module Rouge module Formatters # Transforms a token stream into an array of # formatted text fragments for use with Prawn. class Prawn < Formatter tag 'prawn' EOL = %(\n) NoBreakSpace = %(\u00a0) InnerIndent = %(\n ) GuardedIndent = %(\u00a0) GuardedInnerIndent = %(\n\u00a0) BoldStyle = [:bold].to_set ItalicStyle = [:italic].to_set BoldItalicStyle = [:bold, :italic].to_set def initialize opts = {} unless ::Rouge::Theme === (theme = opts[:theme]) unless theme && (theme = ::Rouge::Theme.find theme) theme = ::Rouge::Themes::Pastie end theme = end @theme = theme @normalized_colors = {} @linenum_fragment_base = (create_fragment Token['Generic.Lineno']).merge linenum: true end # Override format method so fragments don't get flatted to a string # and to add an options Hash. def format tokens, opts = {} stream tokens, opts end def stream tokens, opts = {} if opts[:line_numbers] # TODO implement line number start (offset) linenum = 0 fragments = [] fragments << (create_linenum_fragment linenum += 1) tokens.each do |tok, val| if val == EOL fragments << { text: EOL } fragments << (create_linenum_fragment linenum += 1) elsif val.include? EOL base_fragment = create_fragment tok, val val.each_line do |line| fragments << (base_fragment.merge text: line) # NOTE append linenum fragment if there's a next line; only works if source doesn't have trailing endline if line.end_with? EOL fragments << (create_linenum_fragment linenum += 1) end end else fragments << (create_fragment tok, val) end end # NOTE drop orphaned linenum fragment (due to trailing endline in source) fragments.pop if (last_fragment = fragments[-1]) && last_fragment[:linenum] # NOTE pad numbers that have less digits than the largest line number if (linenum_w = (linenum / 10) + 1) > 1 # NOTE extra column is the trailing space after the line number linenum_w += 1 fragments.each do |fragment| fragment[:text] = %(#{fragment[:text].rjust linenum_w, NoBreakSpace}) if fragment[:linenum] end end fragments else start_of_line = true do |tok, val| # match one or more consecutive endlines if val == EOL || (val == (EOL * val.length)) start_of_line = true { text: val } else val[0] = GuardedIndent if start_of_line && (val.start_with? ' ') val.gsub! InnerIndent, GuardedInnerIndent if val.include? InnerIndent start_of_line = val.end_with? EOL # NOTE this optimization assumes we don't support/use background colors val.rstrip.empty? ? { text: val } : (create_fragment tok, val) end end # QUESTION should we strip trailing newline? end end # TODO method could still be optimized (for instance, check if val is EOL or empty) def create_fragment tok, val = nil fragment = val ? { text: val } : {} if (style_rules = @theme.style_for tok) # TODO support background color if (fg = normalize_color style_rules.fg) fragment[:color] = fg end if style_rules[:bold] fragment[:styles] = style_rules[:italic] ? BoldItalicStyle : BoldStyle elsif style_rules[:italic] fragment[:styles] = ItalicStyle end end fragment end def create_linenum_fragment linenum @linenum_fragment_base.merge text: %(#{linenum} ) end def normalize_color raw return unless raw if (normalized = @normalized_colors[raw]) normalized else normalized = (raw.start_with? '#') ? raw[1..-1] : raw normalized = {|c| c * 2 }.join if normalized.size == 3 @normalized_colors[raw] = normalized end end end end end