# encoding: UTF-8 require_relative '../metadata' require_relative 'metadata' # GoodData Module module GoodData # Report Definition # TODO: Add more doc ... class ReportDefinition < GoodData::MdObject root_key :reportDefinition class << self # Method intended to get all objects of that type in a specified project # # @param options [Hash] the options hash # @option options [Boolean] :full if passed true the subclass can decide to pull in full objects. This is desirable from the usability POV but unfortunately has negative impact on performance so it is not the default # @return [Array | Array] Return the appropriate metadata objects or their representation def all(options = { :client => GoodData.connection, :project => GoodData.project }) query('reportdefinition', ReportDefinition, options) end def create_metrics_part(left, top) stuff = Array(left) + Array(top) stuff.select { |item| item.respond_to?(:metric?) && item.metric? }.map do |metric| create_metric_part(metric) end end def create_metric_part(metric) { 'alias' => metric.title, 'uri' => metric.uri } end def create_attribute_part(attrib) { 'attribute' => { 'alias' => '', 'totals' => [], 'uri' => attrib.uri } } end def create_part(stuff) stuff = Array(stuff) parts = stuff.reduce([]) do |memo, item| if item.respond_to?(:metric?) && item.metric? memo else memo << create_attribute_part(item) end memo end if stuff.any? { |item| item.respond_to?(:metric?) && item.metric? } parts << 'metricGroup' end parts end def find(stuff, opts = { :client => GoodData.connection, :project => GoodData.project }) client = opts[:client] fail ArgumentError, 'No :client specified' if client.nil? stuff.map do |item| if item.respond_to?(:attribute?) && item.attribute? item.display_forms.first elsif item.is_a?(String) x = GoodData::MdObject.get_by_id(item, opts) fail "Object given by id \"#{item}\" could not be found" if x.nil? case x.raw_data.keys.first.to_s when 'attribute' GoodData::Attribute.new(x.json).display_forms.first when 'attributeDisplayForm' GoodData::Label.new(x.json) when 'metric' GoodData::Metric.new(x.json) end elsif item.is_a?(Hash) && item.keys.include?(:title) case item[:type].to_s when 'metric' GoodData::Metric.find_first_by_title(item[:title]) when 'attribute' result = GoodData::Attribute.find_first_by_title(item[:title]) result.display_forms.first end elsif item.is_a?(Hash) && (item.keys.include?(:id)) case item[:type].to_s when 'metric' GoodData::Metric.get_by_id(item[:id]) when 'attribute' GoodData::Attribute.get_by_id(item[:id]).display_forms.first when 'label' GoodData::Label.get_by_id(item[:id]) end elsif item.is_a?(Hash) && (item.keys.include?(:identifier)) case item[:type].to_s when 'metric' GoodData::Metric.get_by_id(item[:identifier]) when 'attribute' result = GoodData::Attribute.get_by_id(item[:identifier]) result.display_forms.first when 'label' GoodData::Label.get_by_id(item[:identifier]) end else item end end end def execute(options = {}) left = Array(options[:left]) top = Array(options[:top]) metrics = (left + top).select { |item| item.respond_to?(:metric?) && item.metric? } unsaved_metrics = metrics.reject { |i| i.saved? } unsaved_metrics.each { |m| m.title = 'Untitled metric' unless m.title } begin unsaved_metrics.each { |m| m.save } rd = GoodData::ReportDefinition.create(options) data_result(execute_inline(rd, options), options) ensure unsaved_metrics.each { |m| m.delete if m && m.saved? } end end def execute_inline(rd, opts = { :client => GoodData.connection, :project => GoodData.project }) client = opts[:client] fail ArgumentError, 'No :client specified' if client.nil? p = opts[:project] fail ArgumentError, 'No :project specified' if p.nil? project = GoodData::Project[p, opts] fail ArgumentError, 'Wrong :project specified' if project.nil? rd = rd.respond_to?(:json) ? rd.json : rd data = { report_req: { definitionContent: { content: rd, projectMetadata: project.links['metadata'] } } } uri = "/gdc/app/projects/#{project.pid}/execute" client.post(uri, data) end # TODO: refactor the method. It should be instance method # Method used for getting a data_result from a wire representation of # @param result [Hash, Object] Wire data from JSON # @return [GoodData::ReportDataResult] def data_result(result, options = { :client => GoodData.connection }) client = options[:client] fail ArgumentError, 'No :client specified' if client.nil? data_result_uri = result['execResult']['dataResult'] result = client.poll_on_response(data_result_uri) do |body| body && body['taskState'] && body['taskState']['status'] == 'WAIT' end if result.empty? client.create(EmptyResult, result) else client.create(ReportDataResult, result) end end def create(options = { :client => GoodData.connection, :project => GoodData.project }) client = options[:client] fail ArgumentError, 'No :client specified' if client.nil? p = options[:project] fail ArgumentError, 'No :project specified' if p.nil? project = GoodData::Project[p, options] fail ArgumentError, 'Wrong :project specified' if project.nil? left = Array(options[:left]) top = Array(options[:top]) left = ReportDefinition.find(left, options) top = ReportDefinition.find(top, options) # TODO: Put somewhere for i18n fail_msg = 'All metrics in report definition must be saved' fail fail_msg unless (left + top).all? { |i| i.saved? } pars = { 'reportDefinition' => { 'content' => { 'grid' => { 'sort' => { 'columns' => [], 'rows' => [] }, 'columnWidths' => [], 'columns' => ReportDefinition.create_part(top), 'metrics' => ReportDefinition.create_metrics_part(left, top), 'rows' => ReportDefinition.create_part(left) }, 'format' => 'grid', 'filters' => [] }, 'meta' => { 'tags' => '', 'summary' => '', 'title' => 'Untitled report definition' } } } # TODO: write test for report definitions with explicit identifiers pars['reportDefinition']['meta']['identifier'] = options[:identifier] if options[:identifier] client.create(ReportDefinition, pars, :project => project) end end def attribute_parts cols = content['grid']['columns'] || [] rows = content['grid']['rows'] || [] items = cols + rows items.select { |item| item.is_a?(Hash) && item.keys.first == 'attribute' } end def attributes labels.map { |label| label.attribute } end def labels attribute_parts.map { |part| project.labels(part['attribute']['uri']) } end def metric_parts content['grid']['metrics'] end def metrics metric_parts.map { |i| project.metrics(i['uri']) } end def execute(opts = { :client => GoodData.connection, :project => GoodData.project }) opts = { :client => client, :project => project } result = if saved? pars = { 'report_req' => { 'reportDefinition' => uri } } client.post '/gdc/xtab2/executor', pars else ReportDefinition.execute_inline(self, opts) end ReportDefinition.data_result(result, opts) end def filters content['filters'].map { |f| f['expression'] } end # Replace certain object in report definition. Returns new definition which is not saved. # # @param what [GoodData::MdObject | String] Object which responds to uri or a string that should be replaced # @option for_what [GoodData::MdObject | String] Object which responds to uri or a string that should used as replacement # @return [Array | Array] Return the appropriate metadata objects or their representation def replace(what, for_what = nil) pairs = if what.is_a?(Hash) whats = what.keys to_whats = what.values whats.zip(to_whats) else [[what, for_what]] end pairs.each do |pair| what = pair[0] for_what = pair[1] uri_what = what.respond_to?(:uri) ? what.uri : what uri_for_what = for_what.respond_to?(:uri) ? for_what.uri : for_what content['grid']['metrics'] = metric_parts.map do |item| item.deep_dup.tap do |i| i['uri'].gsub!(uri_what, uri_for_what) end end cols = content['grid']['columns'] || [] content['grid']['columns'] = cols.map do |item| if item.is_a?(Hash) item.deep_dup.tap do |i| i['attribute']['uri'].gsub!(uri_what, uri_for_what) end else item end end rows = content['grid']['rows'] || [] content['grid']['rows'] = rows.map do |item| if item.is_a?(Hash) item.deep_dup.tap do |i| i['attribute']['uri'].gsub!(uri_what, uri_for_what) end else item end end widths = content['grid']['columnWidths'] || [] content['grid']['columnWidths'] = widths.map do |item| if item.is_a?(Hash) item.deep_dup.tap do |i| if i['locator'][0].key?('attributeHeaderLocator') i['locator'][0]['attributeHeaderLocator']['uri'].gsub!(uri_what, uri_for_what) end end else item end end sort = content['grid']['sort']['columns'] || [] content['grid']['sort']['columns'] = sort.map do |item| if item.is_a?(Hash) item.deep_dup.tap do |i| next unless i.key?('metricSort') next unless i['metricSort'].key?('locators') next unless i['metricSort']['locators'][0].key?('attributeLocator2') i['metricSort']['locators'][0]['attributeLocator2']['uri'].gsub!(uri_what, uri_for_what) i['metricSort']['locators'][0]['attributeLocator2']['element'].gsub!(uri_what, uri_for_what) end else item end end if content.key?('chart') content['chart']['buckets'] = content['chart']['buckets'].reduce({}) do |a, e| key = e[0] val = e[1] # binding.pry a[key] = val.map do |item| item.deep_dup.tap do |i| i['uri'].gsub!(uri_what, uri_for_what) end end a end end content['filters'] = filters.map { |filter_expression| { 'expression' => filter_expression.gsub(uri_what, uri_for_what) } } end self end end end