require 'spec_helper' describe Mongo::ServerSelector::SecondaryPreferred do let(:name) { :secondary_preferred } include_context 'server selector' it_behaves_like 'a server selector mode' do let(:slave_ok) { true } end it_behaves_like 'a server selector with sensitive data in its options' it_behaves_like 'a server selector accepting tag sets' describe '#to_mongos' do context 'tag sets provided' do let(:tag_sets) do [ tag_set ] end it 'returns a read preference formatted for mongos' do expect(selector.to_mongos).to eq( { :mode => 'secondaryPreferred', :tags => tag_sets } ) end end context 'tag sets not provided' do it 'returns nil' do expect(selector.to_mongos).to be_nil end end end describe '#select' do context 'no candidates' do let(:candidates) { [] } it 'returns an empty array' do expect(selector.send(:select, candidates)).to be_empty end end context 'single primary candidates' do let(:candidates) { [primary] } it 'returns array with primary' do expect(selector.send(:select, candidates)).to eq([primary]) end end context 'single secondary candidate' do let(:candidates) { [secondary] } it 'returns array with secondary' do expect(selector.send(:select, candidates)).to eq([secondary]) end end context 'primary and secondary candidates' do let(:candidates) { [primary, secondary] } let(:expected) { [secondary, primary] } it 'returns array with secondary first, then primary' do expect(selector.send(:select, candidates)).to eq(expected) end end context 'secondary and primary candidates' do let(:candidates) { [secondary, primary] } let(:expected) { [secondary, primary] } it 'returns array with secondary and primary' do expect(selector.send(:select, candidates)).to eq(expected) end end context 'tag sets provided' do let(:tag_sets) do [ tag_set ] end let(:matching_primary) do server(:primary, :tags => server_tags, address: default_address) end let(:matching_secondary) do server(:secondary, :tags => server_tags, address: default_address) end context 'single candidate' do context 'primary' do let(:candidates) { [primary] } it 'returns array with primary' do expect(selector.send(:select, candidates)).to eq([primary]) end end context 'matching_primary' do let(:candidates) { [matching_primary] } it 'returns array with matching primary' do expect(selector.send(:select, candidates)).to eq([matching_primary]) end end context 'matching secondary' do let(:candidates) { [matching_secondary] } it 'returns array with matching secondary' do expect(selector.send(:select, candidates)).to eq([matching_secondary]) end end context 'secondary' do let(:candidates) { [secondary] } it 'returns an empty array' do expect(selector.send(:select, candidates)).to be_empty end end end context 'multiple candidates' do context 'no matching secondaries' do let(:candidates) { [primary, secondary, secondary] } it 'returns an array with the primary' do expect(selector.send(:select, candidates)).to eq([primary]) end end context 'one matching secondary' do let(:candidates) { [primary, matching_secondary] } it 'returns an array of the matching secondary, then primary' do expect(selector.send(:select, candidates)).to eq( [matching_secondary, primary] ) end end context 'two matching secondaries' do let(:candidates) { [primary, matching_secondary, matching_secondary] } let(:expected) { [matching_secondary, matching_secondary, primary] } it 'returns an array of the matching secondaries, then primary' do expect(selector.send(:select, candidates)).to eq(expected) end end context 'one matching secondary and one matching primary' do let(:candidates) { [matching_primary, matching_secondary] } let(:expected) {[matching_secondary, matching_primary] } it 'returns an array of the matching secondary, then the primary' do expect(selector.send(:select, candidates)).to eq(expected) end end end end context 'high latency servers' do let(:far_primary) { server(:primary, :average_round_trip_time => 100, address: default_address) } let(:far_secondary) { server(:secondary, :average_round_trip_time => 113, address: default_address) } context 'single candidate' do context 'far primary' do let(:candidates) { [far_primary] } it 'returns array with primary' do expect(selector.send(:select, candidates)).to eq([far_primary]) end end context 'far secondary' do let(:candidates) { [far_secondary] } it 'returns an array with the secondary' do expect(selector.send(:select, candidates)).to eq([far_secondary]) end end end context 'multiple candidates' do context 'local primary, local secondary' do let(:candidates) { [primary, secondary] } it 'returns an array with secondary, then primary' do expect(selector.send(:select, candidates)).to eq([secondary, primary]) end end context 'local primary, far secondary' do let(:candidates) { [primary, far_secondary] } it 'returns an array with the secondary, then primary' do expect(selector.send(:select, candidates)).to eq([far_secondary, primary]) end end context 'local secondary' do let(:candidates) { [far_primary, secondary] } let(:expected) { [secondary, far_primary] } it 'returns an array with secondary, then primary' do expect(selector.send(:select, candidates)).to eq(expected) end end context 'far primary, far secondary' do let(:candidates) { [far_primary, far_secondary] } let(:expected) { [far_secondary, far_primary] } it 'returns an array with secondary, then primary' do expect(selector.send(:select, candidates)).to eq(expected) end end context 'two near servers, one far secondary' do context 'near primary, near secondary, far secondary' do let(:candidates) { [primary, secondary, far_secondary] } let(:expected) { [secondary, primary] } it 'returns an array with near secondary, then primary' do expect(selector.send(:select, candidates)).to eq(expected) end end context 'two near secondaries, one far primary' do let(:candidates) { [far_primary, secondary, secondary] } let(:expected) { [secondary, secondary, far_primary] } it 'returns an array with secondaries, then primary' do expect(selector.send(:select, candidates)).to eq(expected) end end end end end end end