# originally gleaned from http://p.ramaze.net/17901 require 'rubygems' require 'rdoc' require 'rdoc/ri/driver' require 'sane' begin gem 'arguments' # TODO why is this necessary? require 'arguments' # rogerdpack-arguments rescue LoadError require 'arguments' # 1.9 end require 'ruby2ruby' module SourceLocationDesc # add a Method#desc which spits out all it knows about that method # ri, location, local ri, etc. # TODO does this work with class methods? def desc want_just_summary = false, want_the_description_returned = false doc = [] # to_s is something like "#" # or # # or "#" # or "#" string = to_s if string.include? ')#' # case # string =~ /\((.*)\)/ # extract out what is between parentheses for the classname class_name = $1 elsif string.include?( '(' ) && string.include?( ').' ) # case "Method: Order(id:...).class_method" string =~ /Method: (.*)\(/ class_name = $1 elsif string =~ /Method: (.*)\..*>/ # case "#" class_name = $1 else # case "#" string =~ /Method: (.*)#.*/ class_name = $1 end # now get method name, type string =~ /Method: .*([#\.])(.*)>/ # include the # or . joiner = $1 method_name = $2 full_name = "#{class_name}#{joiner}#{method_name}" puts "#{to_s} arity: #{arity}" # TODO add to doc, I want it before ri for now though :) # now run default RI for it begin puts 'ri for ' + full_name RDoc::RI::Driver.run [full_name, '--no-pager'] unless want_just_summary rescue *[StandardError, SystemExit] # not found end puts '(end ri)' # now gather up any other information we now about it, in case there are no rdocs if !(respond_to? :source_location) # pull out names for 1.8 begin klass = eval(class_name) # we don't call to_ruby to overcome ruby2ruby bug http://rubyforge.org/tracker/index.php?func=detail&aid=26891&group_id=1513&atid=5921 if joiner == '#' doc << RubyToRuby.new.process(ParseTree.translate(klass, method_name)) else doc << RubyToRuby.new.process(ParseTree.translate(klass.singleton_class, method_name)) end args = Arguments.names( klass, method_name) rescue Arguments.names(klass.singleton_class, method_name) out = [] args.each{|arg_pair| out << arg_pair.join(' = ') } out = out.join(', ') return out if want_just_summary doc << "Parameters: #{method_name}(" + out + ")" rescue Exception => e puts "fail to parse tree: #{class_name} #{e} #{e.backtrace}" if $VERBOSE end else # 1.9.x file, line = source_location if file # then it's a pure ruby method doc << "at #{file}:#{line}" all_lines = File.readlines(file) head_and_sig = all_lines[0...line] sig = head_and_sig[-1] head = head_and_sig[0..-2] doc << sig head.reverse_each do |line| break unless line =~ /^\s*#(.*)/ doc.unshift " " + $1.strip end # now the real code will end with 'end' same whitespace as the first sig_white_space = sig.scan(/\W+/)[0] body = all_lines[line..-1] body.each{|line| doc << line if line.start_with?(sig_white_space + "end") break end } # how do I get the rest now? return sig + "\n" + head[0] if want_just_summary else doc << 'appears to be a c method' end if respond_to? :parameters doc << "Original code signature: %s" % sig.to_s.strip if sig doc << "#parameters signature: %s( %p )" % [name, parameters] end end puts doc # always output it since RI does currently [todo make optional I suppose, and non out-putty] doc if want_the_description_returned # give them something they can examine end named_args_for :desc # just for fun, tests use it too, plus it should actually wurk without interfering...I think end class Method; include SourceLocationDesc; end class UnboundMethod; include SourceLocationDesc; end # TODO mixin from a separate module class Object # currently rather verbose, but will attempt to describe all it knows about a method def desc_method name, options = {} if self.is_a? Class # i.e. String.strip instance_method(name).desc(options) rescue method(name).desc(options) # rescue allows for Class.instance_method_name else method(name).desc(options) end end end =begin doctest: >> require 'pathname' it should display the name >> Pathname.instance_method(:children).desc(:want_the_description_returned => true).grep(/children/).size > 0 => true # ["#"] and arity >> Pathname.instance_method(:children).desc(:want_the_description_returned => true).grep(/arity/) => ["# arity: -1"] # todo: one that is guaranteed to exit you early [no docs at all ever] wurx with class methods >> class A; def self.go(a = 3); a=5; end; end >> class A; def go2(a=4) a =7; end; end >> A.desc_method(:go) >> A.desc_method(:go2) >> File.desc_method :delete =end