAgent(); } }; $scope.performViaKatelloAgent = function (action, actionInput) { var success, error, params; if (action) { $scope.content.action = action; } if (actionInput) { $scope.content.actionInput = actionInput; } $scope.content.confirm = false; success = function () { Notification.setSuccessMessage(successMessage($scope.content.action)); }; error = function (response) { angular.forEach(response.data.errors, function (responseError) { Notification.setErrorMessage(responseError); }); }; params = installParams(); if ($scope.content.action === "install") { HostBulkAction.installContent(params, success, error); } else if ($scope.content.action === "update") { HostBulkAction.updateContent(params, success, error); } else if ($scope.content.action === "remove") { HostBulkAction.removeContent(params, success, error); } else if ($scope.content.action === "update all") { HostBulkAction.updateContent(params, success, error); } }; $scope.performViaRemoteExecution = function(action, customize) { var selectedHosts = hostIds; $scope.content.confirm = false; $scope.packageActionFormValues.customize = customize; if (!action) { action = $scope.content.action; } if (action === "update all") { action = "update"; } if ($scope.content.contentType === 'package_group') { $scope.packageActionFormValues.remoteAction = 'group_' + action; } else if ($scope.content.contentType === 'package') { $scope.packageActionFormValues.remoteAction = 'package_' + action; } if (selectedHosts.included.ids) { $scope.packageActionFormValues.hostIds = selectedHosts.included.ids.join(','); } $scope.packageActionFormValues.search = selectedHosts.included.search; $timeout(function () { angular.element('#packageActionForm').submit(); }, 0); }; $scope.ok = function () { $uibModalInstance.close(); }; $scope.cancel = function () { $uibModalInstance.dismiss('cancel'); }; }] );