/** * Copyright 2015 Tim Down. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ /** * log4javascript * * log4javascript is a logging framework for JavaScript based on log4j * for Java. This file contains all core log4javascript code and is the only * file required to use log4javascript, unless you require support for * document.domain, in which case you will also need console.html, which must be * stored in the same directory as the main log4javascript.js file. * * Author: Tim Down * Version: 1.4.13 * Edition: log4javascript * Build date: 23 May 2015 * Website: http://log4javascript.org */ (function(factory, root) { if (typeof define == "function" && define.amd) { // AMD. Register as an anonymous module. define(factory); } else if (typeof module != "undefined" && typeof exports == "object") { // Node/CommonJS style module.exports = factory(); } else { // No AMD or CommonJS support so we place log4javascript in (probably) the global variable root.log4javascript = factory(); } })(function() { // Array-related stuff. Next three methods are solely for IE5, which is missing them if (!Array.prototype.push) { Array.prototype.push = function() { for (var i = 0, len = arguments.length; i < len; i++){ this[this.length] = arguments[i]; } return this.length; }; } if (!Array.prototype.shift) { Array.prototype.shift = function() { if (this.length > 0) { var firstItem = this[0]; for (var i = 0, len = this.length - 1; i < len; i++) { this[i] = this[i + 1]; } this.length = this.length - 1; return firstItem; } }; } if (!Array.prototype.splice) { Array.prototype.splice = function(startIndex, deleteCount) { var itemsAfterDeleted = this.slice(startIndex + deleteCount); var itemsDeleted = this.slice(startIndex, startIndex + deleteCount); this.length = startIndex; // Copy the arguments into a proper Array object var argumentsArray = []; for (var i = 0, len = arguments.length; i < len; i++) { argumentsArray[i] = arguments[i]; } var itemsToAppend = (argumentsArray.length > 2) ? itemsAfterDeleted = argumentsArray.slice(2).concat(itemsAfterDeleted) : itemsAfterDeleted; for (i = 0, len = itemsToAppend.length; i < len; i++) { this.push(itemsToAppend[i]); } return itemsDeleted; }; } /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */ function isUndefined(obj) { return typeof obj == "undefined"; } /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */ // Custom event support function EventSupport() {} EventSupport.prototype = { eventTypes: [], eventListeners: {}, setEventTypes: function(eventTypesParam) { if (eventTypesParam instanceof Array) { this.eventTypes = eventTypesParam; this.eventListeners = {}; for (var i = 0, len = this.eventTypes.length; i < len; i++) { this.eventListeners[this.eventTypes[i]] = []; } } else { handleError("log4javascript.EventSupport [" + this + "]: setEventTypes: eventTypes parameter must be an Array"); } }, addEventListener: function(eventType, listener) { if (typeof listener == "function") { if (!array_contains(this.eventTypes, eventType)) { handleError("log4javascript.EventSupport [" + this + "]: addEventListener: no event called '" + eventType + "'"); } this.eventListeners[eventType].push(listener); } else { handleError("log4javascript.EventSupport [" + this + "]: addEventListener: listener must be a function"); } }, removeEventListener: function(eventType, listener) { if (typeof listener == "function") { if (!array_contains(this.eventTypes, eventType)) { handleError("log4javascript.EventSupport [" + this + "]: removeEventListener: no event called '" + eventType + "'"); } array_remove(this.eventListeners[eventType], listener); } else { handleError("log4javascript.EventSupport [" + this + "]: removeEventListener: listener must be a function"); } }, dispatchEvent: function(eventType, eventArgs) { if (array_contains(this.eventTypes, eventType)) { var listeners = this.eventListeners[eventType]; for (var i = 0, len = listeners.length; i < len; i++) { listeners[i](this, eventType, eventArgs); } } else { handleError("log4javascript.EventSupport [" + this + "]: dispatchEvent: no event called '" + eventType + "'"); } } }; /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ var applicationStartDate = new Date(); var uniqueId = "log4javascript_" + applicationStartDate.getTime() + "_" + Math.floor(Math.random() * 100000000); var emptyFunction = function() {}; var newLine = "\r\n"; var pageLoaded = false; // Create main log4javascript object; this will be assigned public properties function Log4JavaScript() {} Log4JavaScript.prototype = new EventSupport(); var log4javascript = new Log4JavaScript(); log4javascript.version = "1.4.13"; log4javascript.edition = "log4javascript"; /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ // Utility functions function toStr(obj) { if (obj && obj.toString) { return obj.toString(); } else { return String(obj); } } function getExceptionMessage(ex) { if (ex.message) { return ex.message; } else if (ex.description) { return ex.description; } else { return toStr(ex); } } // Gets the portion of the URL after the last slash function getUrlFileName(url) { var lastSlashIndex = Math.max(url.lastIndexOf("/"), url.lastIndexOf("\\")); return url.substr(lastSlashIndex + 1); } // Returns a nicely formatted representation of an error function getExceptionStringRep(ex) { if (ex) { var exStr = "Exception: " + getExceptionMessage(ex); try { if (ex.lineNumber) { exStr += " on line number " + ex.lineNumber; } if (ex.fileName) { exStr += " in file " + getUrlFileName(ex.fileName); } } catch (localEx) { logLog.warn("Unable to obtain file and line information for error"); } if (showStackTraces && ex.stack) { exStr += newLine + "Stack trace:" + newLine + ex.stack; } return exStr; } return null; } function bool(obj) { return Boolean(obj); } function trim(str) { return str.replace(/^\s+/, "").replace(/\s+$/, ""); } function splitIntoLines(text) { // Ensure all line breaks are \n only var text2 = text.replace(/\r\n/g, "\n").replace(/\r/g, "\n"); return text2.split("\n"); } var urlEncode = (typeof window.encodeURIComponent != "undefined") ? function(str) { return encodeURIComponent(str); }: function(str) { return escape(str).replace(/\+/g, "%2B").replace(/"/g, "%22").replace(/'/g, "%27").replace(/\//g, "%2F").replace(/=/g, "%3D"); }; function array_remove(arr, val) { var index = -1; for (var i = 0, len = arr.length; i < len; i++) { if (arr[i] === val) { index = i; break; } } if (index >= 0) { arr.splice(index, 1); return true; } else { return false; } } function array_contains(arr, val) { for(var i = 0, len = arr.length; i < len; i++) { if (arr[i] == val) { return true; } } return false; } function extractBooleanFromParam(param, defaultValue) { if (isUndefined(param)) { return defaultValue; } else { return bool(param); } } function extractStringFromParam(param, defaultValue) { if (isUndefined(param)) { return defaultValue; } else { return String(param); } } function extractIntFromParam(param, defaultValue) { if (isUndefined(param)) { return defaultValue; } else { try { var value = parseInt(param, 10); return isNaN(value) ? defaultValue : value; } catch (ex) { logLog.warn("Invalid int param " + param, ex); return defaultValue; } } } function extractFunctionFromParam(param, defaultValue) { if (typeof param == "function") { return param; } else { return defaultValue; } } function isError(err) { return (err instanceof Error); } if (!Function.prototype.apply){ Function.prototype.apply = function(obj, args) { var methodName = "__apply__"; if (typeof obj[methodName] != "undefined") { methodName += String(Math.random()).substr(2); } obj[methodName] = this; var argsStrings = []; for (var i = 0, len = args.length; i < len; i++) { argsStrings[i] = "args[" + i + "]"; } var script = "obj." + methodName + "(" + argsStrings.join(",") + ")"; var returnValue = eval(script); delete obj[methodName]; return returnValue; }; } if (!Function.prototype.call){ Function.prototype.call = function(obj) { var args = []; for (var i = 1, len = arguments.length; i < len; i++) { args[i - 1] = arguments[i]; } return this.apply(obj, args); }; } /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */ // Simple logging for log4javascript itself var logLog = { quietMode: false, debugMessages: [], setQuietMode: function(quietMode) { this.quietMode = bool(quietMode); }, numberOfErrors: 0, alertAllErrors: false, setAlertAllErrors: function(alertAllErrors) { this.alertAllErrors = alertAllErrors; }, debug: function(message) { this.debugMessages.push(message); }, displayDebug: function() { alert(this.debugMessages.join(newLine)); }, warn: function(message, exception) { }, error: function(message, exception) { if (++this.numberOfErrors == 1 || this.alertAllErrors) { if (!this.quietMode) { var alertMessage = "log4javascript error: " + message; if (exception) { alertMessage += newLine + newLine + "Original error: " + getExceptionStringRep(exception); } alert(alertMessage); } } } }; log4javascript.logLog = logLog; log4javascript.setEventTypes(["load", "error"]); function handleError(message, exception) { logLog.error(message, exception); log4javascript.dispatchEvent("error", { "message": message, "exception": exception }); } log4javascript.handleError = handleError; /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */ var enabled = !((typeof log4javascript_disabled != "undefined") && log4javascript_disabled); log4javascript.setEnabled = function(enable) { enabled = bool(enable); }; log4javascript.isEnabled = function() { return enabled; }; var useTimeStampsInMilliseconds = true; log4javascript.setTimeStampsInMilliseconds = function(timeStampsInMilliseconds) { useTimeStampsInMilliseconds = bool(timeStampsInMilliseconds); }; log4javascript.isTimeStampsInMilliseconds = function() { return useTimeStampsInMilliseconds; }; // This evaluates the given expression in the current scope, thus allowing // scripts to access private variables. Particularly useful for testing log4javascript.evalInScope = function(expr) { return eval(expr); }; var showStackTraces = false; log4javascript.setShowStackTraces = function(show) { showStackTraces = bool(show); }; /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */ // Levels var Level = function(level, name) { this.level = level; this.name = name; }; Level.prototype = { toString: function() { return this.name; }, equals: function(level) { return this.level == level.level; }, isGreaterOrEqual: function(level) { return this.level >= level.level; } }; Level.ALL = new Level(Number.MIN_VALUE, "ALL"); Level.TRACE = new Level(10000, "TRACE"); Level.DEBUG = new Level(20000, "DEBUG"); Level.INFO = new Level(30000, "INFO"); Level.WARN = new Level(40000, "WARN"); Level.ERROR = new Level(50000, "ERROR"); Level.FATAL = new Level(60000, "FATAL"); Level.OFF = new Level(Number.MAX_VALUE, "OFF"); log4javascript.Level = Level; /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */ // Timers function Timer(name, level) { this.name = name; this.level = isUndefined(level) ? Level.INFO : level; this.start = new Date(); } Timer.prototype.getElapsedTime = function() { return new Date().getTime() - this.start.getTime(); }; /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */ // Loggers var anonymousLoggerName = "[anonymous]"; var defaultLoggerName = "[default]"; var nullLoggerName = "[null]"; var rootLoggerName = "root"; function Logger(name) { this.name = name; this.parent = null; this.children = []; var appenders = []; var loggerLevel = null; var isRoot = (this.name === rootLoggerName); var isNull = (this.name === nullLoggerName); var appenderCache = null; var appenderCacheInvalidated = false; this.addChild = function(childLogger) { this.children.push(childLogger); childLogger.parent = this; childLogger.invalidateAppenderCache(); }; // Additivity var additive = true; this.getAdditivity = function() { return additive; }; this.setAdditivity = function(additivity) { var valueChanged = (additive != additivity); additive = additivity; if (valueChanged) { this.invalidateAppenderCache(); } }; // Create methods that use the appenders variable in this scope this.addAppender = function(appender) { if (isNull) { handleError("Logger.addAppender: you may not add an appender to the null logger"); } else { if (appender instanceof log4javascript.Appender) { if (!array_contains(appenders, appender)) { appenders.push(appender); appender.setAddedToLogger(this); this.invalidateAppenderCache(); } } else { handleError("Logger.addAppender: appender supplied ('" + toStr(appender) + "') is not a subclass of Appender"); } } }; this.removeAppender = function(appender) { array_remove(appenders, appender); appender.setRemovedFromLogger(this); this.invalidateAppenderCache(); }; this.removeAllAppenders = function() { var appenderCount = appenders.length; if (appenderCount > 0) { for (var i = 0; i < appenderCount; i++) { appenders[i].setRemovedFromLogger(this); } appenders.length = 0; this.invalidateAppenderCache(); } }; this.getEffectiveAppenders = function() { if (appenderCache === null || appenderCacheInvalidated) { // Build appender cache var parentEffectiveAppenders = (isRoot || !this.getAdditivity()) ? [] : this.parent.getEffectiveAppenders(); appenderCache = parentEffectiveAppenders.concat(appenders); appenderCacheInvalidated = false; } return appenderCache; }; this.invalidateAppenderCache = function() { appenderCacheInvalidated = true; for (var i = 0, len = this.children.length; i < len; i++) { this.children[i].invalidateAppenderCache(); } }; this.log = function(level, params) { if (enabled && level.isGreaterOrEqual(this.getEffectiveLevel())) { // Check whether last param is an exception var exception; var finalParamIndex = params.length - 1; var lastParam = params[finalParamIndex]; if (params.length > 1 && isError(lastParam)) { exception = lastParam; finalParamIndex--; } // Construct genuine array for the params var messages = []; for (var i = 0; i <= finalParamIndex; i++) { messages[i] = params[i]; } var loggingEvent = new LoggingEvent( this, new Date(), level, messages, exception); this.callAppenders(loggingEvent); } }; this.callAppenders = function(loggingEvent) { var effectiveAppenders = this.getEffectiveAppenders(); for (var i = 0, len = effectiveAppenders.length; i < len; i++) { effectiveAppenders[i].doAppend(loggingEvent); } }; this.setLevel = function(level) { // Having a level of null on the root logger would be very bad. if (isRoot && level === null) { handleError("Logger.setLevel: you cannot set the level of the root logger to null"); } else if (level instanceof Level) { loggerLevel = level; } else { handleError("Logger.setLevel: level supplied to logger " + this.name + " is not an instance of log4javascript.Level"); } }; this.getLevel = function() { return loggerLevel; }; this.getEffectiveLevel = function() { for (var logger = this; logger !== null; logger = logger.parent) { var level = logger.getLevel(); if (level !== null) { return level; } } }; this.group = function(name, initiallyExpanded) { if (enabled) { var effectiveAppenders = this.getEffectiveAppenders(); for (var i = 0, len = effectiveAppenders.length; i < len; i++) { effectiveAppenders[i].group(name, initiallyExpanded); } } }; this.groupEnd = function() { if (enabled) { var effectiveAppenders = this.getEffectiveAppenders(); for (var i = 0, len = effectiveAppenders.length; i < len; i++) { effectiveAppenders[i].groupEnd(); } } }; var timers = {}; this.time = function(name, level) { if (enabled) { if (isUndefined(name)) { handleError("Logger.time: a name for the timer must be supplied"); } else if (level && !(level instanceof Level)) { handleError("Logger.time: level supplied to timer " + name + " is not an instance of log4javascript.Level"); } else { timers[name] = new Timer(name, level); } } }; this.timeEnd = function(name) { if (enabled) { if (isUndefined(name)) { handleError("Logger.timeEnd: a name for the timer must be supplied"); } else if (timers[name]) { var timer = timers[name]; var milliseconds = timer.getElapsedTime(); this.log(timer.level, ["Timer " + toStr(name) + " completed in " + milliseconds + "ms"]); delete timers[name]; } else { logLog.warn("Logger.timeEnd: no timer found with name " + name); } } }; this.assert = function(expr) { if (enabled && !expr) { var args = []; for (var i = 1, len = arguments.length; i < len; i++) { args.push(arguments[i]); } args = (args.length > 0) ? args : ["Assertion Failure"]; args.push(newLine); args.push(expr); this.log(Level.ERROR, args); } }; this.toString = function() { return "Logger[" + this.name + "]"; }; } Logger.prototype = { trace: function() { this.log(Level.TRACE, arguments); }, debug: function() { this.log(Level.DEBUG, arguments); }, info: function() { this.log(Level.INFO, arguments); }, warn: function() { this.log(Level.WARN, arguments); }, error: function() { this.log(Level.ERROR, arguments); }, fatal: function() { this.log(Level.FATAL, arguments); }, isEnabledFor: function(level) { return level.isGreaterOrEqual(this.getEffectiveLevel()); }, isTraceEnabled: function() { return this.isEnabledFor(Level.TRACE); }, isDebugEnabled: function() { return this.isEnabledFor(Level.DEBUG); }, isInfoEnabled: function() { return this.isEnabledFor(Level.INFO); }, isWarnEnabled: function() { return this.isEnabledFor(Level.WARN); }, isErrorEnabled: function() { return this.isEnabledFor(Level.ERROR); }, isFatalEnabled: function() { return this.isEnabledFor(Level.FATAL); } }; Logger.prototype.trace.isEntryPoint = true; Logger.prototype.debug.isEntryPoint = true; Logger.prototype.info.isEntryPoint = true; Logger.prototype.warn.isEntryPoint = true; Logger.prototype.error.isEntryPoint = true; Logger.prototype.fatal.isEntryPoint = true; /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */ // Logger access methods // Hashtable of loggers keyed by logger name var loggers = {}; var loggerNames = []; var ROOT_LOGGER_DEFAULT_LEVEL = Level.DEBUG; var rootLogger = new Logger(rootLoggerName); rootLogger.setLevel(ROOT_LOGGER_DEFAULT_LEVEL); log4javascript.getRootLogger = function() { return rootLogger; }; log4javascript.getLogger = function(loggerName) { // Use default logger if loggerName is not specified or invalid if (typeof loggerName != "string") { loggerName = anonymousLoggerName; logLog.warn("log4javascript.getLogger: non-string logger name " + toStr(loggerName) + " supplied, returning anonymous logger"); } // Do not allow retrieval of the root logger by name if (loggerName == rootLoggerName) { handleError("log4javascript.getLogger: root logger may not be obtained by name"); } // Create the logger for this name if it doesn't already exist if (!loggers[loggerName]) { var logger = new Logger(loggerName); loggers[loggerName] = logger; loggerNames.push(loggerName); // Set up parent logger, if it doesn't exist var lastDotIndex = loggerName.lastIndexOf("."); var parentLogger; if (lastDotIndex > -1) { var parentLoggerName = loggerName.substring(0, lastDotIndex); parentLogger = log4javascript.getLogger(parentLoggerName); // Recursively sets up grandparents etc. } else { parentLogger = rootLogger; } parentLogger.addChild(logger); } return loggers[loggerName]; }; var defaultLogger = null; log4javascript.getDefaultLogger = function() { if (!defaultLogger) { defaultLogger = createDefaultLogger(); } return defaultLogger; }; var nullLogger = null; log4javascript.getNullLogger = function() { if (!nullLogger) { nullLogger = new Logger(nullLoggerName); nullLogger.setLevel(Level.OFF); } return nullLogger; }; // Destroys all loggers log4javascript.resetConfiguration = function() { rootLogger.setLevel(ROOT_LOGGER_DEFAULT_LEVEL); loggers = {}; }; /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */ // Logging events var LoggingEvent = function(logger, timeStamp, level, messages, exception) { this.logger = logger; this.timeStamp = timeStamp; this.timeStampInMilliseconds = timeStamp.getTime(); this.timeStampInSeconds = Math.floor(this.timeStampInMilliseconds / 1000); this.milliseconds = this.timeStamp.getMilliseconds(); this.level = level; this.messages = messages; this.exception = exception; }; LoggingEvent.prototype = { getThrowableStrRep: function() { return this.exception ? getExceptionStringRep(this.exception) : ""; }, getCombinedMessages: function() { return (this.messages.length == 1) ? this.messages[0] : this.messages.join(newLine); }, toString: function() { return "LoggingEvent[" + this.level + "]"; } }; log4javascript.LoggingEvent = LoggingEvent; /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */ // Layout prototype var Layout = function() { }; Layout.prototype = { defaults: { loggerKey: "logger", timeStampKey: "timestamp", millisecondsKey: "milliseconds", levelKey: "level", messageKey: "message", exceptionKey: "exception", urlKey: "url" }, loggerKey: "logger", timeStampKey: "timestamp", millisecondsKey: "milliseconds", levelKey: "level", messageKey: "message", exceptionKey: "exception", urlKey: "url", batchHeader: "", batchFooter: "", batchSeparator: "", returnsPostData: false, overrideTimeStampsSetting: false, useTimeStampsInMilliseconds: null, format: function() { handleError("Layout.format: layout supplied has no format() method"); }, ignoresThrowable: function() { handleError("Layout.ignoresThrowable: layout supplied has no ignoresThrowable() method"); }, getContentType: function() { return "text/plain"; }, allowBatching: function() { return true; }, setTimeStampsInMilliseconds: function(timeStampsInMilliseconds) { this.overrideTimeStampsSetting = true; this.useTimeStampsInMilliseconds = bool(timeStampsInMilliseconds); }, isTimeStampsInMilliseconds: function() { return this.overrideTimeStampsSetting ? this.useTimeStampsInMilliseconds : useTimeStampsInMilliseconds; }, getTimeStampValue: function(loggingEvent) { return this.isTimeStampsInMilliseconds() ? loggingEvent.timeStampInMilliseconds : loggingEvent.timeStampInSeconds; }, getDataValues: function(loggingEvent, combineMessages) { var dataValues = [ [this.loggerKey, loggingEvent.logger.name], [this.timeStampKey, this.getTimeStampValue(loggingEvent)], [this.levelKey, loggingEvent.level.name], [this.urlKey, window.location.href], [this.messageKey, combineMessages ? loggingEvent.getCombinedMessages() : loggingEvent.messages] ]; if (!this.isTimeStampsInMilliseconds()) { dataValues.push([this.millisecondsKey, loggingEvent.milliseconds]); } if (loggingEvent.exception) { dataValues.push([this.exceptionKey, getExceptionStringRep(loggingEvent.exception)]); } if (this.hasCustomFields()) { for (var i = 0, len = this.customFields.length; i < len; i++) { var val = this.customFields[i].value; // Check if the value is a function. If so, execute it, passing it the // current layout and the logging event if (typeof val === "function") { val = val(this, loggingEvent); } dataValues.push([this.customFields[i].name, val]); } } return dataValues; }, setKeys: function(loggerKey, timeStampKey, levelKey, messageKey, exceptionKey, urlKey, millisecondsKey) { this.loggerKey = extractStringFromParam(loggerKey, this.defaults.loggerKey); this.timeStampKey = extractStringFromParam(timeStampKey, this.defaults.timeStampKey); this.levelKey = extractStringFromParam(levelKey, this.defaults.levelKey); this.messageKey = extractStringFromParam(messageKey, this.defaults.messageKey); this.exceptionKey = extractStringFromParam(exceptionKey, this.defaults.exceptionKey); this.urlKey = extractStringFromParam(urlKey, this.defaults.urlKey); this.millisecondsKey = extractStringFromParam(millisecondsKey, this.defaults.millisecondsKey); }, setCustomField: function(name, value) { var fieldUpdated = false; for (var i = 0, len = this.customFields.length; i < len; i++) { if (this.customFields[i].name === name) { this.customFields[i].value = value; fieldUpdated = true; } } if (!fieldUpdated) { this.customFields.push({"name": name, "value": value}); } }, hasCustomFields: function() { return (this.customFields.length > 0); }, formatWithException: function(loggingEvent) { var formatted = this.format(loggingEvent); if (loggingEvent.exception && this.ignoresThrowable()) { formatted += loggingEvent.getThrowableStrRep(); } return formatted; }, toString: function() { handleError("Layout.toString: all layouts must override this method"); } }; log4javascript.Layout = Layout; /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */ // Appender prototype var Appender = function() {}; Appender.prototype = new EventSupport(); Appender.prototype.layout = new PatternLayout(); Appender.prototype.threshold = Level.ALL; Appender.prototype.loggers = []; // Performs threshold checks before delegating actual logging to the // subclass's specific append method. Appender.prototype.doAppend = function(loggingEvent) { if (enabled && loggingEvent.level.level >= this.threshold.level) { this.append(loggingEvent); } }; Appender.prototype.append = function(loggingEvent) {}; Appender.prototype.setLayout = function(layout) { if (layout instanceof Layout) { this.layout = layout; } else { handleError("Appender.setLayout: layout supplied to " + this.toString() + " is not a subclass of Layout"); } }; Appender.prototype.getLayout = function() { return this.layout; }; Appender.prototype.setThreshold = function(threshold) { if (threshold instanceof Level) { this.threshold = threshold; } else { handleError("Appender.setThreshold: threshold supplied to " + this.toString() + " is not a subclass of Level"); } }; Appender.prototype.getThreshold = function() { return this.threshold; }; Appender.prototype.setAddedToLogger = function(logger) { this.loggers.push(logger); }; Appender.prototype.setRemovedFromLogger = function(logger) { array_remove(this.loggers, logger); }; Appender.prototype.group = emptyFunction; Appender.prototype.groupEnd = emptyFunction; Appender.prototype.toString = function() { handleError("Appender.toString: all appenders must override this method"); }; log4javascript.Appender = Appender; /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */ // SimpleLayout function SimpleLayout() { this.customFields = []; } SimpleLayout.prototype = new Layout(); SimpleLayout.prototype.format = function(loggingEvent) { return loggingEvent.level.name + " - " + loggingEvent.getCombinedMessages(); }; SimpleLayout.prototype.ignoresThrowable = function() { return true; }; SimpleLayout.prototype.toString = function() { return "SimpleLayout"; }; log4javascript.SimpleLayout = SimpleLayout; /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ // NullLayout function NullLayout() { this.customFields = []; } NullLayout.prototype = new Layout(); NullLayout.prototype.format = function(loggingEvent) { return loggingEvent.messages; }; NullLayout.prototype.ignoresThrowable = function() { return true; }; NullLayout.prototype.formatWithException = function(loggingEvent) { var messages = loggingEvent.messages, ex = loggingEvent.exception; return ex ? messages.concat([ex]) : messages; }; NullLayout.prototype.toString = function() { return "NullLayout"; }; log4javascript.NullLayout = NullLayout; /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */ // XmlLayout function XmlLayout(combineMessages) { this.combineMessages = extractBooleanFromParam(combineMessages, true); this.customFields = []; } XmlLayout.prototype = new Layout(); XmlLayout.prototype.isCombinedMessages = function() { return this.combineMessages; }; XmlLayout.prototype.getContentType = function() { return "text/xml"; }; XmlLayout.prototype.escapeCdata = function(str) { return str.replace(/\]\]>/, "]]>]]>"; } var str = "" + newLine; if (this.combineMessages) { str += formatMessage(loggingEvent.getCombinedMessages()); } else { str += "" + newLine; for (i = 0, len = loggingEvent.messages.length; i < len; i++) { str += formatMessage(loggingEvent.messages[i]) + newLine; } str += "" + newLine; } if (this.hasCustomFields()) { for (i = 0, len = this.customFields.length; i < len; i++) { str += "" + newLine; } } if (loggingEvent.exception) { str += "" + newLine; } str += "" + newLine + newLine; return str; }; XmlLayout.prototype.ignoresThrowable = function() { return false; }; XmlLayout.prototype.toString = function() { return "XmlLayout"; }; log4javascript.XmlLayout = XmlLayout; /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */ // JsonLayout related function escapeNewLines(str) { return str.replace(/\r\n|\r|\n/g, "\\r\\n"); } function JsonLayout(readable, combineMessages) { this.readable = extractBooleanFromParam(readable, false); this.combineMessages = extractBooleanFromParam(combineMessages, true); this.batchHeader = this.readable ? "[" + newLine : "["; this.batchFooter = this.readable ? "]" + newLine : "]"; this.batchSeparator = this.readable ? "," + newLine : ","; this.setKeys(); this.colon = this.readable ? ": " : ":"; this.tab = this.readable ? "\t" : ""; this.lineBreak = this.readable ? newLine : ""; this.customFields = []; } /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */ // JsonLayout JsonLayout.prototype = new Layout(); JsonLayout.prototype.isReadable = function() { return this.readable; }; JsonLayout.prototype.isCombinedMessages = function() { return this.combineMessages; }; JsonLayout.prototype.format = function(loggingEvent) { var layout = this; var dataValues = this.getDataValues(loggingEvent, this.combineMessages); var str = "{" + this.lineBreak; var i, len; function formatValue(val, prefix, expand) { // Check the type of the data value to decide whether quotation marks // or expansion are required var formattedValue; var valType = typeof val; if (val instanceof Date) { formattedValue = String(val.getTime()); } else if (expand && (val instanceof Array)) { formattedValue = "[" + layout.lineBreak; for (var i = 0, len = val.length; i < len; i++) { var childPrefix = prefix + layout.tab; formattedValue += childPrefix + formatValue(val[i], childPrefix, false); if (i < val.length - 1) { formattedValue += ","; } formattedValue += layout.lineBreak; } formattedValue += prefix + "]"; } else if (valType !== "number" && valType !== "boolean") { formattedValue = "\"" + escapeNewLines(toStr(val).replace(/\"/g, "\\\"")) + "\""; } else { formattedValue = val; } return formattedValue; } for (i = 0, len = dataValues.length - 1; i <= len; i++) { str += this.tab + "\"" + dataValues[i][0] + "\"" + this.colon + formatValue(dataValues[i][1], this.tab, true); if (i < len) { str += ","; } str += this.lineBreak; } str += "}" + this.lineBreak; return str; }; JsonLayout.prototype.ignoresThrowable = function() { return false; }; JsonLayout.prototype.toString = function() { return "JsonLayout"; }; JsonLayout.prototype.getContentType = function() { return "application/json"; }; log4javascript.JsonLayout = JsonLayout; /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */ // HttpPostDataLayout function HttpPostDataLayout() { this.setKeys(); this.customFields = []; this.returnsPostData = true; } HttpPostDataLayout.prototype = new Layout(); // Disable batching HttpPostDataLayout.prototype.allowBatching = function() { return false; }; HttpPostDataLayout.prototype.format = function(loggingEvent) { var dataValues = this.getDataValues(loggingEvent); var queryBits = []; for (var i = 0, len = dataValues.length; i < len; i++) { var val = (dataValues[i][1] instanceof Date) ? String(dataValues[i][1].getTime()) : dataValues[i][1]; queryBits.push(urlEncode(dataValues[i][0]) + "=" + urlEncode(val)); } return queryBits.join("&"); }; HttpPostDataLayout.prototype.ignoresThrowable = function(loggingEvent) { return false; }; HttpPostDataLayout.prototype.toString = function() { return "HttpPostDataLayout"; }; log4javascript.HttpPostDataLayout = HttpPostDataLayout; /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */ // formatObjectExpansion function formatObjectExpansion(obj, depth, indentation) { var objectsExpanded = []; function doFormat(obj, depth, indentation) { var i, len, childDepth, childIndentation, childLines, expansion, childExpansion; if (!indentation) { indentation = ""; } function formatString(text) { var lines = splitIntoLines(text); for (var j = 1, jLen = lines.length; j < jLen; j++) { lines[j] = indentation + lines[j]; } return lines.join(newLine); } if (obj === null) { return "null"; } else if (typeof obj == "undefined") { return "undefined"; } else if (typeof obj == "string") { return formatString(obj); } else if (typeof obj == "object" && array_contains(objectsExpanded, obj)) { try { expansion = toStr(obj); } catch (ex) { expansion = "Error formatting property. Details: " + getExceptionStringRep(ex); } return expansion + " [already expanded]"; } else if ((obj instanceof Array) && depth > 0) { objectsExpanded.push(obj); expansion = "[" + newLine; childDepth = depth - 1; childIndentation = indentation + " "; childLines = []; for (i = 0, len = obj.length; i < len; i++) { try { childExpansion = doFormat(obj[i], childDepth, childIndentation); childLines.push(childIndentation + childExpansion); } catch (ex) { childLines.push(childIndentation + "Error formatting array member. Details: " + getExceptionStringRep(ex) + ""); } } expansion += childLines.join("," + newLine) + newLine + indentation + "]"; return expansion; } else if (Object.prototype.toString.call(obj) == "[object Date]") { return obj.toString(); } else if (typeof obj == "object" && depth > 0) { objectsExpanded.push(obj); expansion = "{" + newLine; childDepth = depth - 1; childIndentation = indentation + " "; childLines = []; for (i in obj) { try { childExpansion = doFormat(obj[i], childDepth, childIndentation); childLines.push(childIndentation + i + ": " + childExpansion); } catch (ex) { childLines.push(childIndentation + i + ": Error formatting property. Details: " + getExceptionStringRep(ex)); } } expansion += childLines.join("," + newLine) + newLine + indentation + "}"; return expansion; } else { return formatString(toStr(obj)); } } return doFormat(obj, depth, indentation); } /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */ // Date-related stuff var SimpleDateFormat; (function() { var regex = /('[^']*')|(G+|y+|M+|w+|W+|D+|d+|F+|E+|a+|H+|k+|K+|h+|m+|s+|S+|Z+)|([a-zA-Z]+)|([^a-zA-Z']+)/; var monthNames = ["January", "February", "March", "April", "May", "June", "July", "August", "September", "October", "November", "December"]; var dayNames = ["Sunday", "Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday", "Friday", "Saturday"]; var TEXT2 = 0, TEXT3 = 1, NUMBER = 2, YEAR = 3, MONTH = 4, TIMEZONE = 5; var types = { G : TEXT2, y : YEAR, M : MONTH, w : NUMBER, W : NUMBER, D : NUMBER, d : NUMBER, F : NUMBER, E : TEXT3, a : TEXT2, H : NUMBER, k : NUMBER, K : NUMBER, h : NUMBER, m : NUMBER, s : NUMBER, S : NUMBER, Z : TIMEZONE }; var ONE_DAY = 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000; var ONE_WEEK = 7 * ONE_DAY; var DEFAULT_MINIMAL_DAYS_IN_FIRST_WEEK = 1; var newDateAtMidnight = function(year, month, day) { var d = new Date(year, month, day, 0, 0, 0); d.setMilliseconds(0); return d; }; Date.prototype.getDifference = function(date) { return this.getTime() - date.getTime(); }; Date.prototype.isBefore = function(d) { return this.getTime() < d.getTime(); }; Date.prototype.getUTCTime = function() { return Date.UTC(this.getFullYear(), this.getMonth(), this.getDate(), this.getHours(), this.getMinutes(), this.getSeconds(), this.getMilliseconds()); }; Date.prototype.getTimeSince = function(d) { return this.getUTCTime() - d.getUTCTime(); }; Date.prototype.getPreviousSunday = function() { // Using midday avoids any possibility of DST messing things up var midday = new Date(this.getFullYear(), this.getMonth(), this.getDate(), 12, 0, 0); var previousSunday = new Date(midday.getTime() - this.getDay() * ONE_DAY); return newDateAtMidnight(previousSunday.getFullYear(), previousSunday.getMonth(), previousSunday.getDate()); }; Date.prototype.getWeekInYear = function(minimalDaysInFirstWeek) { if (isUndefined(this.minimalDaysInFirstWeek)) { minimalDaysInFirstWeek = DEFAULT_MINIMAL_DAYS_IN_FIRST_WEEK; } var previousSunday = this.getPreviousSunday(); var startOfYear = newDateAtMidnight(this.getFullYear(), 0, 1); var numberOfSundays = previousSunday.isBefore(startOfYear) ? 0 : 1 + Math.floor(previousSunday.getTimeSince(startOfYear) / ONE_WEEK); var numberOfDaysInFirstWeek = 7 - startOfYear.getDay(); var weekInYear = numberOfSundays; if (numberOfDaysInFirstWeek < minimalDaysInFirstWeek) { weekInYear--; } return weekInYear; }; Date.prototype.getWeekInMonth = function(minimalDaysInFirstWeek) { if (isUndefined(this.minimalDaysInFirstWeek)) { minimalDaysInFirstWeek = DEFAULT_MINIMAL_DAYS_IN_FIRST_WEEK; } var previousSunday = this.getPreviousSunday(); var startOfMonth = newDateAtMidnight(this.getFullYear(), this.getMonth(), 1); var numberOfSundays = previousSunday.isBefore(startOfMonth) ? 0 : 1 + Math.floor(previousSunday.getTimeSince(startOfMonth) / ONE_WEEK); var numberOfDaysInFirstWeek = 7 - startOfMonth.getDay(); var weekInMonth = numberOfSundays; if (numberOfDaysInFirstWeek >= minimalDaysInFirstWeek) { weekInMonth++; } return weekInMonth; }; Date.prototype.getDayInYear = function() { var startOfYear = newDateAtMidnight(this.getFullYear(), 0, 1); return 1 + Math.floor(this.getTimeSince(startOfYear) / ONE_DAY); }; /* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */ SimpleDateFormat = function(formatString) { this.formatString = formatString; }; /** * Sets the minimum number of days in a week in order for that week to * be considered as belonging to a particular month or year */ SimpleDateFormat.prototype.setMinimalDaysInFirstWeek = function(days) { this.minimalDaysInFirstWeek = days; }; SimpleDateFormat.prototype.getMinimalDaysInFirstWeek = function() { return isUndefined(this.minimalDaysInFirstWeek) ? DEFAULT_MINIMAL_DAYS_IN_FIRST_WEEK : this.minimalDaysInFirstWeek; }; var padWithZeroes = function(str, len) { while (str.length < len) { str = "0" + str; } return str; }; var formatText = function(data, numberOfLetters, minLength) { return (numberOfLetters >= 4) ? data : data.substr(0, Math.max(minLength, numberOfLetters)); }; var formatNumber = function(data, numberOfLetters) { var dataString = "" + data; // Pad with 0s as necessary return padWithZeroes(dataString, numberOfLetters); }; SimpleDateFormat.prototype.format = function(date) { var formattedString = ""; var result; var searchString = this.formatString; while ((result = regex.exec(searchString))) { var quotedString = result[1]; var patternLetters = result[2]; var otherLetters = result[3]; var otherCharacters = result[4]; // If the pattern matched is quoted string, output the text between the quotes if (quotedString) { if (quotedString == "''") { formattedString += "'"; } else { formattedString += quotedString.substring(1, quotedString.length - 1); } } else if (otherLetters) { // Swallow non-pattern letters by doing nothing here } else if (otherCharacters) { // Simply output other characters formattedString += otherCharacters; } else if (patternLetters) { // Replace pattern letters var patternLetter = patternLetters.charAt(0); var numberOfLetters = patternLetters.length; var rawData = ""; switch(patternLetter) { case "G": rawData = "AD"; break; case "y": rawData = date.getFullYear(); break; case "M": rawData = date.getMonth(); break; case "w": rawData = date.getWeekInYear(this.getMinimalDaysInFirstWeek()); break; case "W": rawData = date.getWeekInMonth(this.getMinimalDaysInFirstWeek()); break; case "D": rawData = date.getDayInYear(); break; case "d": rawData = date.getDate(); break; case "F": rawData = 1 + Math.floor((date.getDate() - 1) / 7); break; case "E": rawData = dayNames[date.getDay()]; break; case "a": rawData = (date.getHours() >= 12) ? "PM" : "AM"; break; case "H": rawData = date.getHours(); break; case "k": rawData = date.getHours() || 24; break; case "K": rawData = date.getHours() % 12; break; case "h": rawData = (date.getHours() % 12) || 12; break; case "m": rawData = date.getMinutes(); break; case "s": rawData = date.getSeconds(); break; case "S": rawData = date.getMilliseconds(); break; case "Z": rawData = date.getTimezoneOffset(); // This returns the number of minutes since GMT was this time. break; } // Format the raw data depending on the type switch(types[patternLetter]) { case TEXT2: formattedString += formatText(rawData, numberOfLetters, 2); break; case TEXT3: formattedString += formatText(rawData, numberOfLetters, 3); break; case NUMBER: formattedString += formatNumber(rawData, numberOfLetters); break; case YEAR: if (numberOfLetters <= 3) { // Output a 2-digit year var dataString = "" + rawData; formattedString += dataString.substr(2, 2); } else { formattedString += formatNumber(rawData, numberOfLetters); } break; case MONTH: if (numberOfLetters >= 3) { formattedString += formatText(monthNames[rawData], numberOfLetters, numberOfLetters); } else { // NB. Months returned by getMonth are zero-based formattedString += formatNumber(rawData + 1, numberOfLetters); } break; case TIMEZONE: var isPositive = (rawData > 0); // The following line looks like a mistake but isn't // because of the way getTimezoneOffset measures. var prefix = isPositive ? "-" : "+"; var absData = Math.abs(rawData); // Hours var hours = "" + Math.floor(absData / 60); hours = padWithZeroes(hours, 2); // Minutes var minutes = "" + (absData % 60); minutes = padWithZeroes(minutes, 2); formattedString += prefix + hours + minutes; break; } } searchString = searchString.substr(result.index + result[0].length); } return formattedString; }; })(); log4javascript.SimpleDateFormat = SimpleDateFormat; /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */ // PatternLayout function PatternLayout(pattern) { if (pattern) { this.pattern = pattern; } else { this.pattern = PatternLayout.DEFAULT_CONVERSION_PATTERN; } this.customFields = []; } PatternLayout.TTCC_CONVERSION_PATTERN = "%r %p %c - %m%n"; PatternLayout.DEFAULT_CONVERSION_PATTERN = "%m%n"; PatternLayout.ISO8601_DATEFORMAT = "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss,SSS"; PatternLayout.DATETIME_DATEFORMAT = "dd MMM yyyy HH:mm:ss,SSS"; PatternLayout.ABSOLUTETIME_DATEFORMAT = "HH:mm:ss,SSS"; PatternLayout.prototype = new Layout(); PatternLayout.prototype.format = function(loggingEvent) { var regex = /%(-?[0-9]+)?(\.?[0-9]+)?([acdfmMnpr%])(\{([^\}]+)\})?|([^%]+)/; var formattedString = ""; var result; var searchString = this.pattern; // Cannot use regex global flag since it doesn't work with exec in IE5 while ((result = regex.exec(searchString))) { var matchedString = result[0]; var padding = result[1]; var truncation = result[2]; var conversionCharacter = result[3]; var specifier = result[5]; var text = result[6]; // Check if the pattern matched was just normal text if (text) { formattedString += "" + text; } else { // Create a raw replacement string based on the conversion // character and specifier var replacement = ""; switch(conversionCharacter) { case "a": // Array of messages case "m": // Message var depth = 0; if (specifier) { depth = parseInt(specifier, 10); if (isNaN(depth)) { handleError("PatternLayout.format: invalid specifier '" + specifier + "' for conversion character '" + conversionCharacter + "' - should be a number"); depth = 0; } } var messages = (conversionCharacter === "a") ? loggingEvent.messages[0] : loggingEvent.messages; for (var i = 0, len = messages.length; i < len; i++) { if (i > 0 && (replacement.charAt(replacement.length - 1) !== " ")) { replacement += " "; } if (depth === 0) { replacement += messages[i]; } else { replacement += formatObjectExpansion(messages[i], depth); } } break; case "c": // Logger name var loggerName = loggingEvent.logger.name; if (specifier) { var precision = parseInt(specifier, 10); var loggerNameBits = loggingEvent.logger.name.split("."); if (precision >= loggerNameBits.length) { replacement = loggerName; } else { replacement = loggerNameBits.slice(loggerNameBits.length - precision).join("."); } } else { replacement = loggerName; } break; case "d": // Date var dateFormat = PatternLayout.ISO8601_DATEFORMAT; if (specifier) { dateFormat = specifier; // Pick up special cases if (dateFormat == "ISO8601") { dateFormat = PatternLayout.ISO8601_DATEFORMAT; } else if (dateFormat == "ABSOLUTE") { dateFormat = PatternLayout.ABSOLUTETIME_DATEFORMAT; } else if (dateFormat == "DATE") { dateFormat = PatternLayout.DATETIME_DATEFORMAT; } } // Format the date replacement = (new SimpleDateFormat(dateFormat)).format(loggingEvent.timeStamp); break; case "f": // Custom field if (this.hasCustomFields()) { var fieldIndex = 0; if (specifier) { fieldIndex = parseInt(specifier, 10); if (isNaN(fieldIndex)) { handleError("PatternLayout.format: invalid specifier '" + specifier + "' for conversion character 'f' - should be a number"); } else if (fieldIndex === 0) { handleError("PatternLayout.format: invalid specifier '" + specifier + "' for conversion character 'f' - must be greater than zero"); } else if (fieldIndex > this.customFields.length) { handleError("PatternLayout.format: invalid specifier '" + specifier + "' for conversion character 'f' - there aren't that many custom fields"); } else { fieldIndex = fieldIndex - 1; } } var val = this.customFields[fieldIndex].value; if (typeof val == "function") { val = val(this, loggingEvent); } replacement = val; } break; case "n": // New line replacement = newLine; break; case "p": // Level replacement = loggingEvent.level.name; break; case "r": // Milliseconds since log4javascript startup replacement = "" + loggingEvent.timeStamp.getDifference(applicationStartDate); break; case "%": // Literal % sign replacement = "%"; break; default: replacement = matchedString; break; } // Format the replacement according to any padding or // truncation specified var l; // First, truncation if (truncation) { l = parseInt(truncation.substr(1), 10); var strLen = replacement.length; if (l < strLen) { replacement = replacement.substring(strLen - l, strLen); } } // Next, padding if (padding) { if (padding.charAt(0) == "-") { l = parseInt(padding.substr(1), 10); // Right pad with spaces while (replacement.length < l) { replacement += " "; } } else { l = parseInt(padding, 10); // Left pad with spaces while (replacement.length < l) { replacement = " " + replacement; } } } formattedString += replacement; } searchString = searchString.substr(result.index + result[0].length); } return formattedString; }; PatternLayout.prototype.ignoresThrowable = function() { return true; }; PatternLayout.prototype.toString = function() { return "PatternLayout"; }; log4javascript.PatternLayout = PatternLayout; /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */ // AlertAppender function AlertAppender() {} AlertAppender.prototype = new Appender(); AlertAppender.prototype.layout = new SimpleLayout(); AlertAppender.prototype.append = function(loggingEvent) { alert( this.getLayout().formatWithException(loggingEvent) ); }; AlertAppender.prototype.toString = function() { return "AlertAppender"; }; log4javascript.AlertAppender = AlertAppender; /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */ // BrowserConsoleAppender (only works in Opera and Safari and Firefox with // Firebug extension) function BrowserConsoleAppender() {} BrowserConsoleAppender.prototype = new log4javascript.Appender(); BrowserConsoleAppender.prototype.layout = new NullLayout(); BrowserConsoleAppender.prototype.threshold = Level.DEBUG; BrowserConsoleAppender.prototype.append = function(loggingEvent) { var appender = this; var getFormattedMessage = function(concatenate) { var formattedMessage = appender.getLayout().formatWithException(loggingEvent); return (typeof formattedMessage == "string") ? (concatenate ? formattedMessage : [formattedMessage]) : (concatenate ? formattedMessage.join(" ") : formattedMessage); }; var console = window.console; if (console && console.log) { // Log to Firebug or the browser console using specific logging // methods or revert to console.log otherwise var consoleMethodName; if (console.debug && Level.DEBUG.isGreaterOrEqual(loggingEvent.level)) { consoleMethodName = "debug"; } else if (console.info && Level.INFO.equals(loggingEvent.level)) { consoleMethodName = "info"; } else if (console.warn && Level.WARN.equals(loggingEvent.level)) { consoleMethodName = "warn"; } else if (console.error && loggingEvent.level.isGreaterOrEqual(Level.ERROR)) { consoleMethodName = "error"; } else { consoleMethodName = "log"; } if (typeof console[consoleMethodName].apply == "function") { console[consoleMethodName].apply(console, getFormattedMessage(false)); } else { console[consoleMethodName]( getFormattedMessage(true) ); } } else if ((typeof opera != "undefined") && opera.postError) { // Opera opera.postError( getFormattedMessage(true) ); } }; BrowserConsoleAppender.prototype.group = function(name) { if (window.console && window.console.group) { window.console.group(name); } }; BrowserConsoleAppender.prototype.groupEnd = function() { if (window.console && window.console.groupEnd) { window.console.groupEnd(); } }; BrowserConsoleAppender.prototype.toString = function() { return "BrowserConsoleAppender"; }; log4javascript.BrowserConsoleAppender = BrowserConsoleAppender; /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */ // AjaxAppender related var xhrFactory = function() { return new XMLHttpRequest(); }; var xmlHttpFactories = [ xhrFactory, function() { return new ActiveXObject("Msxml2.XMLHTTP"); }, function() { return new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP"); } ]; var withCredentialsSupported = false; var getXmlHttp = function(errorHandler) { // This is only run the first time; the value of getXmlHttp gets // replaced with the factory that succeeds on the first run var xmlHttp = null, factory; for (var i = 0, len = xmlHttpFactories.length; i < len; i++) { factory = xmlHttpFactories[i]; try { xmlHttp = factory(); withCredentialsSupported = (factory == xhrFactory && ("withCredentials" in xmlHttp)); getXmlHttp = factory; return xmlHttp; } catch (e) { } } // If we're here, all factories have failed, so throw an error if (errorHandler) { errorHandler(); } else { handleError("getXmlHttp: unable to obtain XMLHttpRequest object"); } }; function isHttpRequestSuccessful(xmlHttp) { return isUndefined(xmlHttp.status) || xmlHttp.status === 0 || (xmlHttp.status >= 200 && xmlHttp.status < 300) || xmlHttp.status == 1223 /* Fix for IE */; } /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */ // AjaxAppender function AjaxAppender(url, withCredentials) { var appender = this; var isSupported = true; if (!url) { handleError("AjaxAppender: URL must be specified in constructor"); isSupported = false; } var timed = this.defaults.timed; var waitForResponse = this.defaults.waitForResponse; var batchSize = this.defaults.batchSize; var timerInterval = this.defaults.timerInterval; var requestSuccessCallback = this.defaults.requestSuccessCallback; var failCallback = this.defaults.failCallback; var postVarName = this.defaults.postVarName; var sendAllOnUnload = this.defaults.sendAllOnUnload; var contentType = this.defaults.contentType; var sessionId = null; var queuedLoggingEvents = []; var queuedRequests = []; var headers = []; var sending = false; var initialized = false; // Configuration methods. The function scope is used to prevent // direct alteration to the appender configuration properties. function checkCanConfigure(configOptionName) { if (initialized) { handleError("AjaxAppender: configuration option '" + configOptionName + "' may not be set after the appender has been initialized"); return false; } return true; } this.getSessionId = function() { return sessionId; }; this.setSessionId = function(sessionIdParam) { sessionId = extractStringFromParam(sessionIdParam, null); this.layout.setCustomField("sessionid", sessionId); }; this.setLayout = function(layoutParam) { if (checkCanConfigure("layout")) { this.layout = layoutParam; // Set the session id as a custom field on the layout, if not already present if (sessionId !== null) { this.setSessionId(sessionId); } } }; this.isTimed = function() { return timed; }; this.setTimed = function(timedParam) { if (checkCanConfigure("timed")) { timed = bool(timedParam); } }; this.getTimerInterval = function() { return timerInterval; }; this.setTimerInterval = function(timerIntervalParam) { if (checkCanConfigure("timerInterval")) { timerInterval = extractIntFromParam(timerIntervalParam, timerInterval); } }; this.isWaitForResponse = function() { return waitForResponse; }; this.setWaitForResponse = function(waitForResponseParam) { if (checkCanConfigure("waitForResponse")) { waitForResponse = bool(waitForResponseParam); } }; this.getBatchSize = function() { return batchSize; }; this.setBatchSize = function(batchSizeParam) { if (checkCanConfigure("batchSize")) { batchSize = extractIntFromParam(batchSizeParam, batchSize); } }; this.isSendAllOnUnload = function() { return sendAllOnUnload; }; this.setSendAllOnUnload = function(sendAllOnUnloadParam) { if (checkCanConfigure("sendAllOnUnload")) { sendAllOnUnload = extractBooleanFromParam(sendAllOnUnloadParam, sendAllOnUnload); } }; this.setRequestSuccessCallback = function(requestSuccessCallbackParam) { requestSuccessCallback = extractFunctionFromParam(requestSuccessCallbackParam, requestSuccessCallback); }; this.setFailCallback = function(failCallbackParam) { failCallback = extractFunctionFromParam(failCallbackParam, failCallback); }; this.getPostVarName = function() { return postVarName; }; this.setPostVarName = function(postVarNameParam) { if (checkCanConfigure("postVarName")) { postVarName = extractStringFromParam(postVarNameParam, postVarName); } }; this.getHeaders = function() { return headers; }; this.addHeader = function(name, value) { if (name.toLowerCase() == "content-type") { contentType = value; } else { headers.push( { name: name, value: value } ); } }; // Internal functions function sendAll() { if (isSupported && enabled) { sending = true; var currentRequestBatch; if (waitForResponse) { // Send the first request then use this function as the callback once // the response comes back if (queuedRequests.length > 0) { currentRequestBatch = queuedRequests.shift(); sendRequest(preparePostData(currentRequestBatch), sendAll); } else { sending = false; if (timed) { scheduleSending(); } } } else { // Rattle off all the requests without waiting to see the response while ((currentRequestBatch = queuedRequests.shift())) { sendRequest(preparePostData(currentRequestBatch)); } sending = false; if (timed) { scheduleSending(); } } } } this.sendAll = sendAll; // Called when the window unloads. At this point we're past caring about // waiting for responses or timers or incomplete batches - everything // must go, now function sendAllRemaining() { var sendingAnything = false; if (isSupported && enabled) { // Create requests for everything left over, batched as normal var actualBatchSize = appender.getLayout().allowBatching() ? batchSize : 1; var currentLoggingEvent; var batchedLoggingEvents = []; while ((currentLoggingEvent = queuedLoggingEvents.shift())) { batchedLoggingEvents.push(currentLoggingEvent); if (queuedLoggingEvents.length >= actualBatchSize) { // Queue this batch of log entries queuedRequests.push(batchedLoggingEvents); batchedLoggingEvents = []; } } // If there's a partially completed batch, add it if (batchedLoggingEvents.length > 0) { queuedRequests.push(batchedLoggingEvents); } sendingAnything = (queuedRequests.length > 0); waitForResponse = false; timed = false; sendAll(); } return sendingAnything; } this.sendAllRemaining = sendAllRemaining; function preparePostData(batchedLoggingEvents) { // Format the logging events var formattedMessages = []; var currentLoggingEvent; var postData = ""; while ((currentLoggingEvent = batchedLoggingEvents.shift())) { formattedMessages.push( appender.getLayout().formatWithException(currentLoggingEvent) ); } // Create the post data string if (batchedLoggingEvents.length == 1) { postData = formattedMessages.join(""); } else { postData = appender.getLayout().batchHeader + formattedMessages.join(appender.getLayout().batchSeparator) + appender.getLayout().batchFooter; } if (contentType == appender.defaults.contentType) { postData = appender.getLayout().returnsPostData ? postData : urlEncode(postVarName) + "=" + urlEncode(postData); // Add the layout name to the post data if (postData.length > 0) { postData += "&"; } postData += "layout=" + urlEncode(appender.getLayout().toString()); } return postData; } function scheduleSending() { window.setTimeout(sendAll, timerInterval); } function xmlHttpErrorHandler() { var msg = "AjaxAppender: could not create XMLHttpRequest object. AjaxAppender disabled"; handleError(msg); isSupported = false; if (failCallback) { failCallback(msg); } } function sendRequest(postData, successCallback) { try { var xmlHttp = getXmlHttp(xmlHttpErrorHandler); if (isSupported) { xmlHttp.onreadystatechange = function() { if (xmlHttp.readyState == 4) { if (isHttpRequestSuccessful(xmlHttp)) { if (requestSuccessCallback) { requestSuccessCallback(xmlHttp); } if (successCallback) { successCallback(xmlHttp); } } else { var msg = "AjaxAppender.append: XMLHttpRequest request to URL " + url + " returned status code " + xmlHttp.status; handleError(msg); if (failCallback) { failCallback(msg); } } xmlHttp.onreadystatechange = emptyFunction; xmlHttp = null; } }; xmlHttp.open("POST", url, true); // Add withCredentials to facilitate CORS requests with cookies if (withCredentials && withCredentialsSupported) { xmlHttp.withCredentials = true; } try { for (var i = 0, header; header = headers[i++]; ) { xmlHttp.setRequestHeader(header.name, header.value); } xmlHttp.setRequestHeader("Content-Type", contentType); } catch (headerEx) { var msg = "AjaxAppender.append: your browser's XMLHttpRequest implementation" + " does not support setRequestHeader, therefore cannot post data. AjaxAppender disabled"; handleError(msg); isSupported = false; if (failCallback) { failCallback(msg); } return; } xmlHttp.send(postData); } } catch (ex) { var errMsg = "AjaxAppender.append: error sending log message to " + url; handleError(errMsg, ex); isSupported = false; if (failCallback) { failCallback(errMsg + ". Details: " + getExceptionStringRep(ex)); } } } this.append = function(loggingEvent) { if (isSupported) { if (!initialized) { init(); } queuedLoggingEvents.push(loggingEvent); var actualBatchSize = this.getLayout().allowBatching() ? batchSize : 1; if (queuedLoggingEvents.length >= actualBatchSize) { var currentLoggingEvent; var batchedLoggingEvents = []; while ((currentLoggingEvent = queuedLoggingEvents.shift())) { batchedLoggingEvents.push(currentLoggingEvent); } // Queue this batch of log entries queuedRequests.push(batchedLoggingEvents); // If using a timer, the queue of requests will be processed by the // timer function, so nothing needs to be done here. if (!timed && (!waitForResponse || (waitForResponse && !sending))) { sendAll(); } } } }; function init() { initialized = true; // Add unload event to send outstanding messages if (sendAllOnUnload) { var oldBeforeUnload = window.onbeforeunload; window.onbeforeunload = function() { if (oldBeforeUnload) { oldBeforeUnload(); } sendAllRemaining(); }; } // Start timer if (timed) { scheduleSending(); } } } AjaxAppender.prototype = new Appender(); AjaxAppender.prototype.defaults = { waitForResponse: false, timed: false, timerInterval: 1000, batchSize: 1, sendAllOnUnload: false, requestSuccessCallback: null, failCallback: null, postVarName: "data", contentType: "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" }; AjaxAppender.prototype.layout = new HttpPostDataLayout(); AjaxAppender.prototype.toString = function() { return "AjaxAppender"; }; log4javascript.AjaxAppender = AjaxAppender; /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */ // PopUpAppender and InPageAppender related function setCookie(name, value, days, path) { var expires; path = path ? "; path=" + path : ""; if (days) { var date = new Date(); date.setTime(date.getTime() + (days * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000)); expires = "; expires=" + date.toGMTString(); } else { expires = ""; } document.cookie = escape(name) + "=" + escape(value) + expires + path; } function getCookie(name) { var nameEquals = escape(name) + "="; var ca = document.cookie.split(";"); for (var i = 0, len = ca.length; i < len; i++) { var c = ca[i]; while (c.charAt(0) === " ") { c = c.substring(1, c.length); } if (c.indexOf(nameEquals) === 0) { return unescape(c.substring(nameEquals.length, c.length)); } } return null; } // Gets the base URL of the location of the log4javascript script. // This is far from infallible. function getBaseUrl() { var scripts = document.getElementsByTagName("script"); for (var i = 0, len = scripts.length; i < len; ++i) { if (scripts[i].src.indexOf("log4javascript") != -1) { var lastSlash = scripts[i].src.lastIndexOf("/"); return (lastSlash == -1) ? "" : scripts[i].src.substr(0, lastSlash + 1); } } return null; } function isLoaded(win) { try { return bool(win.loaded); } catch (ex) { return false; } } /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */ // ConsoleAppender (prototype for PopUpAppender and InPageAppender) var ConsoleAppender; // Create an anonymous function to protect base console methods (function() { var getConsoleHtmlLines = function() { return [ '', '', ' ', ' log4javascript', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', '', ' ', '
', '
', '
', ' Filters:', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', '
', ' ', '
', ' Options:', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', '
', '
', '
', '
', '
', '
', ' ', ' ', '
', '
', ' ', '', '' ]; }; var defaultCommandLineFunctions = []; ConsoleAppender = function() {}; var consoleAppenderIdCounter = 1; ConsoleAppender.prototype = new Appender(); ConsoleAppender.prototype.create = function(inPage, container, lazyInit, initiallyMinimized, useDocumentWrite, width, height, focusConsoleWindow) { var appender = this; // Common properties var initialized = false; var consoleWindowCreated = false; var consoleWindowLoaded = false; var consoleClosed = false; var queuedLoggingEvents = []; var isSupported = true; var consoleAppenderId = consoleAppenderIdCounter++; // Local variables initiallyMinimized = extractBooleanFromParam(initiallyMinimized, this.defaults.initiallyMinimized); lazyInit = extractBooleanFromParam(lazyInit, this.defaults.lazyInit); useDocumentWrite = extractBooleanFromParam(useDocumentWrite, this.defaults.useDocumentWrite); var newestMessageAtTop = this.defaults.newestMessageAtTop; var scrollToLatestMessage = this.defaults.scrollToLatestMessage; width = width ? width : this.defaults.width; height = height ? height : this.defaults.height; var maxMessages = this.defaults.maxMessages; var showCommandLine = this.defaults.showCommandLine; var commandLineObjectExpansionDepth = this.defaults.commandLineObjectExpansionDepth; var showHideButton = this.defaults.showHideButton; var showCloseButton = this.defaults.showCloseButton; this.setLayout(this.defaults.layout); // Functions whose implementations vary between subclasses var init, createWindow, safeToAppend, getConsoleWindow, open; // Configuration methods. The function scope is used to prevent // direct alteration to the appender configuration properties. var appenderName = inPage ? "InPageAppender" : "PopUpAppender"; var checkCanConfigure = function(configOptionName) { if (consoleWindowCreated) { handleError(appenderName + ": configuration option '" + configOptionName + "' may not be set after the appender has been initialized"); return false; } return true; }; var consoleWindowExists = function() { return (consoleWindowLoaded && isSupported && !consoleClosed); }; this.isNewestMessageAtTop = function() { return newestMessageAtTop; }; this.setNewestMessageAtTop = function(newestMessageAtTopParam) { newestMessageAtTop = bool(newestMessageAtTopParam); if (consoleWindowExists()) { getConsoleWindow().setNewestAtTop(newestMessageAtTop); } }; this.isScrollToLatestMessage = function() { return scrollToLatestMessage; }; this.setScrollToLatestMessage = function(scrollToLatestMessageParam) { scrollToLatestMessage = bool(scrollToLatestMessageParam); if (consoleWindowExists()) { getConsoleWindow().setScrollToLatest(scrollToLatestMessage); } }; this.getWidth = function() { return width; }; this.setWidth = function(widthParam) { if (checkCanConfigure("width")) { width = extractStringFromParam(widthParam, width); } }; this.getHeight = function() { return height; }; this.setHeight = function(heightParam) { if (checkCanConfigure("height")) { height = extractStringFromParam(heightParam, height); } }; this.getMaxMessages = function() { return maxMessages; }; this.setMaxMessages = function(maxMessagesParam) { maxMessages = extractIntFromParam(maxMessagesParam, maxMessages); if (consoleWindowExists()) { getConsoleWindow().setMaxMessages(maxMessages); } }; this.isShowCommandLine = function() { return showCommandLine; }; this.setShowCommandLine = function(showCommandLineParam) { showCommandLine = bool(showCommandLineParam); if (consoleWindowExists()) { getConsoleWindow().setShowCommandLine(showCommandLine); } }; this.isShowHideButton = function() { return showHideButton; }; this.setShowHideButton = function(showHideButtonParam) { showHideButton = bool(showHideButtonParam); if (consoleWindowExists()) { getConsoleWindow().setShowHideButton(showHideButton); } }; this.isShowCloseButton = function() { return showCloseButton; }; this.setShowCloseButton = function(showCloseButtonParam) { showCloseButton = bool(showCloseButtonParam); if (consoleWindowExists()) { getConsoleWindow().setShowCloseButton(showCloseButton); } }; this.getCommandLineObjectExpansionDepth = function() { return commandLineObjectExpansionDepth; }; this.setCommandLineObjectExpansionDepth = function(commandLineObjectExpansionDepthParam) { commandLineObjectExpansionDepth = extractIntFromParam(commandLineObjectExpansionDepthParam, commandLineObjectExpansionDepth); }; var minimized = initiallyMinimized; this.isInitiallyMinimized = function() { return initiallyMinimized; }; this.setInitiallyMinimized = function(initiallyMinimizedParam) { if (checkCanConfigure("initiallyMinimized")) { initiallyMinimized = bool(initiallyMinimizedParam); minimized = initiallyMinimized; } }; this.isUseDocumentWrite = function() { return useDocumentWrite; }; this.setUseDocumentWrite = function(useDocumentWriteParam) { if (checkCanConfigure("useDocumentWrite")) { useDocumentWrite = bool(useDocumentWriteParam); } }; // Common methods function QueuedLoggingEvent(loggingEvent, formattedMessage) { this.loggingEvent = loggingEvent; this.levelName = loggingEvent.level.name; this.formattedMessage = formattedMessage; } QueuedLoggingEvent.prototype.append = function() { getConsoleWindow().log(this.levelName, this.formattedMessage); }; function QueuedGroup(name, initiallyExpanded) { this.name = name; this.initiallyExpanded = initiallyExpanded; } QueuedGroup.prototype.append = function() { getConsoleWindow().group(this.name, this.initiallyExpanded); }; function QueuedGroupEnd() {} QueuedGroupEnd.prototype.append = function() { getConsoleWindow().groupEnd(); }; var checkAndAppend = function() { // Next line forces a check of whether the window has been closed safeToAppend(); if (!initialized) { init(); } else if (consoleClosed && reopenWhenClosed) { createWindow(); } if (safeToAppend()) { appendQueuedLoggingEvents(); } }; this.append = function(loggingEvent) { if (isSupported) { // Format the message var formattedMessage = appender.getLayout().formatWithException(loggingEvent); queuedLoggingEvents.push(new QueuedLoggingEvent(loggingEvent, formattedMessage)); checkAndAppend(); } }; this.group = function(name, initiallyExpanded) { if (isSupported) { queuedLoggingEvents.push(new QueuedGroup(name, initiallyExpanded)); checkAndAppend(); } }; this.groupEnd = function() { if (isSupported) { queuedLoggingEvents.push(new QueuedGroupEnd()); checkAndAppend(); } }; var appendQueuedLoggingEvents = function() { while (queuedLoggingEvents.length > 0) { queuedLoggingEvents.shift().append(); } if (focusConsoleWindow) { getConsoleWindow().focus(); } }; this.setAddedToLogger = function(logger) { this.loggers.push(logger); if (enabled && !lazyInit) { init(); } }; this.clear = function() { if (consoleWindowExists()) { getConsoleWindow().clearLog(); } queuedLoggingEvents.length = 0; }; this.focus = function() { if (consoleWindowExists()) { getConsoleWindow().focus(); } }; this.focusCommandLine = function() { if (consoleWindowExists()) { getConsoleWindow().focusCommandLine(); } }; this.focusSearch = function() { if (consoleWindowExists()) { getConsoleWindow().focusSearch(); } }; var commandWindow = window; this.getCommandWindow = function() { return commandWindow; }; this.setCommandWindow = function(commandWindowParam) { commandWindow = commandWindowParam; }; this.executeLastCommand = function() { if (consoleWindowExists()) { getConsoleWindow().evalLastCommand(); } }; var commandLayout = new PatternLayout("%m"); this.getCommandLayout = function() { return commandLayout; }; this.setCommandLayout = function(commandLayoutParam) { commandLayout = commandLayoutParam; }; this.evalCommandAndAppend = function(expr) { var commandReturnValue = { appendResult: true, isError: false }; var commandOutput = ""; // Evaluate the command try { var result, i; // The next three lines constitute a workaround for IE. Bizarrely, iframes seem to have no // eval method on the window object initially, but once execScript has been called on // it once then the eval method magically appears. See http://www.thismuchiknow.co.uk/?p=25 if (!commandWindow.eval && commandWindow.execScript) { commandWindow.execScript("null"); } var commandLineFunctionsHash = {}; for (i = 0, len = commandLineFunctions.length; i < len; i++) { commandLineFunctionsHash[commandLineFunctions[i][0]] = commandLineFunctions[i][1]; } // Keep an array of variables that are being changed in the command window so that they // can be restored to their original values afterwards var objectsToRestore = []; var addObjectToRestore = function(name) { objectsToRestore.push([name, commandWindow[name]]); }; addObjectToRestore("appender"); commandWindow.appender = appender; addObjectToRestore("commandReturnValue"); commandWindow.commandReturnValue = commandReturnValue; addObjectToRestore("commandLineFunctionsHash"); commandWindow.commandLineFunctionsHash = commandLineFunctionsHash; var addFunctionToWindow = function(name) { addObjectToRestore(name); commandWindow[name] = function() { return this.commandLineFunctionsHash[name](appender, arguments, commandReturnValue); }; }; for (i = 0, len = commandLineFunctions.length; i < len; i++) { addFunctionToWindow(commandLineFunctions[i][0]); } // Another bizarre workaround to get IE to eval in the global scope if (commandWindow === window && commandWindow.execScript) { addObjectToRestore("evalExpr"); addObjectToRestore("result"); window.evalExpr = expr; commandWindow.execScript("window.result=eval(window.evalExpr);"); result = window.result; } else { result = commandWindow.eval(expr); } commandOutput = isUndefined(result) ? result : formatObjectExpansion(result, commandLineObjectExpansionDepth); // Restore variables in the command window to their original state for (i = 0, len = objectsToRestore.length; i < len; i++) { commandWindow[objectsToRestore[i][0]] = objectsToRestore[i][1]; } } catch (ex) { commandOutput = "Error evaluating command: " + getExceptionStringRep(ex); commandReturnValue.isError = true; } // Append command output if (commandReturnValue.appendResult) { var message = ">>> " + expr; if (!isUndefined(commandOutput)) { message += newLine + commandOutput; } var level = commandReturnValue.isError ? Level.ERROR : Level.INFO; var loggingEvent = new LoggingEvent(null, new Date(), level, [message], null); var mainLayout = this.getLayout(); this.setLayout(commandLayout); this.append(loggingEvent); this.setLayout(mainLayout); } }; var commandLineFunctions = defaultCommandLineFunctions.concat([]); this.addCommandLineFunction = function(functionName, commandLineFunction) { commandLineFunctions.push([functionName, commandLineFunction]); }; var commandHistoryCookieName = "log4javascriptCommandHistory"; this.storeCommandHistory = function(commandHistory) { setCookie(commandHistoryCookieName, commandHistory.join(",")); }; var writeHtml = function(doc) { var lines = getConsoleHtmlLines(); doc.open(); for (var i = 0, len = lines.length; i < len; i++) { doc.writeln(lines[i]); } doc.close(); }; // Set up event listeners this.setEventTypes(["load", "unload"]); var consoleWindowLoadHandler = function() { var win = getConsoleWindow(); win.setAppender(appender); win.setNewestAtTop(newestMessageAtTop); win.setScrollToLatest(scrollToLatestMessage); win.setMaxMessages(maxMessages); win.setShowCommandLine(showCommandLine); win.setShowHideButton(showHideButton); win.setShowCloseButton(showCloseButton); win.setMainWindow(window); // Restore command history stored in cookie var storedValue = getCookie(commandHistoryCookieName); if (storedValue) { win.commandHistory = storedValue.split(","); win.currentCommandIndex = win.commandHistory.length; } appender.dispatchEvent("load", { "win" : win }); }; this.unload = function() { logLog.debug("unload " + this + ", caller: " + this.unload.caller); if (!consoleClosed) { logLog.debug("really doing unload " + this); consoleClosed = true; consoleWindowLoaded = false; consoleWindowCreated = false; appender.dispatchEvent("unload", {}); } }; var pollConsoleWindow = function(windowTest, interval, successCallback, errorMessage) { function doPoll() { try { // Test if the console has been closed while polling if (consoleClosed) { clearInterval(poll); } if (windowTest(getConsoleWindow())) { clearInterval(poll); successCallback(); } } catch (ex) { clearInterval(poll); isSupported = false; handleError(errorMessage, ex); } } // Poll the pop-up since the onload event is not reliable var poll = setInterval(doPoll, interval); }; var getConsoleUrl = function() { var documentDomainSet = (document.domain != location.hostname); return useDocumentWrite ? "" : getBaseUrl() + "console_uncompressed.html" + (documentDomainSet ? "?log4javascript_domain=" + escape(document.domain) : ""); }; // Define methods and properties that vary between subclasses if (inPage) { // InPageAppender var containerElement = null; // Configuration methods. The function scope is used to prevent // direct alteration to the appender configuration properties. var cssProperties = []; this.addCssProperty = function(name, value) { if (checkCanConfigure("cssProperties")) { cssProperties.push([name, value]); } }; // Define useful variables var windowCreationStarted = false; var iframeContainerDiv; var iframeId = uniqueId + "_InPageAppender_" + consoleAppenderId; this.hide = function() { if (initialized && consoleWindowCreated) { if (consoleWindowExists()) { getConsoleWindow().$("command").blur(); } iframeContainerDiv.style.display = "none"; minimized = true; } }; this.show = function() { if (initialized) { if (consoleWindowCreated) { iframeContainerDiv.style.display = "block"; this.setShowCommandLine(showCommandLine); // Force IE to update minimized = false; } else if (!windowCreationStarted) { createWindow(true); } } }; this.isVisible = function() { return !minimized && !consoleClosed; }; this.close = function(fromButton) { if (!consoleClosed && (!fromButton || confirm("This will permanently remove the console from the page. No more messages will be logged. Do you wish to continue?"))) { iframeContainerDiv.parentNode.removeChild(iframeContainerDiv); this.unload(); } }; // Create open, init, getConsoleWindow and safeToAppend functions open = function() { var initErrorMessage = "InPageAppender.open: unable to create console iframe"; function finalInit() { try { if (!initiallyMinimized) { appender.show(); } consoleWindowLoadHandler(); consoleWindowLoaded = true; appendQueuedLoggingEvents(); } catch (ex) { isSupported = false; handleError(initErrorMessage, ex); } } function writeToDocument() { try { var windowTest = function(win) { return isLoaded(win); }; if (useDocumentWrite) { writeHtml(getConsoleWindow().document); } if (windowTest(getConsoleWindow())) { finalInit(); } else { pollConsoleWindow(windowTest, 100, finalInit, initErrorMessage); } } catch (ex) { isSupported = false; handleError(initErrorMessage, ex); } } minimized = false; iframeContainerDiv = containerElement.appendChild(document.createElement("div")); iframeContainerDiv.style.width = width; iframeContainerDiv.style.height = height; iframeContainerDiv.style.border = "solid gray 1px"; for (var i = 0, len = cssProperties.length; i < len; i++) { iframeContainerDiv.style[cssProperties[i][0]] = cssProperties[i][1]; } var iframeSrc = useDocumentWrite ? "" : " src='" + getConsoleUrl() + "'"; // Adding an iframe using the DOM would be preferable, but it doesn't work // in IE5 on Windows, or in Konqueror prior to version 3.5 - in Konqueror // it creates the iframe fine but I haven't been able to find a way to obtain // the iframe's window object iframeContainerDiv.innerHTML = ""; consoleClosed = false; // Write the console HTML to the iframe var iframeDocumentExistsTest = function(win) { try { return bool(win) && bool(win.document); } catch (ex) { return false; } }; if (iframeDocumentExistsTest(getConsoleWindow())) { writeToDocument(); } else { pollConsoleWindow(iframeDocumentExistsTest, 100, writeToDocument, initErrorMessage); } consoleWindowCreated = true; }; createWindow = function(show) { if (show || !initiallyMinimized) { var pageLoadHandler = function() { if (!container) { // Set up default container element containerElement = document.createElement("div"); containerElement.style.position = "fixed"; containerElement.style.left = "0"; containerElement.style.right = "0"; containerElement.style.bottom = "0"; document.body.appendChild(containerElement); appender.addCssProperty("borderWidth", "1px 0 0 0"); appender.addCssProperty("zIndex", 1000000); // Can't find anything authoritative that says how big z-index can be open(); } else { try { var el = document.getElementById(container); if (el.nodeType == 1) { containerElement = el; } open(); } catch (ex) { handleError("InPageAppender.init: invalid container element '" + container + "' supplied", ex); } } }; // Test the type of the container supplied. First, check if it's an element if (pageLoaded && container && container.appendChild) { containerElement = container; open(); } else if (pageLoaded) { pageLoadHandler(); } else { log4javascript.addEventListener("load", pageLoadHandler); } windowCreationStarted = true; } }; init = function() { createWindow(); initialized = true; }; getConsoleWindow = function() { var iframe = window.frames[iframeId]; if (iframe) { return iframe; } }; safeToAppend = function() { if (isSupported && !consoleClosed) { if (consoleWindowCreated && !consoleWindowLoaded && getConsoleWindow() && isLoaded(getConsoleWindow())) { consoleWindowLoaded = true; } return consoleWindowLoaded; } return false; }; } else { // PopUpAppender // Extract params var useOldPopUp = appender.defaults.useOldPopUp; var complainAboutPopUpBlocking = appender.defaults.complainAboutPopUpBlocking; var reopenWhenClosed = this.defaults.reopenWhenClosed; // Configuration methods. The function scope is used to prevent // direct alteration to the appender configuration properties. this.isUseOldPopUp = function() { return useOldPopUp; }; this.setUseOldPopUp = function(useOldPopUpParam) { if (checkCanConfigure("useOldPopUp")) { useOldPopUp = bool(useOldPopUpParam); } }; this.isComplainAboutPopUpBlocking = function() { return complainAboutPopUpBlocking; }; this.setComplainAboutPopUpBlocking = function(complainAboutPopUpBlockingParam) { if (checkCanConfigure("complainAboutPopUpBlocking")) { complainAboutPopUpBlocking = bool(complainAboutPopUpBlockingParam); } }; this.isFocusPopUp = function() { return focusConsoleWindow; }; this.setFocusPopUp = function(focusPopUpParam) { // This property can be safely altered after logging has started focusConsoleWindow = bool(focusPopUpParam); }; this.isReopenWhenClosed = function() { return reopenWhenClosed; }; this.setReopenWhenClosed = function(reopenWhenClosedParam) { // This property can be safely altered after logging has started reopenWhenClosed = bool(reopenWhenClosedParam); }; this.close = function() { logLog.debug("close " + this); try { popUp.close(); this.unload(); } catch (ex) { // Do nothing } }; this.hide = function() { logLog.debug("hide " + this); if (consoleWindowExists()) { this.close(); } }; this.show = function() { logLog.debug("show " + this); if (!consoleWindowCreated) { open(); } }; this.isVisible = function() { return safeToAppend(); }; // Define useful variables var popUp; // Create open, init, getConsoleWindow and safeToAppend functions open = function() { var windowProperties = "width=" + width + ",height=" + height + ",status,resizable"; var frameInfo = ""; try { var frameEl = window.frameElement; if (frameEl) { frameInfo = "_" + frameEl.tagName + "_" + (frameEl.name || frameEl.id || ""); } } catch (e) { frameInfo = "_inaccessibleParentFrame"; } var windowName = "PopUp_" + location.host.replace(/[^a-z0-9]/gi, "_") + "_" + consoleAppenderId + frameInfo; if (!useOldPopUp || !useDocumentWrite) { // Ensure a previous window isn't used by using a unique name windowName = windowName + "_" + uniqueId; } var checkPopUpClosed = function(win) { if (consoleClosed) { return true; } else { try { return bool(win) && win.closed; } catch(ex) {} } return false; }; var popUpClosedCallback = function() { if (!consoleClosed) { appender.unload(); } }; function finalInit() { getConsoleWindow().setCloseIfOpenerCloses(!useOldPopUp || !useDocumentWrite); consoleWindowLoadHandler(); consoleWindowLoaded = true; appendQueuedLoggingEvents(); pollConsoleWindow(checkPopUpClosed, 500, popUpClosedCallback, "PopUpAppender.checkPopUpClosed: error checking pop-up window"); } try { popUp = window.open(getConsoleUrl(), windowName, windowProperties); consoleClosed = false; consoleWindowCreated = true; if (popUp && popUp.document) { if (useDocumentWrite && useOldPopUp && isLoaded(popUp)) { popUp.mainPageReloaded(); finalInit(); } else { if (useDocumentWrite) { writeHtml(popUp.document); } // Check if the pop-up window object is available var popUpLoadedTest = function(win) { return bool(win) && isLoaded(win); }; if (isLoaded(popUp)) { finalInit(); } else { pollConsoleWindow(popUpLoadedTest, 100, finalInit, "PopUpAppender.init: unable to create console window"); } } } else { isSupported = false; logLog.warn("PopUpAppender.init: pop-ups blocked, please unblock to use PopUpAppender"); if (complainAboutPopUpBlocking) { handleError("log4javascript: pop-up windows appear to be blocked. Please unblock them to use pop-up logging."); } } } catch (ex) { handleError("PopUpAppender.init: error creating pop-up", ex); } }; createWindow = function() { if (!initiallyMinimized) { open(); } }; init = function() { createWindow(); initialized = true; }; getConsoleWindow = function() { return popUp; }; safeToAppend = function() { if (isSupported && !isUndefined(popUp) && !consoleClosed) { if (popUp.closed || (consoleWindowLoaded && isUndefined(popUp.closed))) { // Extra check for Opera appender.unload(); logLog.debug("PopUpAppender: pop-up closed"); return false; } if (!consoleWindowLoaded && isLoaded(popUp)) { consoleWindowLoaded = true; } } return isSupported && consoleWindowLoaded && !consoleClosed; }; } // Expose getConsoleWindow so that automated tests can check the DOM this.getConsoleWindow = getConsoleWindow; }; ConsoleAppender.addGlobalCommandLineFunction = function(functionName, commandLineFunction) { defaultCommandLineFunctions.push([functionName, commandLineFunction]); }; /* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */ function PopUpAppender(lazyInit, initiallyMinimized, useDocumentWrite, width, height) { this.create(false, null, lazyInit, initiallyMinimized, useDocumentWrite, width, height, this.defaults.focusPopUp); } PopUpAppender.prototype = new ConsoleAppender(); PopUpAppender.prototype.defaults = { layout: new PatternLayout("%d{HH:mm:ss} %-5p - %m{1}%n"), initiallyMinimized: false, focusPopUp: false, lazyInit: true, useOldPopUp: true, complainAboutPopUpBlocking: true, newestMessageAtTop: false, scrollToLatestMessage: true, width: "600", height: "400", reopenWhenClosed: false, maxMessages: null, showCommandLine: true, commandLineObjectExpansionDepth: 1, showHideButton: false, showCloseButton: true, useDocumentWrite: true }; PopUpAppender.prototype.toString = function() { return "PopUpAppender"; }; log4javascript.PopUpAppender = PopUpAppender; /* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */ function InPageAppender(container, lazyInit, initiallyMinimized, useDocumentWrite, width, height) { this.create(true, container, lazyInit, initiallyMinimized, useDocumentWrite, width, height, false); } InPageAppender.prototype = new ConsoleAppender(); InPageAppender.prototype.defaults = { layout: new PatternLayout("%d{HH:mm:ss} %-5p - %m{1}%n"), initiallyMinimized: false, lazyInit: true, newestMessageAtTop: false, scrollToLatestMessage: true, width: "100%", height: "220px", maxMessages: null, showCommandLine: true, commandLineObjectExpansionDepth: 1, showHideButton: false, showCloseButton: false, showLogEntryDeleteButtons: true, useDocumentWrite: true }; InPageAppender.prototype.toString = function() { return "InPageAppender"; }; log4javascript.InPageAppender = InPageAppender; // Next line for backwards compatibility log4javascript.InlineAppender = InPageAppender; })(); /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */ // Console extension functions function padWithSpaces(str, len) { if (str.length < len) { var spaces = []; var numberOfSpaces = Math.max(0, len - str.length); for (var i = 0; i < numberOfSpaces; i++) { spaces[i] = " "; } str += spaces.join(""); } return str; } (function() { function dir(obj) { var maxLen = 0; // Obtain the length of the longest property name for (var p in obj) { maxLen = Math.max(toStr(p).length, maxLen); } // Create the nicely formatted property list var propList = []; for (p in obj) { var propNameStr = " " + padWithSpaces(toStr(p), maxLen + 2); var propVal; try { propVal = splitIntoLines(toStr(obj[p])).join(padWithSpaces(newLine, maxLen + 6)); } catch (ex) { propVal = "[Error obtaining property. Details: " + getExceptionMessage(ex) + "]"; } propList.push(propNameStr + propVal); } return propList.join(newLine); } var nodeTypes = { ELEMENT_NODE: 1, ATTRIBUTE_NODE: 2, TEXT_NODE: 3, CDATA_SECTION_NODE: 4, ENTITY_REFERENCE_NODE: 5, ENTITY_NODE: 6, PROCESSING_INSTRUCTION_NODE: 7, COMMENT_NODE: 8, DOCUMENT_NODE: 9, DOCUMENT_TYPE_NODE: 10, DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT_NODE: 11, NOTATION_NODE: 12 }; var preFormattedElements = ["script", "pre"]; // This should be the definitive list, as specified by the XHTML 1.0 Transitional DTD var emptyElements = ["br", "img", "hr", "param", "link", "area", "input", "col", "base", "meta"]; var indentationUnit = " "; // Create and return an XHTML string from the node specified function getXhtml(rootNode, includeRootNode, indentation, startNewLine, preformatted) { includeRootNode = (typeof includeRootNode == "undefined") ? true : !!includeRootNode; if (typeof indentation != "string") { indentation = ""; } startNewLine = !!startNewLine; preformatted = !!preformatted; var xhtml; function isWhitespace(node) { return ((node.nodeType == nodeTypes.TEXT_NODE) && /^[ \t\r\n]*$/.test(node.nodeValue)); } function fixAttributeValue(attrValue) { return attrValue.toString().replace(/&/g, "&").replace(/]*>", "i"); if (regex.test(el.outerHTML)) { return RegExp.$1.toLowerCase(); } } return ""; } var lt = "<"; var gt = ">"; var i, len; if (includeRootNode && rootNode.nodeType != nodeTypes.DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT_NODE) { switch (rootNode.nodeType) { case nodeTypes.ELEMENT_NODE: var tagName = rootNode.tagName.toLowerCase(); xhtml = startNewLine ? newLine + indentation : ""; xhtml += lt; // Allow for namespaces, where present var prefix = getNamespace(rootNode); var hasPrefix = !!prefix; if (hasPrefix) { xhtml += prefix + ":"; } xhtml += tagName; for (i = 0, len = rootNode.attributes.length; i < len; i++) { var currentAttr = rootNode.attributes[i]; // Check the attribute is valid. if (! currentAttr.specified || currentAttr.nodeValue === null || currentAttr.nodeName.toLowerCase() === "style" || typeof currentAttr.nodeValue !== "string" || currentAttr.nodeName.indexOf("_moz") === 0) { continue; } xhtml += " " + currentAttr.nodeName.toLowerCase() + "=\""; xhtml += fixAttributeValue(currentAttr.nodeValue); xhtml += "\""; } // Style needs to be done separately as it is not reported as an // attribute in IE if (rootNode.style.cssText) { var styleValue = getStyleAttributeValue(rootNode); if (styleValue !== "") { xhtml += " style=\"" + getStyleAttributeValue(rootNode) + "\""; } } if (array_contains(emptyElements, tagName) || (hasPrefix && !rootNode.hasChildNodes())) { xhtml += "/" + gt; } else { xhtml += gt; // Add output for childNodes collection (which doesn't include attribute nodes) var childStartNewLine = !(rootNode.childNodes.length === 1 && rootNode.childNodes[0].nodeType === nodeTypes.TEXT_NODE); var childPreformatted = array_contains(preFormattedElements, tagName); for (i = 0, len = rootNode.childNodes.length; i < len; i++) { xhtml += getXhtml(rootNode.childNodes[i], true, indentation + indentationUnit, childStartNewLine, childPreformatted); } // Add the end tag var endTag = lt + "/" + tagName + gt; xhtml += childStartNewLine ? newLine + indentation + endTag : endTag; } return xhtml; case nodeTypes.TEXT_NODE: if (isWhitespace(rootNode)) { xhtml = ""; } else { if (preformatted) { xhtml = rootNode.nodeValue; } else { // Trim whitespace from each line of the text node var lines = splitIntoLines(trim(rootNode.nodeValue)); var trimmedLines = []; for (i = 0, len = lines.length; i < len; i++) { trimmedLines[i] = trim(lines[i]); } xhtml = trimmedLines.join(newLine + indentation); } if (startNewLine) { xhtml = newLine + indentation + xhtml; } } return xhtml; case nodeTypes.CDATA_SECTION_NODE: return "" + newLine; case nodeTypes.DOCUMENT_NODE: xhtml = ""; // Add output for childNodes collection (which doesn't include attribute nodes) for (i = 0, len = rootNode.childNodes.length; i < len; i++) { xhtml += getXhtml(rootNode.childNodes[i], true, indentation); } return xhtml; default: return ""; } } else { xhtml = ""; // Add output for childNodes collection (which doesn't include attribute nodes) for (i = 0, len = rootNode.childNodes.length; i < len; i++) { xhtml += getXhtml(rootNode.childNodes[i], true, indentation + indentationUnit); } return xhtml; } } function createCommandLineFunctions() { ConsoleAppender.addGlobalCommandLineFunction("$", function(appender, args, returnValue) { return document.getElementById(args[0]); }); ConsoleAppender.addGlobalCommandLineFunction("dir", function(appender, args, returnValue) { var lines = []; for (var i = 0, len = args.length; i < len; i++) { lines[i] = dir(args[i]); } return lines.join(newLine + newLine); }); ConsoleAppender.addGlobalCommandLineFunction("dirxml", function(appender, args, returnValue) { var lines = []; for (var i = 0, len = args.length; i < len; i++) { lines[i] = getXhtml(args[i]); } return lines.join(newLine + newLine); }); ConsoleAppender.addGlobalCommandLineFunction("cd", function(appender, args, returnValue) { var win, message; if (args.length === 0 || args[0] === "") { win = window; message = "Command line set to run in main window"; } else { if (args[0].window == args[0]) { win = args[0]; message = "Command line set to run in frame '" + args[0].name + "'"; } else { win = window.frames[args[0]]; if (win) { message = "Command line set to run in frame '" + args[0] + "'"; } else { returnValue.isError = true; message = "Frame '" + args[0] + "' does not exist"; win = appender.getCommandWindow(); } } } appender.setCommandWindow(win); return message; }); ConsoleAppender.addGlobalCommandLineFunction("clear", function(appender, args, returnValue) { returnValue.appendResult = false; appender.clear(); }); ConsoleAppender.addGlobalCommandLineFunction("keys", function(appender, args, returnValue) { var keys = []; for (var k in args[0]) { keys.push(k); } return keys; }); ConsoleAppender.addGlobalCommandLineFunction("values", function(appender, args, returnValue) { var values = []; for (var k in args[0]) { try { values.push(args[0][k]); } catch (ex) { logLog.warn("values(): Unable to obtain value for key " + k + ". Details: " + getExceptionMessage(ex)); } } return values; }); ConsoleAppender.addGlobalCommandLineFunction("expansionDepth", function(appender, args, returnValue) { var expansionDepth = parseInt(args[0], 10); if (isNaN(expansionDepth) || expansionDepth < 0) { returnValue.isError = true; return "" + args[0] + " is not a valid expansion depth"; } else { appender.setCommandLineObjectExpansionDepth(expansionDepth); return "Object expansion depth set to " + expansionDepth; } }); } function init() { // Add command line functions createCommandLineFunctions(); } /* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */ init(); })(); /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */ function createDefaultLogger() { var logger = log4javascript.getLogger(defaultLoggerName); var a = new log4javascript.PopUpAppender(); logger.addAppender(a); return logger; } /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */ // Main load log4javascript.setDocumentReady = function() { pageLoaded = true; log4javascript.dispatchEvent("load", {}); }; if (window.addEventListener) { window.addEventListener("load", log4javascript.setDocumentReady, false); } else if (window.attachEvent) { window.attachEvent("onload", log4javascript.setDocumentReady); } else { var oldOnload = window.onload; if (typeof window.onload != "function") { window.onload = log4javascript.setDocumentReady; } else { window.onload = function(evt) { if (oldOnload) { oldOnload(evt); } log4javascript.setDocumentReady(); }; } } return log4javascript; }, this);