module Sidekiq module Hierarchy module Web module Helpers TIME_TO_WORD = { 29030400 => 'year', 2419200 => 'month', 604800 => 'week', 86400 => 'day', 3600 => 'hour', 60 => 'minute', 1 => 'second', } COLLAPSED_SUBTREE_THRESHOLD = 500 ### TEMPLATE HELPERS # Override find_template logic to process arrays of view directories # warning: this may be incompatible with other overrides of find_template, # though that really shouldn't happen if they match the method contract def find_template(views, name, engine, &block) Array(views).each do |view_dir| super(view_dir, name, engine, &block) end end def subtree_template(job) if job.subtree_size > COLLAPSED_SUBTREE_THRESHOLD :_job_tree_collapsed else :_job_tree_node end end ### ROUTE HELPERS def job_url(job=nil) "#{root_path}hierarchy/jobs/#{job.jid if job}" end def workflow_url(workflow=nil) "#{root_path}hierarchy/workflows/#{workflow.jid if workflow}" end def workflow_set_url(status) "#{root_path}hierarchy/workflow_sets/#{status}" end ### FORMATTING HELPERS def safe_relative_time(timestamp) timestamp.nil? ? '-' : relative_time(timestamp) end def time_in_words(time) divisor, period = { |secs, _| time.ceil >= secs }.max_by(&:first) duration = (time / divisor).to_i "#{duration} #{period}#{'s' unless duration == 1}" end ### HUMANIZATION HELPERS def bootstrap_status(status) case status when :enqueued, :requeued 'warning' when :running 'info' when :complete 'success' when :failed 'danger' end end def status_in_words(job) case job.status when :enqueued "enqueued #{safe_relative_time(job.enqueued_at)}" when :requeued "requeued #{safe_relative_time(job.enqueued_at)}" when :running "running #{time_in_words( - job.run_at)}" when :complete "complete in #{time_in_words(job.complete_at - job.run_at)}" when :failed "failed in #{time_in_words(job.failed_at - job.run_at)}" end end end end end end